đŸ€– No-code Automation on LinkedIn: How to export newest videos from a YouTube channel in 1 minute! (2024) đŸ€– No-code Automation


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There are several reasons why you may want to export videos from a YouTube channel. It may be for competitor analysis or just for later reference.Either way, in today’s guide, I aim to show you how you can quickly and easily export the latest videos posted within the last 7 days from any YouTube channel using an automation bot!I’ve added the link to this bot in the first comment for quick access.This guide was motivated by a user’s email to me:“How can I export all new videos for the last week from a YouTube channel? The YouTube channel does not belong to me, but I’m hoping there’s a way.”I quickly recommended that this user take advantage of the power of this amazing automation tool called the YouTube Channel Analyzer.The YouTube Channel Analyzer will scan a YouTube channel’s videos and extract every information there is to find about them, all within a minute.How to launch the bot:- Open the bot's page- Select the number of videos to export (per channel)- Set date range (e.g. tick 7 previous days)- Enter the channel link- Start the botThe bot will extract:- Video URL- Total view count- Video title- Video descriptionAnd lots more!Use this bot for:- Checking people’s perception of your videos - Checking people’s perception of your competitors’ videos- Tracking users’ reactions to your and your competitors’ video contentAfter following the steps above, the user was able to extract the videos they needed without any stress.It doesn’t matter whether the target channel is yours or not. As long as it’s a YouTube channel, just enter the channel URL and export the data you need!Have you used this bot in the past? Tell me about your experience in the comments below!#youtubetools

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    Are you an avid crypto trader and would like to get regular updates straight to your Telegram inbox whenever rates change on Binance? I've got you covered!Judging by the speed of Telegram notifications, it is the best place to receive updates on crypto changes.So quickly, I will show you how to set up an automated bot that can do exactly just that!This guide was motivated by this user's request:“Is there a way I can monitor crypto rates and receive regular notifs to Telegram? I'd like to have something like that.”I immediately recommended that this user check out the Binance P2P Data Exporter.This Binance P2P Data Exporter will extract peer-to-peer (P2P) cryptocurrency rates along with their meta-data from Binance to a spreadsheet file. And you can easily connect it to your Telegram!How to launch the bot:- Open the bot's page- Select the currency (e.g. USDT)- Select the Fiat money (e.g. USD)- Specify payment type (e.g. Bank transfer)- Specify transaction type (Buy/Sell)- Set the limit- Set time and schedule- In the notifications section, select Telegram- Tick “Send notifications to Telegram”- Write down your connection code- Click “Connect to Telegram” to open Telegram on your PC- In Telegram’s Botster DM, click ‘Start”- Reply with your connection code- Go back to your browser and start the bot!And that’s it! You’re done!After following the steps above, the user was able to set up automatic notifications for Binance and have them delivered to Telegram!Keep it in mind that you can set up this bot for any currency of your choice. Simply follow the steps above and you’ll be done in no time!Have you used this bot for Binance rate notifications before? Tell me about it in the comments!#cryptotools

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    Did you know there is a lot you find out in a website’s HTML code? Did you know you can scan HTML code for keywords and easily find a point of contact in a company?I’m here to tell you that you can! In fact, you can scan an entire website’s HTML code in just about 2 minutes!With the help of the HTML Code Scanner, checking HTML code for specific keywords is a breeze!I’ve pasted its link in the first comment below for quicker access. Do check it out!#websitetools

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    Important update:The Email to Messengers Forwarder now features an 'Edit with AI' option. You can modify your messages using ChatGPT.Find the bot link in the first comment below.#automationtools

    • đŸ€– No-code Automation on LinkedIn: How to export newest videos from a YouTube channel in 1 minute! (5)
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    As a busy business owner playing the role of an office and administrative staff, it can be easy to forget the little things. That’s why you need the help of automation bots in running your business.So quickly, let me introduce you to a sitemap monitoring tool that can check your website’s sitemap regularly and notify you if there is a problem anywhere!This XML sitemap crawler tool will only take a moment to set up, and it will function for as long as you leave it on, sending you regular updates.This bot is called the XML Sitemap Monitor, and I’ve pasted its link in the first comment below!As an example, in this video we will be monitoring the sitemap links of an online magazine.#websitetools

