MOTOR CYCLES, BICYCLES, ETC. MOTOR CARS, LORRIES, ETC. Rugby League CLOSE GAMES Tests for East and Balmain Rugby League games may 1 be close this afternoon, and in A couple of instances the winners are difficult to select. in Stir departments than tea Eastern SubGeorge is expected be speedier urbs at the Sydney Cricket Ground. St.
George is one of the unbeaten teams, and its displays have been most attractive. Eastern Suburbs sprang a surprise by beating Balmain last week, clever interceptions paving the way tor success. The Balmain men attacked for mcst of the game, but a fne defence kept them to one try. Eatmain and Newtown should attract a record crowd at Leichhardt oval. Newtown in grand form at the moment, and will he keen to maintain its unbeaten record.
Balmain, however. has number ci plageis catable North of Sydney will play South Sydney beating Lie beat at the Sydney Sports Ground. On lest wrk's form North should beat South, but the the latter team hes made four chances among backs. L. Quiniivan is expected to rjey for Scuth, to the backs.
The northern 1 1s and his presence should add much needed dash car, ble of of Improving. have especially benn ament kicking the fat too barks. much. some It should be an interesting whom and even game. The premier team, may And dimoulty In Canterbury the will not beating improved et full strength, and if the Westerners can.
Western Suburbe team. be keep R. Mccarter In check they may win. Rugby Union MANLY AT CHATSWOOD the fourth round of the Euchy Union To competition to-day Manly, the unbeaten team, will meet nfth LA the list, with A Graw. Suburbs, in second place, with two win.
and a 1565. wins Eastern and a draw. will oppose Northern 810- urbs. University, is Randwick, drawn against Western Suburbs. sharing third positien with University will play Drummogne.
team with- St. and George meets Parramatta, the only out win. Soccer REFUSAL TO MEET CLUBS Granville and North Shore clubs District have retused League to elevens to play In to-day's competition their Sydney and dale games respectively. Oficials of the clubs claim against Metters and Leichhardt-Annanshould ba expelled from the competition. 3.1 that Leichhardt-Annandale teams the clubs are not now Football Association.
with the NeW South The Wales of the affected clubs will Soccer Appeal committees the actions ct the Granville and North Shore clubs, claiming forfeit In The cash association came. will conduct the Arst round ties ct the Sydney Knock should -out be st Cup to Lidcombe das. The Oval, where outstending Granville and North Shore will match meet. teams, and Once Tro non meet at Arlington Park in the opening round of the State League competition this afternoon. AUSTRALIAN RULES The third match of the round w111 played 1o-morrow at Trumper Park between South Sidney and the I.A.A.F.
with many crack Victorians in both teams, It should restrit in a solendid game. The R.A.AF. 13 8 otmns side with Bassett and Kelly striking real form, Greyhound Racing HAROLD PARK (To be run this afternoon.) SELECTIONS TETAL STAKE -Daisy Valley, Serene Maid. True Shen. PROGRESSIVE division Wins me Tess.
Holroyd. Revisa Fat- Boy. SECOND DIVISION (2.10). -Go Pal. terson's Beat Endor.
THIRD DIVISION Master Buddha, Winseme King, Penny KAROLD PARK STAKE (3.50)*: HApPy Event. Berty Phar. Beautiful Dee, Silver Supreme. I Garnet's Cub. Kies's Last, TRAMWAY division (3.10)°: SECOND DIVISION (3.30).
-Deilatan, Bmitt Tras, Swanky Florette, CLUB STAKE (3.50).- Bright. Rum Ration, Abels FLECTRIC LIGHT STAKE (4.10) Western Tulleta. Plundering Mac, Clcudy Tess. PRESIDENT'S STAKE Chief. Black Choice.
King Sen. THE PROGRAMME 1.30 -TRIAL STAKE. Carbra Girl. Day's Senne Maid. Coleona Bricht June Princes, Reek Dater Valley Dennis Choice.
True Shran. 1.50 -PROGRESSIVE STAKE. Soneds First diviston: Step. Manors, Molly Clabon, Queenie Alwin, Chanden Beauty, Revisa Boy. Rodncy Glen.
Shadow Blue. Win60m SECOND DIVISION: Oulds Again. Endor Sundering Bob. Hiatatha Bev Ge Pal. Cala Patterson Best.
Tiny Mat, Wit a Biddy Kent. 2.30. DIVISION: Senroe Dent Mald. Commercial Plane. Master Buddha.
Jet. Plyine Marvel Thriller, Talun. Dark Wine me Aero Chief. 2.50. PARK STAKE.
Treblewerth. Super Supreme, Mystery Gift My Special. Happy Event. Lady Renutation. Buddy's Rocker.
Betty Phar. Beautiful Dee, 3.10. -TRAMWAY STAKE. National First Tear Amin. Tatura Lass.
Viete, Mate ca Carnet's Cub Kiss's Lost, Dar't Mate, My Yvonne, Bilver Supreme. Bister Grand. DIVISION: Della rran Sweaty Fiorette, Smart Bon. Tart. Rehort Gold New Toll.
Minds Lad, Gent CLUB STAKE 750vds. -Black MerTrod-t. Girhave tin. Far. Hich Total.
Akela Rev. Wato Blue. Llevdhurat Lotus, Bright. Rum Ration. LIGHT STAKE.
750yde Pal Brindle Math. Cleudv Tre, Cach Wonder. Blundering Cash Gale. Mac. Western Chic's Mine's Dash, 4.90.-- PRESIDENT'S STAKE.
Jewel. Murraford. Metratic Chet Fishing Glitters, Ben, Fair Alwin. Gintress, Black Choice. King TO-DAY'S SPORT TURF: Victoria Park races, Randwick, First race 1.15 p.m.
