Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (2024)

Kanjis containing the meaning of "spear" are below. The following list contains these kanjis.

  • 猪(345)
  • 竿(34)
  • 槍(16)
  • 戟(1)
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396 Last Names

  • IzumeJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (4)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (5)


    猪爪猪 means "boar." 爪 means "nail, claw." 2 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (6): under 10

  • InokuboJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (7)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (8)

    猪之窪猪 means "boar." 之 means "of, this, that." 窪 means "depression, hollow, concavity." 3 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (9): under 10

  • InoshishiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (10)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (11)


    猪猪 means "boar." HouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (12): under 10

  • InoteJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (13)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (14)

    猪手猪 means "boar." 手 means "hand." HouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (15): under 10

  • IkoshiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (16)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (17)

    1 view

    猪越猪 means "boar." 越 means "to cross over, to exceed, to surpass." 3 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (18): under 10

  • InonoJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (19)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (20)

    猪野々猪 means "boar." 野 means "field, plain, wilderness." 々 means "a repetition kanji or ideographic iteration mark." 1 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (21): under 10

  • IjimaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (22)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (23)

    猪島猪 means "boar." 島 means "island." 15 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (24): under 10

  • InohayaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (25)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (26)

    猪隼猪 means "boar." 隼 means "peregrine falcon." 1 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (27): under 10

  • InomuraJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (28)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (29)

    猪村猪 means "boar." 村 means "village, hamlet." 3 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (30): under 10

  • InoharaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (31)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (32)

    猪之原猪 means "boar." 之 means "of, this, that." 原 means "origin, source, foundation." 9 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (33): under 10

  • TsutsuiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (34)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (35)

    筒猪筒 means "tube, cylinder." 猪 means "boar." 6 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (36): under 10

  • InomaruJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (37)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (38)

    猪丸猪 means "boar." 丸 means "circle, round, perfection." 1 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (39): under 10

  • TsurizaoJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (40)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (41)

    1 view

    釣竿釣 means "fishing, angling." 竿 means "pole, rod." HouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (42): under 10

  • UtsugisawaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (43)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (44)

    槍澤槍 means "spear, lance." 澤 means "wetlands with shallow." 2 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (45): under 10

  • IgataJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (46)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (47)

    猪方猪 means "boar." 方 means "direction, way, side." 13 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (48): under 10

  • SaotaniJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (49)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (50)

    1 view

    竿谷竿 means "pole, rod." 谷 means "valley, ravine." HouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (51): under 10

  • IzawaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (52)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (53)

    猪澤猪 means "boar." 澤 means "wetlands with shallow." 13 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (54): under 10

  • OgumaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (55)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (56)

    猪熊猪 means "boar." 熊 means "bear, wild animal." 4 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (57): under 10

  • ItomeJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (58)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (59)

    猪留猪 means "boar." 留 means "detain, stop, remain." 1 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (60): under 10

  • IgoJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (61)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (62)

    猪子猪 means "boar." 子 means "child, offspring, young, junior, small thing." 4 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (63): under 10

  • InokiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (64)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (65)

    猪之木猪 means "boar." 之 means "of, this, that." 木 means "tree, wood." 10 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (66): under 10

  • IgayaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (67)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (68)

    1 view

    猪谷猪 means "boar." 谷 means "valley, ravine." 5 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (69): under 10

  • Inokoshi(Inokosi)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (70)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (71)

    猪野越猪 means "boar." 野 means "field, plain, wilderness." 越 means "to cross over, to exceed, to surpass." 5 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (72): under 10

  • IiokaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (73)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (74)

    猪岡猪 means "boar." 岡 means "hill, knoll." 1 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (75): under 10

  • InomakiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (76)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (77)

    猪牧猪 means "boar." 牧 means "pasture, grazing land." 1 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (78): under 10

  • InosakiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (79)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (80)

    猪崎猪 means "boar." 崎 means "cape, promontory." 4 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (81): under 10

  • InomotoJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (82)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (83)

    猪ノ本猪 means "boar." ノ is katakana, which is phonetic but without meaning. 本 means "book, main, true, real." 15 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (84): under 10

  • InotsukaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (85)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (86)

    猪塚猪 means "boar." 塚 means "mound, hillock, tumulus." HouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (87): under 10

  • SaouraJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (88)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (89)

    1 view

    竿浦竿 means "pole, rod." 浦 means "bay, inlet, cove." HouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (90): under 10

  • TokuiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (91)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (92)

    得猪得 means "profit, gain, benefit." 猪 means "boar." 4 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (93): under 10

  • SaotomeJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (94)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (95)

    竿留竿 means "pole, rod." 留 means "detain, stop, remain." 3 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (96): under 10

  • IkoJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (97)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (98)

    猪古猪 means "boar." 古 means "old, ancient, antique." 4 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (99): under 10

  • IzatoJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (100)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (101)

    猪里猪 means "boar." 里 means "village, hometown, birthplace." 1 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (102): under 10

  • InoueJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (103)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (104)

    猪植猪 means "boar." 植 means "plant, grow, cultivate." 15 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (105): under 10

  • Inoo(Inoh, Ino)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (106)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (107)

    猪野尾猪 means "boar." 野 means "field, plain, wilderness." 尾 means "tail, end, suffix." 7 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (108): under 10

  • ShishikariJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (109)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (110)


    猪狩猪 means "boar." 狩 means "hunt, chase, pursue." HouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (111): under 10

  • InokumaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (112)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (113)

    猪野熊猪 means "boar." 野 means "field, plain, wilderness." 熊 means "bear, wild animal." 3 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (114): under 10

  • Shinohara(Sinohara)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (115)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (116)

    猪原猪 means "boar." 原 means "origin, source, foundation." 9 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (117): under 10

  • InokeJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (118)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (119)

    猪家猪 means "boar." 家 means "house, home, family." 3 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (120): under 10

  • InosakaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (121)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (122)

    猪坂猪 means "boar." 坂 means "slope, hill, incline." 7 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (123): under 10

  • MatsuiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (124)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (125)

    松猪松 means "pine tree." 猪 means "boar." 10 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (126): under 10

  • MotoigiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (127)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (128)

    本猪木本 means "book, main, true, real." 猪 means "boar." 木 means "tree, wood." HouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (129): under 10

  • YarimizuJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (130)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (131)

    槍水槍 means "spear, lance." 水 means "water, fluid, liquid." 4 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (132): under 10

  • Igou(Igoh, Igo)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (133)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (134)

    猪郷猪 means "boar." 郷 means "village, hometown, rural area." 6 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (135): under 10

  • InoJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (136)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (137)

    猪野猪 means "boar." 野 means "field, plain, wilderness." 9 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (138): under 10

  • IzasaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (139)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (140)

    猪笹猪 means "boar." 笹 means "bamboo grass, bamboo leaves." 3 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (141): under 10

  • IkuchiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (142)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (143)

    猪口猪 means "boar." 口 means "mouth, opening, entrance." 4 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (144): under 10

  • InamiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (145)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (146)

    猪浪猪 means "boar." 浪 means "wave, wandering, roaming." 22 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (147): under 10

  • IgariJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (148)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (149)

    猪飼猪 means "boar." 飼 means "to keep, raise, rear (animals)." 8 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (150): under 10

  • InodaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (151)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (152)

    猪野田猪 means "boar." 野 means "field, plain, wilderness." 田 means "rice field, rice paddy." 5 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (153): under 10

  • IhanaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (154)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (155)

    猪鼻猪 means "boar." 鼻 means "nose, snout, proboscis." 2 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (156): under 10

  • SounodaiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (157)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (158)

    竿台竿 means "pole, rod." 台 means "stand, pedestal, platform, counter, table, desk." 3 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (159): under 10

  • IgawaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (160)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (161)

    猪川猪 means "boar." 川 means "river, stream, brook." 13 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (162): under 10

  • InuiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (163)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (164)

    猪井猪 means "boar." 井 means "well, water hole, pit." 10 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (165): under 10

  • ShishidaJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (166)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (167)

    猪田猪 means "boar." 田 means "rice field, rice paddy." 8 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (168): under 10

  • NakaiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (169)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (170)

    中猪中 means "in, inside, middle, center." 猪 means "boar." 10 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (171): under 10

  • InozumeJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (172)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (173)

    猪之詰猪 means "boar." 之 means "of, this, that." 詰 means "cram, pack, stuff." 1 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (174): under 10

  • IshiJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (175)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (176)

    猪子猪 means "boar." 子 means "child, offspring, young, junior, small thing." 5 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (177): under 10

  • HokoJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (178)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (179)


    戟戟 means "halberd, spear with a crescent-shaped blade." 2 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (180): under 10

  • Iryou(Iryo, Iryoh)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (181)Japanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (182)

    1 view

    猪龍猪 means "boar." 龍 means "dragon, imperial dragon, mythical creature." 3 more varsHouseholdsJapanese Last Names Meaning 'spear' (183): under 10

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.