70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (2024)

Do you think that emotional love messages for boyfriend are just for Valentine’s Day or anniversaries? Well, even though they are perfect for special occasions, you can use these emotional love messages for boyfriend whenever you think of him.

He needs to know how much you care for him, and we have found just the right words so you can tell him.

Emotional love messages for boyfriend are made with love to spread the love. When you want to send your boyfriend a perfect text that says everything, choose one of these emotional love messages for boyfriend.

They are heartwarming and romantic, and you can use them whenever you want.

Any time you think of your boyfriend is the right time to send him one of the emotional love messages for boyfriend.

70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (1)

It’s sometimes hard to find the right words, but don’t let that stop you from expressing your love; you don’t have to trouble yourself with finding the right words when we have found them for you.

Emotional love messages for boyfriend are made of the words your boyfriend longs to hear from you, even though he might not be aware of it.

So, use them whenever you have the chance and make your boyfriend happy. He’ll surely smile as soon as he reads the emotional love messages for boyfriend you sent him.

Use them in the morning to start his day with a sweet message or send him one of these love messages before he goes to bed so he will dream of you.

You can even send emotional love messages for boyfriend to brighten his mood when he’s having a tough day at work.

70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (2)

Emotional love messages for boyfriend are thoughtful, creative, unique, and heart-touching. So, if you want your boyfriend to really understand the depths of your love, send him one right now!

We have a big collection of emotional love messages for boyfriend that you can choose from.

A sweet message for him could be exactly the thing he needed to feel better about himself and your relationship. So, use these love messages to prove your love for him and make him happy.

Any of these emotional love messages for him could do the trick but choose the best ones to suit him.

If the shorter love messages for boyfriend seem too short for you, you can always choose one of the long love messages for him. It’s hard to fit all of your love into one simple text, but emotional love messages for him achieve that.

70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (3)

Don’t forget that you can always change love messages for boyfriend a little to better suit your relationship.

Whether you send him short or long love messages, they’ll make him see how much he means to you.

So wait no further and check out our list! Choose from it and send the best text that you have found, but don’t forget to come back to the list for more and send one again!

Contents show

Emotional love messages for boyfriend

70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (4)

1. I thank you for loving me for who I am and not for what I am. I thank you for believing in my future, and not counting my past. In turn, I will love you with everything in me today, tomorrow, and until my heart ceases to beat.

2. Having you in my life is a blessing because you make my day bright and shower me with love each new day. You have made me your number one and given me your utmost love, which compares to nothing. You’ve filled my heart with joy and happiness, and I find many reasons to smile when I’m with you.

3. You are the sweetest beginning of a never-ending love story. You are the prince charming, and I’m the princess in the story.

4. I may not be your first love, first kiss, or a first date, but I just want to be your last everything.

5. I don’t need a million reasons to feel special. All I want is you to reside in this world. You’re the sunshine of my life.

6. Your smile is my sunrise; And your kiss is my sunset. Thank you for being the most wonderful friend and companion and making my day beautiful every day.

7. They say nothing lasts forever, but I want us to be that nothing that lasts forever coz it’s you and I stuck together for life! I love you from now until forever.

8. When in the crowd, you are the only one I see. I love you.

9. It is not often that we come across someone who is a true gem, someone who we can look up to, love, and adore. I am lucky I have found you, my love.

10. I searched for the man who will complement me in all ways and found you. Ever since I allowed you into my life, it has been all bliss and no regrets.

70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (5)

11. You came into my heart and took over the throne, and you ruled my heart with love, care, affection, and happiness. I feel lucky to have you as my own. You’ll forever remain enthroned to my heart as my King.

12. Every time I try to keep my heart away from you, it revolts and escapes. My heart finds you and wants to be locked up in you forever!

13. My world was so empty and dark that it all seemed so meaningless to me. But when I met you, suddenly it felt like the sky over me has lightened up by a thousand stars. I love you!

14. I won’t ever promise you everything on the planet, but I will guarantee you everything my heart brings out because you possess my heart.

15. Life ends when you stop dreaming, hope ends when you stop believing, and love ends when you stop caring. So dream, hope, and love… it makes life beautiful.

16. You’re love defined, love expressed, and love personified! My experience of love with you is the sweetest memory I’ll hold in my heart forever! I love you to the moon and back.