RUGBY LEAGUE: Fastern Suburhs St. Gearge. Crieset Oround: CanterbursBankstown Western Suburbs. Belmere: Balmain South Sydney Matth ByCuey, Sprits Meln matches at 3.15 p.m Early matches from 12.45 P.m RUGBY UNION: Parramatta St. George, ur North Sydney: 5 Gerdon Manly.
ChattNorthern Suburbs Eastern ButWood: Western Suburbs Pend wick Concord: Drummeyne Drummevne. Main matches at 3.40 p.m, Early matches from 1.30 SOCKEN: State (Sidney Cur. Art round)- Grenville North Shore, Lidcombo st. Prince ard Park. Carlton: Corrimel Gladesvitin-Ryde.
Corrimal, State Len (competiticn, first round): Arlington Oval: Leichtown Grace hardt-Annandale West Lambert Park: Wallsend Melters. District Wellsend: Adametown bye. Sydney and League (Art division Oper99 W. Potter, Prince E4werd Park. et 1.45: Sunalo ville-Ryde, at Riverside Park.
st 3.15. Reliway Institute 3.15: St. Peters (Croydon), Fraser 'Park, Beguintt 1.45: AltWeat Sydney. Frater Eastern Suburbs st. George (C No.
2 Queens Part. 3.15: Scot Ish Letchhardt Omnibus. Drummoyne Outer Oval. 3.15: Neath Shore St. George (B team), Tantalien Ovnl 3.15 AUSTRALIAN RULES: Newtown Sidney.
EmM Oval. 2.45 p.m Trumpet Fork. 15 p.m St. George EastResceve at 1,30 p.m. ATHLETICS.
Svener Club's three miles Gabramatta Glut events, m- Keller and Victoria Park. 2 p.m: Leichharde and Hunter' Club. President's day, Cenrerit. Stadtum: Jerk Alabama Rid (12 National Derhy and Oeta meeting. Rooty 12,30 p.m.
compatitions, GREYHOUND Tretting club's meetine. so p.m. HOCKEY. G1-be Liverpsel. No 3 30: Sub No 3.
Centennial Ryde No. No. 1. Connia! Park No. 3.
2 p.m.: ville No. 2 p.m.: Ne. 2. 5t. vernity No.
St. Paul'e. A Part 1. Centennial Fork. .30: Geetge Enturbe 3.30 Univ 1 TIT.
Pout 3.39: Districts 2 p.m.: Malmstn Cranbrook. Pa iton Gl-Un 1 Pelt No. 1. Dietricla 1 Gladerville 3.30 LAWN Mantel Crawford. Palls, and other leading players Time match 12.43 p.m.
icaharat Eddie Ororse raunch). 4a-k Willie 918 Outer O'Brien (tour round Boxinz: Ted Res. Colahi rounda). Bartle's Suspension Lifted The yesterday decided to remit. view previnis remainder cf the Bartie.
This will enable him to ride today. RANDWICK RACES (Victoria Park meeting at Randwick this afterncon.) NOVICE (1.15). TWOFOLD. R-2 L. Duncembe 205 GRFAT SUBMISSION SOOT 7-13 7-12 A.
P. Mulley Rosen 00 00 BRUMAIRE. 7-12 A. :07 MISS L.ECNARD. 7-12 J.
Grimths STEPSON. 7-10 C. Findlay 0 PRINCE BUZZARD. 7-10, H. Hughes 02 MARCONTINE.
7-9 H. Daike 100 REEULT. 7-7 Pavis 636 MONARO. 1-7 V. Matthew: 30: MELODY CHARM.
7-7 Knox ROYAL LANCER. F. Hi hey 9 WILDERFORCE. Silburn 13 NETA LINETTY. 7-7 Ritcher 14 229 ROTONDE, 1-G Thompson ETCHING.
7-5 500 CRYSTAL, 7-5 Turner IRON RULER. 7-5 Kennedy OKAWA. 7-5 J. Punstan 0 7-5 H. Montgomery FONGNAH.
7-5 N. Allen 22 0 JACKDAW. N. Wilson NIGHT PARADE. 7-4 E.
Cracknell 24 TIMKEN. 7-4 Bull 000 IT Weste 06 709 1 ENNESELE. F. Swinton 27 tin order -Ga Romeda, 7-2: Citesha, 7-1; 7-2: Nice Model, Ermb. NURSERY (1.50).
and geldings.) 904 HADDON HALL, 9-3, E. Me Menemin 567 VAN RYCK. R-8 F. Shean 407 STAR GCLD. J.
50 THE I LACON 0-5 A. Knox 006 WARLOCK. 8-0 206 co*ckCROW. B-0 J. O'Sullivan 830 FINE ART.
7-12 co*ck ST. 7-7 Muller FRANCIS. Burridge 992 TRIBAL. 7-7 Duncan 03 CRAIGIE. Emith OVERSEAS.
7-7 N. Alien 0 PED FIFE. 7-5 Wizen DALMAIN. 7-5 Smith CASPIAN. 7-5 Whitney 16 R.
Kennedy 0 CONVALA. Findisy 7-3 Deon 009 TURN AGAIN. FL Kelly 19 044 AIR 10PD. 7-3 K. Tames 007 RED POBEY 7-3 Themison 21 0 RUSSIA.
7-3 THE ANGLER. 7-2 Clarke 23 (n preference) Achbeau, 7-0: Cargecnti. 7-0: Code. 1-0: Valetre, 7-2, Brisa, 7-2. ZETLAND STAKES.
-77 12.25). 811 FLYING A NIGHT, 9-1, E. MoM namin 00! RIMVEIL T. Wehster 052 COLD SALUTE 8-11 F. Sheen WINNIPEG.
6-3 E. Terrill 900 DEWAR. 7-12 700 HALL STAND, 7-10 co*ck 0 RADICAL 7-9 G. Whitney 002 ALL LOVE. 7-5 A Knox 506 TEL ASUR.