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    Email marketing is a sure-fire way to success as an online business owner! Or so you’ve been told. While that statement stands true to this day, what no one has told you is that the tools you use determine how little or how much that success will be.That is why in today’s short guide, I’ll show you 4 automation tools that can revolutionize how you do email marketing!For quick access, I’ve added the links to these tools in the first comment below!1. Phone, Email and Contact ScraperThe Phone, Email and Contact Scraper is a tool specially designed to extract contact details from business websites, including emails, phone numbers, social accounts, and others.How to launch the bot:- Open the bot’s page- Paste a list of business websites (up to 500)- Tick the contact type you wish to extract (e.g., email)- Set a limit (e.g., 10 pages)- Set up notifications- Start the bot!The bot will extract:- The selected contact types, e.g. emails, phone numbers, etc.Use this bot for:- Digital marketing- Cold outreach- Augmenting sales strategy2. Company Email FinderLike the first tool mentioned above, the Company Email Finder can help extract company emails from their domain in the blink of an eye! Use this tool in combo with the Phone, Email and Contact Scraper to ensure thorough extraction!How to launch the bot:- Open the bot’s page- Paste the target domains (remove https:// and www.)- Start the bot!The bot will extract:- All email addresses having the same domainUse the bot for:- Finding email addresses- Lead generation3. LinkedIn Email MinerAs the name suggests, the LinkedIn Email Miner can extract names, LinkedIn profile URLs and email addresses from the profiles of people who match a certain keyword and export them into a spreadsheet within minutes!How to launch the bot- Open the bot’s page- Enter a search keyword (e.g health professional, doctor, dentist, etc)- Enter a location to focus your search- Paste email masks- Start the bot!The bot will extract- Location- LinkedIn profile URL- Name- Email addressUse the bot for- Lead generation- Cold outreach- Email marketing4. Email ValidatorFor maximum success in your outreach, you must ensure the validity of the emails you extracted, which is where you need the Email Validator tool. This tool will bulk-check the validity of a list of email addresses within just one minute!How to launch the bot:- Open the bot’s page- Paste email addresses (up to 5,000)- Start the bot!The bot will extract:- Email validity status- Email domainAnd more info!Use this bot for:- Email marketing- SalesWhat other sales tools do you need for your business? Tell us in the comments!#outreachtools

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    If you've ever heard about brand monitoring, then you most likely know of its benefits in growing your brand. In most cases, however, brand monitoring is easier said than done. In this quick guide, I will show you exactly how to set up an automation tool that will notify you every time someone mentions your brand name anywhere on the Internet.I've dropped the link to this tool in the first comment below so you can easily access it.Here's a email I got from a user recently:“Hi! Can I get notifications whenever my brand is mentioned on the web? Is there a tool that serves this purpose?”I promptly replied and recommended that this user go for the Brand and Keyword Monitor tool.The Brand and Keyword Monitor tool will monitor brand mentions and keyword mentions on Google, YouTube and Twitter and will send you notifications immediately after detecting a new mention.You can also create black lists of accounts, websites or channels the bot should ignore.How to launch the bot:- Open the bot's page- Paste the brand keywords to monitor on Google- Paste the keywords to monitor on YouTube (optional)- Paste the keywords to monitor on Twitter (optional)- Set time and scheduling - Set up notifications- Start the bot!The bot will extract:- URL to the page where your brand has been mentionedUse the bot for:- Brand monitoring- Social media marketingAfter following the steps above, the user was able to easily set up monitoring for their brand keywords. The best part about this bot is that it works for any business and industry. Simply input your brand keywords, and the notifications will start flowing in.What branding/social media tools would you like to have? Tell me in the comments, and I'll recommend one!#seotools