Love messages for boyfriend

70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (6)

17. You are the moon in my sky. My world is dark without you, my love.

18. Baby, if you want to have an idea of how much I love you, take a trip to the ocean. As far as it runs and as wide as it stretches, so does my love for you.

19. With you by my side, I’m not scared of anything that comes my way. One thing I’m sure of is that I love you and will always do. I’m never leaving you behind because life makes no sense to me without you.

20. In your arms, I have found a perfect hiding place for me. I can avoid the rest of the world and still feel like I have everything right here, right in your arms.

21. It’s hard to find someone willing to stay with you in every up and down of your life. I feel blessed to have you in my life because I know no matter what happens you will never stop loving me!

22. Darling, there’s something I have not told you, those little minutes with you are so valuable to me.

23. Everyone sees who I appear to be, but only a few know the real me, you only see what I choose to show, there’s so much behind my smile you just don’t know. And give me a chance, because I want you to know.

24. Every emotion that I feel starts and ends with you, you’re all that I need for life. I love you, and my love for you is true!

25. When I think of you my heart skips, when I see you my heartbeat races, I think my heart responds just to you my love.

26. Never make me cry for your love honey because you are all I have in this world.

27. By only thinking of you, my heart flips. No one has ever made me feel that way. I already concluded that you are my better half because you are a blessing to my life and the best thing that ever happened to me. You are the part of me I didn’t realize was missing, till you showed up. I wish you were here with me to grab my arms and pull me to your warm cuddle.

70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (7)

28. I was a nobody going nowhere. But you made me feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Your love is what I need and what I want for the rest of my life.

29. Even if the stars fail to shine, and the moon refuses to light up the world, I know I have nothing to fear. I have my guardian angel to look after me, care for me, and love me forever and always. I love you!

30. Even your smile can shine brighter than a thousand sun. You light up my life in every conceivable manner. Never stop doing this!

Long love messages for him

70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (8)

31. Love that we think we cannot have is the one that lasts the longest hurts the deepest, and yet feels the strongest. We’ve been through our fair share of struggles, but I am sure we will always be together through thick and thin. I love you.

32. When I say “I love you,” I mean every letter in that sentence, I can’t imagine a life without you, you’re the light that brightens my day, and you’re the hope that I see each day, I love you more than you can imagine.

33. If the amount of time spent thinking about you could be converted to cash, I’d be the richest person on earth. Love you plenty.

34. I cannot imagine my world without you, and you’re not just my love but also my man. Your love is like a duvet that shields me from the cold weather of life. Your love is the air I breathe, for me to live I need you every day. I try to do things just like you, and I want to be as amazing as you are. With each day spent in your company, I feel great. Your presence does magic because it makes me feel special.

35. You came during the darkest days of my life. I was dispirited and broken inside. And when everything was but a mess, Your love shone the brightest. Then I started to dream of a bright future with you. I love you. I surely do.

36. I have always dreamt of having a loved one breathtaking and unique, just like it’s in the movies. To get love as exquisite and astonishing, just like it’s in love books. And here I am today, living that dream, because of you, my life is all brilliant, meaningful, and ecstatic. I am glad I have you in my life. Thank you.

70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (9)

37. Life is full of surprises and finding you was the best of them all. Love you madly, deeply, and sincerely. I will always be yours, and I’m so happy to know you feel the same.

38. Not a day would pass without your love proving that we’re meant for each other, I see my future in your eyes and yours in mine, and I say I’m stuck with you forever! It’s you and I together, forever.

39. I cannot express my sincere gratitude to you for what you have done for me. If not for you, I wouldn’t have known what it feels like to experience real love. You’ve been there for me even during my awful days, and my heart is filled with gratitude for the care and affection. I love you because you are the most fantastic thing that has ever happened to me.

Love messages for him

70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (10)

40. Whenever you hold my hand, something in me says we’ll never let go of each other no matter what comes before us.

41. The more I spend time with you, the more I fall in love with you every day. You have a very gentle and beautiful heart that I promise to take care of all my life. I love you!

42. My heart desires to be with you every moment of my life. Your love draws me nearer to you like a magnet. You’re the only person with whom I could be myself without all the worries of being judged.

43. If loving you is wrong, then I don’t wanna be right; My love for you is strong and brighter than any light; The way we must go is long, but we’ll win every fight!

44. The most unrealistic thing for me is when you’re not by my side, I can’t explain the feeling, but it’s like when an important part of one’s body is missing! You’re that one important part of me I can’t do without.