H. Muzhes 243 JOHN HALIFAX. 7-5 A. Promote 10 REX FELT. 7-4 allburn 263 MAGI, 7-3 Smith 460 Mutter 13 700 ARAHURA.
7420 Doon 14 YEAP-OLD (3.9). JUNGLE KING, 8-12 Shran 022 WAR EFFORT. 8-12 E. Me Menamin 777 NOBLEMAN, 8-11 Darke 017 STREAMFORD. 7.11 600 BOORCHIEF.
8-4 Hanley 5 MARWIN 7-12 R. Kennid: 400 BANTA COZ. 7-12 Kelly 00 TEMERITY 7-10 7 PANARANCH. 7-10 ORDERLY 7-10 Smith 320 Thempson THE SOMME. 7-3 Thompsen ERA, 7-3 G.
GRAND VISION. 7-3 E. Srinton 14 000 FARTHIAN 7-3 R. Stretten 15 60 18HTA3, 7-3 Mullet 18 700 DERRYPOWN. 7-0 Silburn 17 SIR.
LEONARD. Burridca 00 CORROBORTE. 7-0 Duncan 19 VICTORIA PARK TEAR CLUB HANDICAP. Im 31 (3.30). 018 484 0-3 8-2 fames -0 002 SHINING NIGHT, A-0.
J. Thom 663 POX. 7-12 .00 RED PATE, 7-0 J. Duncan 3 603 AFLOAT 7-0 E. Docn 6 JUVENILE HANDICAP.
-5140 (4.5). (Two-yrar-old fillies.) 177 AJIXA, 9-7 T. Clarke 001 URGENT RATE 8-3 Hanley 519 MILFORD BOUND 7-0 Knee 339 ALCESTI3 7-9 00 ANNIR LAURIZ. 7-7 G. Whitn 60 SATIRE, 7-1 Mull MISS MARY.
R. 574 CRUMBLE 7-3 Primate 8 BRONZE ORCHID. J. 600 MISS BRUFGHEL. 7-0 C.
030 SUSQUEHANNA. 7-0 en 00 11. EX 7-0 Tamer 00 REBECCA DEGREE, 7-0 Duncan WELTER HANDICAP. -1m R35 MERRIMBA. 9-0 060 NIGHTESAM.
9-3 00 FELT YET. 9-0 0 LO DOKES. 9-0 733 RON RICO. 8-13 581 GIOLI. 8-13 Mulley COO RATHLIN.
A-13 4cm TWO'S COMPANY. 8-12. Wiltsher 234 PINERO 8-12 E. 318 MANY 1P' 1-10 Themes 403 RYLSTONE. 8-10 A.
Enex i1 573 ST. P. Ryan BOR 6 SOMA MUSTAPHA. FIDE. 8-B Duncembe 13 00 8-7 Ross 15 090 8-6 L.
De vis 19 975 8-5 R. 600 HENCHMAN. 8-5 R. Cox 18 950 WHITTINGTON 8-2. 10 000 HARAN R-2 V.
Matthews 20 0 SIR AMYAS. R-2 F. Hickey VALIANT GARDE. 8-2 J. hi 055 IOTAPO Laveock: PICARDON P-0 170 VANITY LADY.
8-0 Verana 040 OUR BARNS 8-0 R. Kennedy 700 BLAUCAIRE. 0-0 Duncan 27 SELECTIONS Novice Handicap: Great Scot. Marcontine. Nursery Handicap: Van Eyck, The Beacon.
Fine Art. Zelland Stokes: All Love, Hall Stand, Winnipeg. Three-year-old Handican: War Effort, Temerity, Victoria Park Club Handicap: Shining Night. Feurless Fox, Red Fete, Juvenile Handicap: Ajixa, Urgent Reta. Alcestis.
Wetter Handicap: Louano, Ron Rico, Pinero. Boxing ALABAMA KID AND MeNAMEE Alabama Kid. the American and the former Jack MrNamee, ate to have A return inent et 12 rounds at the Rusheutter dal Stadium to-night. They met four weeks 920. when Kid airprised by withdrawing rt the cizze 01 the round.
He said that his rendition RAVe but. but having given attenfich to his preparation, en this will make a batter diaplay. Me Namer. wha shown improved form in recent matches, leeding on points when the frat contest terminated. COURSING DERBY To-day'e protramme Rooty will compride the frat ties of the N.S.W.
Darty And Oaks and the fret round ct the Woodstock Cup. The fint course is set down for 12 301 p.m. METEOROLOGICAL REPORTS ST MOON. PLANETS. AND Tues 6,30.
seta 5.3: Moon, 2.23 p.m., m. 1 7.41 11, Venus. 9.59 P.m.. 7.34 1. m1 Mats.
1,40 m. 2.13 pm. Jupiter. 10.31 A.m Saturn. 10 A.m, 6.18 p.m High at Fort at a.m, theicht 3.30 theith: eft 2 May Sun 5.2 1 2.24 A ch Port at 5.20 A.m.
(height 41t 6.3 p.m. (hatcht att Fini. Pull moon, May 20 at 7.13 a.m. THE MAILS THIS DAY. ATE MAILA.
Rockhempten. Mackay, Townsville. Cairns 8 130 p.m 11 OanherEn 8.45 Hegn 11 A Melbourne 8.45 a.m.. 3.13 King 1., Flinders, Is. We Launce Hehatt, 0.40 A.m..
5.15 Darwin 11. INTERSTATE. Letters except West. Parcels. el potla 11,30 P.m Victoria.
South Australia, Western Austrulta, -Letters p.m. Parcels 1.30 A.m. Tasmania. -Parcels 11.30 a.m. COUNTRY.