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    Hey there!Are you an automation enthusiast looking for a customizable bot you can adapt to your specific extraction tasks? You’ll definitely enjoy this!Let me show you an easy bot builder you can use to monitor any element on any website!Whether you wish to spy on price changes in Shopify, Amazon, and Udemy, or you want to track changes on any web page at all, this bot is for you!I’m talking about the Content Monitoring Tool in the No-Code Bot Builder, and you can get its link in the first comment below!As an example, in this video we will be monitoring precious metals prices.#datacollector

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    Did you know there is a fast and easy way to export all the subdomains attached to a particular website in just a few clicks?Yes, there is, and that’s what I’m about to show you.Say there is a huge website or publication with multiple subdomains dedicated to different geolocations or services, there is an automated bot that can help you extract them all in bulk in a jiffy!The link to this bot is in the first comment below, do check it out!I recently got this question from a follower:“Hi! I’m trying to find all hubspot com subdomains. I haven’t made much progress finding them manually, is there any tool you recommend?”Luckily for this user, there is something I can recommend, and that’s the Subdomains Finder bot!As the name suggests, the Subdomains Finder will find all subdomains of a domain and extract them into a spreadsheet in bulk for easy download.How to launch the bot:- Open the bot’s page- Paste a website URL- Start the bot!The bot will extract:- Domain- Detected subdomains- Level (integer)Use this bot for:- Finding website subdomains- ResearchAnd more!After following the steps outlined above, the user was able to find HubSpot’s subdomains quite easily, and you can do the same too!This bot doesn’t only work for HubSpot, but any website out there with at least one subdomain. Not sure whether that website you have in mind has a subdomain? Paste it into this bot to find out!What’s your experience with this bot? Tell me in the comments!#websitetools

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    Are you a business owner putting in long hours to generate leads only to come up with little results? I have a solution for you!Finding customers for your business shouldn’t be so hard, nor should it take too much of your time. That is why I’m going to show you 5 automated bots that will help you streamline your lead generation and make it as smooth as possible!The links to these bots are in the first comment below, so be sure to check them out!1. Phone, Email, and Contact ExporterThis bot will help you extract contact info in bulk from a list of websites into a spreadsheet in 1 minute!How to launch the bot:- Open the bot’s page- Copy and paste the extracted URLs (without www.)- Tick “Email” and “Phone”- Set a page limit- Start the bot!The bot will extract:- Emails and phones of the supplied websitesUse this bot for:- Contact info extraction- Bulk mailing- Cold calling2. Company Email FinderThe Company Email Finder will find email addresses attached to any domain name and export them in bulk!How to launch the bot:- Open the bot’s page- Paste target domains (remove https:// and www.)- Start the bot!The bot will extract:- Email addressesUse the bot for:- Finding email addresses- Lead generation3. LinkedIn Email MinerAs the name suggests, the LinkedIn Email Miner can extract names and contact details from the LinkedIn profiles of people who match a certain keyword (e.g. a profession).How to launch the bot:- Open the bot’s page- Enter a search keyword (e.g health professional, doctor, dentist, etc)- Enter a location to focus your search- Paste email masks- Set email notifications- Start the bot!The bot will extract:- Location- Profile URL- Name- Email addressUse the bot for:- Lead generation4. Email ValidatorThe Email Validator is an essential tool that will bulk-check the validity of your extracted email addresses within just one minute!How to launch the bot:- Open the bot’s page- Paste email addresses (up to 5,000)- Start the bot!The bot will extract:- Email validity status- Email domainAnd more info!Use this bot for:- Email marketing- Cold outreach- Sales5. Phone Number ValidatorThis phone validator will bulk-check if the phone numbers you provided are valid. It will also provide additional information about each phone number.How to launch the bot:- Open the bot's page- Paste the phone numbers list- Start the bot!The bot will extract:- Phone- Valid (true/false)- Local format- Country code (e.g. US)- Country prefix (e.g. +49)And lots more!And there you have it! The top 5 tools every business owner needs!Have you used any of these tools before? What was your experience? Tell me about it in the comments!#leadgenerationtools

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.