45. You are a priceless jewel I have found; I promise myself never to lose you. I love you plenty.

70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (11)

46. I don’t care what becomes of our relationship in the future; all I care about is that I won’t ever bring myself to stop loving you.

47. I feel great joy and happiness whenever I find myself in your company. You’ve loved me unconditionally and made me a happy woman. You gave me your undivided attention and supported me in hard times without complaints. Your love for me is indescribable because it’s the best thing in the world.

48. I may not be the perfect girlfriend, but I know how to love you like no one does, and no one will never do. Because I love you more than myself.

49. It takes great luck to have someone like you as a boyfriend. I feel blessed every day and every moment for this gift. I will love you till my last breath, no matter what life brings before us!

Emotional love messages for him

70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (12)

50. Some people look for a perfect person to love. But, they don’t realize that a person becomes perfect when we begin to love them.

51. The thought of you gives me chills, and when you’re around me, I feel like the day is faster, and that’s because I want to spend all of the days by your side! Your love is what makes me come alive.

52. I couldn’t imagine what my life would look like if I hadn’t met you. I love you forever.

53. I will be there whenever you need me. Even when you don’t need me, I will be there for you, hon’.

54. Wherever I go, whatever I do, I always see one or two things that remind me of you and your love for me. Thinking of how far we’ve come together, how you took my miserable life and turned it into the beautiful palace it is today. All my friends keep reminding me of how lucky I am to have you in my life, even though I am aware of that. You turned out to be the best thing that has ever happened to me, and I’m glad to have you in my life.

55. You’re not a wizard. But your eyes had me spell-bounded right from the moment I met you. Tell me its love, not an illusion!

70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (13)

56. They say love can’t be seen, it can only be felt. But they were wrong. I have seen it many times. I have seen true love for me in your eyes. And it’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!

57. Each day we spend apart makes me more excited to be reunited with you. Meanwhile, know that you are in my mind (and my heart) every day!

58. There’s a love that only you can give, a smile that only your lips can show, a twinkle that can only be seen in your eyes, and a life of mine that you alone can complete.

59. I’ll love you till the end of time, and that’s if there’s really an end. I just want to let you know that I’ll be the luckiest woman on earth since I have you to spend the rest of my life with!

Sweet message for him

70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (14)

60. The beauty of love isn’t the ecstatic feeling but the beautiful inspirations that come to mind knowing you are willing to share your life with me. I love you forever.

61. I respect you for being a man of your words. That is why I believe you wholeheartedly when you say you love me.

62. Your presence brings joy and happiness that has no bound. Nothing else matters to me as long as you are with me. Falling in love with you is one of the most beautiful things that has ever happened to me. I love you beyond what words can describe.

63. Nothing in this world can ever keep us apart from each other. We may sometimes fight with each other, but we also know how to fight for each other.

64. I can’t decide if the best part of my day is waking up next to you, or going to sleep with you. Hurry home so I can compare the two again.

65. The majority of women have a certain level of fear about growing older, as did I. But as long as I get the chance to grow old with you, I know I will be just fine.

70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (15)

66. I want a hug from you. A hug where you wrap your arms around me so tight and assure me that everything will be okay.

67. You’re the love of my life, the one I’m in love with, and this didn’t happen just once coz I’m falling in love with you every passing day! I love you, and words can’t express that.

68. Today I want to say thank you. Thank you for making me know I am worthy of love. I love you forever.

69. I never knew I could love a man silly until I met you. I am now a helpless romantic, all thanks to you.

70. When I’m with you, I feel loved, cherished, adored, and happy. No day passes by without receiving love from you, and I feel more satisfied with each day passing by. When I’m in sorrow and press down, you give me your helping hand and put a smile on my face. Being with you gives me the happiest feeling ever.

70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (16)
70 Emotional Love Messages For Boyfriend - Think aloud (2024)


What message can make him cry? ›

Here are some touching love messages to make him cry: “No matter how far apart we are, my love for you will never fade. You're the one who makes my heart beat faster, and I can't wait until we're together again.” “Every time I think of you, my heart swells with love and happiness.

How to touch his heart with words? ›

Touching love messages
  1. I cherish the moments we spend together.
  2. I love knowing we can make it through anything.
  3. You are so sweet and loving. ...
  4. I love you. ...
  5. Life seems more meaningful ever since I met you.
  6. I want to be the reason behind your smile.
  7. The only time I smile at my phone is when I get text messages from you.
Jul 18, 2023

How to make him cry and miss you? ›

Make him cry by emphasizing how deeply you're in love with him. Be honest about all the romantic feelings you have about him, and tell him in detail about how he makes you feel. You can show your love to someone in many ways, but just sometimes, you need to hear (or read) those words to feel reassured.