Parcels 11.30 a.m. MEETINGS Las Companies 1809. end mutter (ta Lig.) riven that Meeting the will he held at the nine at the dater, 4 Brides Street, DEN, On 23. 1043. in the ter the purpare 411 laid batura It, and et In2 thy explanation which may ba riven th apat else of determining by ordinary Reschrten, how the bock And menta el the Company shall be diepored of.
1 ted thie day 1 Mav. 1943. WILLIAM JOSEPH MAN SENTENCED LIFZ TO DEATH. COMMUTED puntic 111 be Erld 16 Elisabath on MONDAY to unite trial the relente ct trie Kelly. The to nama the Wan, Judee Ared the NOWARD REFORM LEACUE.
Tullet. Rein at FURNITURE FOR SALE AND WANTED NINE old 5772. Cheat. Cere Bedrcom Guite. nay St, Huntville.
FORCOM BUTTE. 44 cost Sane ME View St. Double 15 he spring Chatswond WANTED BARGAINS. 10.000 worth New and Used Furniture. O.
K. ELLIOTT'S Established 1889. Inspection cordially invited. Now and Used Bedroom Furniture. and Double Beds, Cots.
New Bedding. Occasional Kitchen And Verandah Furniture, and Used Dining-room Furniture, Sidebonrda, Ext. Tables, Chairs, Bookshelves, Used Lounge Furniture. Settees, Couches. Box and Bridge Chairs, New and Used Carpets, Runnera, Mats, Coder and Mahogany Furniture.
0, K. ELLIOTT'8, 35 York St. doors from Wynyard. 33581. panel End.
Wa.but Wire and bedrooin Kapok Suite. Mattresses. full Sacrifice, 35. D.R. SUITE, Double Bedroom 9ults, Bedding, Tapestry Lnze.
Suite, now conditicn. 59 Rode GL, Marcubia. Bedrooms, Lounge, Kitchen. LETE Furniture, all modern. 2 pets.
Witelces. 207 Devonshire St. Surry Hills. SUITE, nearly new, Genoa Velvet: ciao 5-valca Wireless Set. 23 Hamilton Avenue.
Eariwood. LL1076. Dining-rocm Suite. 20; Table and Wire MatAnd Miscellaneous Articles. JA2317.
Bockcase. Brass Burr Welnut Tabie. Rosewood Suite. Easy Chairs. UM0-134.
OUNGE SUITE, loos: cushions. in perfect order, 35 or olier. Cail Saturday and Sunday. 37 Walter Street, Paddington. OUNGE BUITE.
Moquette, spring edge. £17.10, or near cifer. 13 Victoria Road. Drummoyne. WA1668.
ILL. necessary. Polished and pay Maple difference crah com- 11 piete. for Twin Beds. No.
6703. Herald. 3 Gin; Oak 12. No. Dressing Table.
Nahier. 5 Mattress, Sir Ticinas Mitchell Road, Bondi. CINGLE and Double Bearem, Dining and Lounge Suites. Box Innerspring. Glory Carst.
44 St, LX1541. OUNGE Bulte, autumn chade, spod condiiticn. Also Ice Eskimo. 164 Spring St Banksia. For SALE.
Woodland Bedroom Avcaue, Suite and Marrickville, Settee. opposite No. Honsen Park Hotel. CERAMa green. Lounge Suite, uphol639 Prince's Highway, Kognrah.
FOR condition, SALE. 39. 33 LOUNGE General SUITE, Holme good CUBLE VENEERED BED, INNER SPRING Drive. Brich MATTRESS. practinally Homebush.
new: ELEC. IRON. Street. INING-ROOM SUITE, low back Maple Table, and Chairs, sell, cheap. 323 Livingstone Read, Marrickville.
TOR. also Double Wooden Bed as and new. Wire, 101 Elswick Etreet, Leichbardt. NEW. Cabinet, Skin Fancy Rug.
Mirror. Drawing Walnut Table. for Eale, JX3415. WANT, modern design. SUITE, 9 Brown BED, Strect, larzo HiT Street, Waverley, OUNOS Suites Recondittoned And Recovered from 20.
LA2751. Suites called for tEd delivered. Ring DINING SUITE, Stewart Refectory, polished Paddington. walnut. mwo Single Beda, Mattresses included.
Sat. morning 12 Woodstock 8t. Botany. EDROOM Suite, Rimeat new. 9 Ulm St, Paseword.
on Bunnerong Rd. DEDRCOM. Lounge, and Kitchen Suites, alnew. 5 Stotts Ave. Bexley Nth.
MODERN Bedroom 34 Suite. Coveney 3-piece St. oak, Bexley. 68 7 ELVET Lounge suite, almost new. Apply 26.
Falls Leichhardt. OUNGE SUITE. 3-piece, spring cushtapestry. 2.25. W3648.
Dining Suite. n.S now. Western Road, Parramatta. SUPERB Walnut private Dining Suite. X34966.
Anthony Horden make. sale. SUITE Meple Chatte Dining, Carvers 20. 1023. No offers.
INGLE Cak Including wire and kapel mattress. JA3761. (Continued on page 16.) EDUCATIONAL QUEEN a Liverpool Small Boys). New tim, June 1. A Exams, 05 Holden subjecta, hahneid.
R. UA3934 Arnett. A Julien, climate. Gundferd, stall mta. vs, A Latin, by French.
expert. English, FM4597. etc, A DULL Pestel Gain Cou.sa. 3-x 17. Pl.vate P.O., Chatawced.
JA2473. LL SAINTS' COLLEGE, Bathurst, School June 1. Rev, L. C. WATSUN B.A.
Hee diaster. ne School for Henithy climate, Jdrel eradition Next terms begins 9th June. Boarders return 8 June, Prospectus and truth the Secretary. Headmaster. A.