How do I make him feel loved over text? ›

Romantic Love Messages for Him
  1. Your voice is my favorite sound.
  2. So far, every moment we've spent together has been awesome. ...
  3. If only you knew how much those little moments with you matter to me.
  4. You have no idea how much my heart races when I see you.
  5. I love when I catch you looking at me.
Oct 8, 2023

How do I make him feel special over text? ›

Romantic and Thoughtful Texts to Send to Your Boyfriend to Make Him Feel Special
  1. 1 “You're the best thing that's ever happened to me.”
  2. 2 “I love the thought of growing old with you.”
  3. 3 “I've found my person, at last. ...
  4. 4 “I didn't know it was possible to love someone this much.”
  5. 5 “Life didn't make sense until I met you.”

How do you melt a guy's heart over text? ›

12 Ways to Make Him Miss You Like Crazy over Text (with Examples)
  1. 1 Give him a sweet compliment.
  2. 2 Thank him for something he's done.
  3. 3 Send him a flirty text.
  4. 4 Ask for his advice.
  5. 5 Remind him of your memories together.
  6. 6 Mention how much you miss him.
  7. 7 Share a cute pic.
  8. 8 Set up a time to get together.

How do you make a man fall deeply in love with you messages? ›

A love message for him to fall in love again and again.
  1. I promise to stand by you through thick and thin.
  2. Our love story is written in the stars.
  3. I'm committed to nurturing our love and making it grow.
  4. With you, I've found my forever.
  5. I vow to cherish and protect our love.
  6. I promise to be your rock and your refuge.

What is the deepest love quote for him? ›

I love you without knowing how, or when, or from where. I love you straightforwardly, without complexities or pride; so I love you because I know no other way.

What is a sweet hot love message for him? ›

Romantic Love Messages for Husband

I feel safest and happiest when I'm in your arms. I choose you every day, and I'm so lucky you choose me, too. I didn't know what marrying your best friend meant until I met you. You're my first thought every morning and my last thought before I go to sleep.

How to make him crazy miss you? ›

10 proven ways to make a guy miss you
  1. Make him wait before replying his texts. ...
  2. Add some mystery to your experiences together. ...
  3. Have adventures with him (and your friends) ...
  4. Show a bit of interest in someone (or something) else. ...
  5. Give yourself a makeover. ...
  6. Leave him wanting more.
Jan 18, 2018

What to say to make him realize he hurt you? ›

For example; “I don't deserve to be treated like this, especially by you.” “I thought you were better than this, it's clear that you don't love or respect me as much as you say.” “I can't believe you would do/say something like that, it's really hurtful and disrespectful.”

What to say to your boyfriend over text to make him cry? ›

Touching love messages to make him cry
  • “Hey there, my sweet baby! ...
  • “To my dearest cutie, it's incredible how you've managed to make every moment together feel like a romantic adventure. ...
  • “My heart skips a beat when I think of you, my love. ...
  • “You, my sunshine, light up my world in ways I never thought possible.
Mar 27, 2024

How can I melt my boyfriend's heart with words? ›

Romantic things to say to your boyfriend
  1. 31. " You make me feel like a million bucks."
  2. 32. " I love every little thing about you."
  3. 33. " You could never bore me."
  4. 34. " Your intelligence is so attractive."
  5. 35. " I can't stop telling my friends how great you are."
  6. 36. " You are so handsome."
  7. 37. " ...
  8. 38. "
Dec 7, 2023

How to make a man cry for hurting you over text? ›

Sad messages to make him cry
  1. I will never lie to you because I find it difficult to figure out why you chose to hurt my feelings.
  2. You promised you would never hurt me, yet you managed to do it to me in the worst way possible.
  3. I never wanted you to hurt me. ...
  4. You hurt me, and I cry, but that's not painful.
Dec 5, 2023

What is a painful text to make her cry? ›

Heartbreaking Messages for thе Brokеnhеartеd

Every breath feels heavy without you by my side. Words cannot express the depth of my sorrow. My heart is shattered, but my love for you remains. Though we are apart, your pain is also mine.


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Name: Lidia Grady

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Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.