L. Robertach, Bowral 20. A COACHING INDIVIDUAL nad SYDNEY COACHING COLLEGE, 8 Spring Stract. 7500 Exam Successes 19 30 Yeara, MATRICULATION, L.C.. Army, Naval Call.
Honcurs Seatle 77 Unt L.C.. Maurit. Gra, and Vacaticn Tuition. E. M.A.
late Insp. Schools. LUE MOUNTAINS. LADIES' COLLEGE. Kindergarten to Leaving Certificate.
No tot boarders. Epe. 20. Princinal, Mile. M.
E. Durand. GRAMMAR SCHOOL. SERI N.S.W Day and Boarding School Ter Roys ci pil RECA. Ideal position, healthiest climate.
indivicur! attention. Aanly E. DEIN, Principal. BEFORE and SCHOOL OP Practical LANGUAGES, at The the Bicck. 421 61 MA1265.
Octman, Italian, French, Spanich, Dutch, Taught by Esperienced Teachers. DI METHOD SCHOCI. OP LANGUAGES. R. KALPUS.
Principal. end Established in Eydney, 1923. NEW SPANISH CLASS commencing Saturday. 20th Mar. et 2.30 p.m.
Prospectus and inquirice at 14 MARTIN PLACE. SYDNEY, opp. BW6823. BARKER church of England MCRNSEY, BOARDING an1 DAY ECHOOL FOR BOYS. Preparatory and Sepondury, No vacancies for 1943.
Applications nOW being received for 1914. When applying for prospectus. please state whether for a bontder or a day bey. W. 8.
LESLIE. M.A.. Headmaster. for all all subjects. John 10 Rat St.
Kandwich. FX3002 German fer all ete Exams, 'Ph French LM4979 CAMDEN C. OF E. GRAMMAR SCHOOL BOYS. Esteb.
at Camden 1003 new el (The Bovie St, Principal, Rev. C. Palmer, 2.A. X04066. REPUL COACHING Hagen.
B.A. (Sed.) and 30 PIlL 04660 and XA1570. Past remits include: L.C, Hone. In English, Latin. German.
Chemistry and PhyOvEr 100 in First Year Arts Latin: 659 11 intermediate from 11 90 and '42. Total ct 5 HonMITE 27 ether A passes last 2 L.C. exems. Alt censitates deto have passed for R.A.A.P. Navel noy Entrence, and Maxine Engiat Reduced fees for all SETS Corte pondence Courses all SCHOOL.
A N.3.W. A PUBLIC SCHOCL FOR HOYS. Dr. William Bryden, Headmaster. The School, which is the prepirly of the Presbyterian Church NEw South will foopen en TUESDAY June 1.
Prospectus and further information from the Headmaster or from Secretary- Aascubly DuddIN Birest. Bydney. PAVINO: Individual Coaching. 0. P.
MrINTOSH B.A. 12 St. Eurwerd, and 40 Hardy Canterbury. UJ2354 or 0A7275. MALVERN, SCHOOL, Boarding School HUNTER'S HILL for Kindergarten and Preparatory Children.
Hunter 230. A. D. Martin, Headmaster. MI ON Instruction ty Gradu61 Laving this year, La Public Exams.
Hes dmaster, Sherman, 5.A.. R.5€. Dip, Ed. (Syd, Unit, METROPOLITAN COACHING COLLEGE I Special Department. Metropolitan 3 Colll.
Summerhaves House. Dalley Street, DRESYTERIAN LADIES' St COLLEGE, CROYDON. 18 Margaret Strathneid. Boarding and Day School for pupils from Kindergarten Leaving Certificata Honours. New term begins for Boarders cn Tuesday, June at 5 p.m., dad for Day Girls, June 2, 9.
n.m. Parents may interview the Principal by spoointment May 26. Particulata ca application to the Principal. Presbytarten Ladies' College. Craydan.
Strath held. DR. HELEN I WILKIE. taught by Prof. Novlief.
Cricket House. 254 George St. Speech Defects, MA5062. Harry 307 Geore Street, CITRATFORD, LAWSON. Church of Enzlend School for Girls.
Primary to Leaving Certifcate. New Trim June 1. Vacancies for ever 11 on to Princtsai OTECIAL Schrel for Mackward and Handle IndiviCual teaching end training. begins May 26th. Only VAC2 in nursery (5-7 yesto), two Girls under 14.
ST. THOMAR MOTE'S SCHOOL. Lawsch 57. Linden. Blue Mts.
TRINITY BUMMER GRAMMAR HILL. ECHOOL, Esarding and Day School for Beys. Warden. the Right Rev. G.
H11- Propazatory Schost at Strathfold. Master in commentia Charze: June P. Cameron. New Term: 1. Particulars and on application tc the Bursar Summer Hill.
E. LA B.A., Principal. KING'3 situated. 15 rilles from Sydney Thire are savorat vacancies fat day hey's caly lex Sud In End Tetm. ca 254 June, Early for In 1941 wilt al in the C683 Minicas an nodisensi.
Sinuse JunIor ct t. parat ry Enhoel 2-12 pror ded fro In Old GovernE Pa Part. no wining the Mon I Master in Price. I phs former form 1 Pottel in Includ'n: PARRAMATTA, No 3036. 1207 Conch.
tor Science. BOOKS. PUBLICATIONS, ETC. COON ANTHONY HORDERNS', Gauges end Calipe: their eparation, and U19. By Alfred W.
Price. d. STANDARD SCREW THREADS AND TWIST DRILLS tincluding hand tackle). by Cooler Gouter. Price Pratace ACLOKRING, and the Joining of Thomas Price Peatage 21 0.
ARITHMETIO (with by Frank 10 AUSTRALIAN STANDARD PrIce Postage ENGINEMAN'3 MASTER Including full desalts ducat Price 10 Postage READING by C. PErkinson. Pries 10 Postage ANTHONY HORDERNE'. Famous Bert Department, Recrud Floor. 37120.
O.P.O., Sydney. 112401. Day and Right. One thousand asserted in PLAYS. Cowan a and Gray's famous series of Repeltor, niev2.
Just received. Price, ench. HORDERNS' Rack D. e-cond Ficer. Jrp, Dictionary Military Terms, 56..
Hilllet: Colicquial Enz. Chinme Lict. 46. Mc-ern Arabic 20 6 Dict. 97 6.
Bed In Polish Lantuage, 8.7.0. Bookshop, 28 Martin Place, B3372. UST arrived. BRIEN'S NEW ENGLISHRUSSIAN DICTIONARY. also CAROS ENGLISH FOR 8 3: FORLIGN RARY AND BOOKSHOP 159 Elizabeth Street, Melbourne.
AND S. Operas, sol. 16 Operas, new condition, now out cf print. Cash offer. UW9257.
WANTED TO PURCHASE A purchased. hind Watchmaker, 76 Clarence condition, St. A LARM Watchmaker, CLOCKS, 78 Any Clarence condition. Street. High price.
A PearcH. Brass, Crown Copper, Cash. A NY make Typewriter 71 purchard. York Btreet. Omer A LL SUITS, 147 Overcoats, Castiereaga bought, 8t.
high MA4323 prices. A Kinds Thompsen, of Left-off 13 Oco. St Clothing. West. Call LA406J, any A diendard Machines, Typewriters, Calculators.
Duplicators. Portable Lewis and Office Machine Co. Anzel P.ace. BW4664. A BUYER Left-od of Ladies', Ded and and Table Children's Linen.
Battle. 146 Elizabeth St. Ashield. 0A3520 A Sex BUYER ants. Ola Men's Gold, Diamonda.
Top Camperas. Will call. Deitch, BW7437 A NT niture. QUES, Any conditicn. and old Mabesany Chinese.
Fur. Private buyer. A DDING models and required for Calcuinting parta. Machines, Lewis Once old Machines 4 Angel Place. BW4684, A CHINA.
BUYER Spot CUT cash GLASS for and ENGLISH perfect We cf call if you 'Phone MA4713. in A Trunks, Suits. all 2nd-hand Diamonds. goods. Tin We call.
BRUCE Schachtel's, 185 C'reagh St. M2964. A opposite Jew liers. Old 556 Gold. George wond Jewellery Combustion purchased.
Highest prices. A Price and particulars Stove. to Kosl 558 type, Canter- No. bury Read. Belmore.
A LL chased, Gold ad Jewellery, highest Diamends, rates. Goods Sovereigns purbought, Scott. 566 George St, nt, Bathurst 6t. A CASES. Hat Cabin Boxes.
and Travelling Wardrobe Rugs, Grandon's Stores. Alexandria. MX2896. A BUYER Beat prices. Will call.
RAILWAY SQUARE (opp. A LL Hats, kinds of Underwear, Left-cl etc. Clothing. Highest Boote, prices Shoes, civen, 13 We call George to Bt any dist. Mr.
Mrs. Thompson, Weal, city. 'Phone. LA4063. A MA1198.
JACK We CAPKEN, Buy 133 Trunks. Bathurat Sewing Etreet. Machines. Motors. Wireless Guns.
Sets, Typewriters. Cameras, Jewellery, etc, Top Prices. A 1159 at 401 PItE St. next Ratiway to Anthony SquAre, purchased. Old Gold, Jewellery, Diamenda Highest Prices, A LL LERY GOLD.
Bought SILVER, for Spot FLATINUM. Cash, JEWELHARRINGTON'S, 356 Metallurgists. Photographic LL Suits. Shirts, Boots, Street, Trunks, Sydney. Teeth, Old George to Ladies' etc.
Ladies changA Mitchell 139 mourning please note. Mr. and Mrs. A BUYER of Trunks. Portable Gramophone Bathurst Btreet.
MA4043. Tools, 0.4 Gold and Cameras, Perscoal Surplus, given. S. PLATT. 439 Pitt Street.
MA7308. Diamends, cic. Top prices A HIGHLY Jewellery, Gold Price Jewellery, for your Old-fash- rive expert Jewellery, at much over gold price. We 65 Oxford Strect. D.
Established COLLINS 1884. valuatien. A NTIQUE CHINA. CHINA SILVER, OLD ORNAMENTS GOLD, DIAMONDS, out Crysial, Electroplate, Highest prices (any brand) Seil your unwanted articles for CACH given. ANGUS and 500 Gicarse St.
Sydney. at A every 112 BATHURST bought. Oid STREET. Gold. Anything Diamonds.
end Cutlery, Sundrics, etc. MA1122. Make no mieMA1122. Sure Note to sell cur IL at CHARLIE ONLY City Addrces: 119. A MA2663.
MASON'S We Fine Buy AL Arts, 165 Highest Cash Castlercagh Prices. 6t Silver and E.P. Ware. Antiques speciallts. Chinaware.
Cut Glass. By. Clocks. Statues, etc. A Jewellery, PRICE Diamonds, or GOLD.
or peat to 803 GECRGE ST. 385 PITT ST. or 123 KING ST. No representativiD empicyed. AT ROYAL EXCHANGE, OCLD 40.
MARTIN AND PLACE. COMMENCY Old Gold Purchaced. Platinum Diamonds. Dental Plates Stiverware. Cutiery, Antiques, B5417.
Steves, Sinks. Copiers. Iren. Lora caliz. 184385 all models.
any condition. LA1593 time. Quantities, Libraries. for tish. TRICYCLE, 7 to 8 years.
Ring Petromax Lantern. 'Phone LW3127. Screw -down Pres. Piste to nac then 12.n. Replies to Bek 4064W, P.O, Sydney, BONE Lewis Machine, Cilice Machines Pusher preAngel Place.
BW4694. for duration Ci wanted war, to full-size Purchase, End- or TAD hand Billiard Tonic. R.A.A.P.. Notrandera, compicte with dintop, cues, and balls. Must be in perfeet condition.
Ping WA2540. BILLIARD inust Table, fair condition. with State Attings price. comApply No. 1905, Herald.
urgently wanted. types. We pty highest cash prices. 1000 shep, 110 Bathurst Si G. L.
CCOPER AND SON PTY. cCIPLaS, etc Parramatta Camperdown. LA3757. G. UILDING L.
AND EON PIZ. description. P.4. LA3751 BRAND STORES, Eubu.ba, the Buyers cL Buyers An- in hing and 2-4 Jotany liped, Alesandria, Greek to text, Purchase, ed. Ennods Vetexmann, of Lespais, 1683, later edition.
A. CrAm. South Crust. 10GEST Cash Prices paid for Old Or New Silverpinted Entree Dishes. Trays.
Cake Daskets, Dresden Chins, Cut Glass, Gold and Poona. MA4059. Buyc.a call promptly. 3031, KADFORD. 28 Campbail St.
HAymarket. MA4170. Cash buyers tech Id. Furniture, Shop c. large der Bale daily, call.
cr (884 wAD. SC. prices pale Phone, 1917. 20 York Street. (CAMERAS, Enlargers, Cr equip.
Will call, Supply, 112 Goulburn St. MA5312 CAMERAS, 72 Druitt St. En M2168. wanted. COMPOUND in D.C.
Motor. condition. CAMERAS WANTED, Castlereish highest St. prices. MA4323.
FREEREGISTERS. Scales, Bacon Cutters, Liverpon! Street. MA3116. TAMERAS, Projectora, Lenses, Movie or Still Photo. Gear.
Ivan Tempe. LA3345 CHEMICAL Balance, complete with Case and Weights. 'Phone. F08101. Roll.cord new, Rollides cu cquity tasis.
No. 6734. Herald. TAMERAS, Lenses, Bought for Spot Cash. Exchaneed Traded-in.
Crmma 147a Elizabeth Street. CAMERAS. or Leica F1.5 Len: Equipment required 1o: work of national Importance. Reply No. 1904, Herald.
TOPI ER or Tut recond-hand. Eny quantity. All partleulars to Hallstrem. 462 Willoughty Read, Willouchby, JA5044. CAMERAS.
EORITS. ENLARGERS, at Epoc cash. COCOMAN 20 HUNTER STREET. any conditico, cash Phene F06713 after or wale No. 3076.
Herald. release type preferred. Vyce, E. Jackson. Dawn, quick 18 Bay St.
Croydon. all kinds wanted. Turn them Into real mency. Beat prices given. Medals.
MillMadges, RAYMOND. 125 Bathurst Etrcet ttwo doces from Ellasbeth Street). CAMERAS. Veed Catucras TORS. and We Apparatus, Purchase Fut details to KODAK (AUSTRALASIA) PTY.
LID. Gecare Street. Sydney. M2911. DRAWING nis.
MA3225. Slide Rules. 13 George Et West. Jewellery, Watenza, An and modern cilver Bought for cash FREEMAN'S. 147 Castlereash St.
MA4333 or otherwise) OF PARTS. Castlereash St level. Her Majesty's Arc. (Jenca' to Farmer'e). MA5376.
INSTRUMENTS, good make and N. Christie. Colyton, or Ring 81. -'arv3 12. Instruments.
Slide Rule. PianiInstruments. ESDAILE. 42 Hunter Street. DIAMOND Jewellery.
Curios, Antiques, 01d Gold. Ivory Carvings. etc. Curio shop, 29-31 Castlereach 8t. corner Street and Martin Place.
ELECTRIC JA3228. CLOCK. no objection out cf orStove. Het Plates. clean conE ditien.
reial Ryde Corking 1371. Equipment. Hot STOVE. Early Keeta, preferred. Alzo Kiel Heater.
Write rion, LAy make, Either er beth teble for 6 volt of 2:0 vait. FLY top cash price. 30 wellington Barcet. Waterico. WANTED FOR SALE, beading Twin-nesdle Machine Clot Cuitor.
Leather Cutter. Ring MAS149. WISHING coven. quality EIL Reels ROHI one MISHING TACKLE SPECIALISTS, 143 prices Lath Street. 'Phone.
RILLER 5320. cas. In ARDEN ICEE Encor. P.he St. Randwipe.
any Eath-heater and CopGAs AnY STOVES, Para Queen TRICAL 81, 121145 (1 Que quants LID. end Fortisb-ane: poucht SIL ROHU Ci osmith, 143 abert MAZATO Sapphire. met ebught for send Et. post, da 31. tartin Place.
AIR DRYER, Rin: alter LW5 AND SEWING cord order, and D. pEter Tad. Norman. Leswell Woot Bra. Lawn Trunk Ice wanted.
Chrat. type CARET. lined. Electria tren, 11598 or small Head kond, Mesmen. 03 Eunray Steves.
vary 1X34P5. nt. Will and cash, 'Phene. NITTING Mach welled. State make.
medel, Must be in good order. 1806, ADY MANDRAG, ton oprains. F61034. ADDER. Hire no MX1631 atter ADV'3 DEALING Case.
Slate size And ATHE. AFICE, email hench, 3-inch, to take 6844. Herald Once Machines Angel Place, AGE cutler Desk, large Articles or Grandfather Clock. snail Unique Furniture, Tropical Tank. 374 PR.
Sunbeem. with attachments. Fartica, to 4190. Herald. MITALI 50 Botany 12d.
Girders, Watsrise. IXMASTLE wanted. prefer cash. WANTED. Ring M.
be in good Micrometer, condition. 10 DU Replies Mm. to must Box $064W. P.O., Ccati. Vests, Hats, and ALL WEAR, Beat prices.
WIll call. 820 George St, Railway. MA2100. ba Conta, Clothing Shoes. of every Hate, descripticn.
Underwent Suits, etc. Highest prices. We call to any district. Themp13 George 8t West, city "Phene. LA4062.
Cr good Creasy second- Street, hand Chip Canterbury. Bath Hester, Will TEWSPAPERE. Clean, preferably sire cwt and pick up eity Jace Pty. Ltd. Rins Monday, PRICE Desk, Monder, with Lynch.
drawers, "Phons. cash. 8W507 OLD any make. model, condition. Bought.
Rebuilt, 12 Hunter Et. OLD given. Rees wanted, any quentity. top prices Mandible 9t, Bolton Alexandria. end Co.
I 088. ONE with lids, in and good -gallon condition. Empty Ring Paint PA2125, Tina, British Painta (Auat.) Sutherland Paddinston. DIPING, Galvanised Iron. Bidg.
Matericia. 71 Farramatta Rd. Annandale, LA3068. POKER MACHINE wanted. in road order, Price, 3031.
Herald. DOTTER'S WHEEL, good conditien. River Read. Crovdon. 16 mm.
hand drive. Movie Viewer, 10 Mr. Holmes. Wall Brushes Wanted. 'Phone, Cameras, highest price given.
Pitt and Campbell Stroller, Eaby Clothes and Toya. No. 3150. Hersid. DAINT Brushes, used, rood condition.
Call ADV dist. diste price. 6745, Herald, DOTTER'S WHEEL Kiln, Tool. opportunity of verking. No.
3124. Herald. DORTABLE GRAMOPHONE wanted. Price and mike, to No. 2316, Heraid.
DASTRYCOOK'8 Werk Bench. Sury, Military Acad. Cremorne. PIPING and FITTINGS wanted. any quantity L.
COOPER Ind SON PTY. 193 Parramatta Pd. 1,4:717. Books, Conjuring Tricks. Ventriloquinl Dolls, anything theatrical.
Will 173 Street. B2282. WIRE COAT Cr TROUSER Particulars to 4191. Herald. DOMESTIC, anJ order, TOP CASH.
DEFRIGERATOR. electrie. Piper. Epping 514. 6737.
ADIATOR, Hers d. new of old. State price, No. CAMERA, any up to Plate. 'Phone, JA2264.
BOOTS. Ring JA2201. ETINA State condition and price. No. Herald.
IFLE. 22 Repeater. must be Arst-class order. 218 BurroWA Et. Yount.
For ERATORS, top prices. household prompt or other. insocction, eny and quick sale, tele. Security. BW5440.
RAZORS for cash. Price en condition. Apply ROLLS RAZOR CO. OF 80 Castiercagh Street. BW2038, STROLLER Cyclops.
order. 62 Moat: Brighton-le-Sands. Rule. Dumpy Level, Theodolite. Precision Inst.
26 Hunter 8t. E1917. STOVE elmilar. (co*ke), LA1593 Kost. Any time.
Kedren, Queen, 3 HOWCASE wanted. Silent Salcsman. from GIt to 10ft. MA4323 before 1 p.m. SET colour.
of used LM2504. Rugby Football Jerseys, any SEWING cash MACHINE buyer. Miss WANTED James. at once. LM1397.
PriEWING MACHINES. any make. Rowley, 210 MITH PREMIER models 3, or 10. Rebuilt 22 Hunter Street, hinbest pricen. Call or send for lists.
H. Nicette. 105 Pitt St. CITAMPS: Wanted. a Collection.
gecd prices. 'Phone, 0A1134. at Any time. price. Mrs.
SEWING MACHINE wanted, good Telephone, FX2087. CILVER SPLIT POX FUR. Siate price. No. 5428.
Herald, DEWING MACHINES. Highest prices given PINNOCK. 72 Druitt Street, M2138 MALL ELECTRIC OVEN, suitable cakes. FM6021, STEEL GIRD COOPER and Angle SON Iron, PTY. Pars, Plate, L.
103 Parramatta Rd. Camperdown LA3757 DINS, Copper. Zine, Land. all Highest prices, DAVID COHLN 5 Egan Street, Newtown. LA1241 SECOND from fair Rot al to good Arch condition.
Aprons Fred and 228 Pitt St. Sydney. MA 1198. REWING IntL model. Machine, Private buger, no agents.
Price Selecta and SCRAP LEAD. Brass Copper, Lead. Zine. to No, iteraid. num.
Gunmetal. Pewter. .303 Cart. Cases, Spent Car Red Metal. Stereo.
MORELAND M2710. METAL CO. 3 Market Street. SEWING MACHINES. Highest executed.
prices Tele. attention. Repairs MA4229. THOMSON BROS. PIY.
old 561 George STAMP Street, COLLECTION, oppreite or Inge lots, store or general British and foreign 21 word's to Bock 1000. Shop. Immediate 110 cash Bathurst St. payments. MA7745.
CRAP MEIAL. Every kind bought, Highest prices paid. ALBERT G. SIMS NEWTOWN, Largest Telegrams, cf Scrap And Metal in Australia. clothing.
Watcher, anything. Top Prices, Harrys, 240 Elizabeth St. PRIME Recording Clot for Place. Lewis Mach nes, 4 Angel Cespets, Runners. 1 pair of Sit FWI274.
Ail ard Gov. Buyers, 22 Hunter St, WANTED. Cash. Ring Rollers. also Folders.
King. 0J.232, White Eurect, Burveed. Two Liverpool Series, Rd. Write, Summer price. Hill.
Fist, 66 wanted. from ativate owner, Rem notch other well-known make. cash buyer Please UA1565. for use. inuin LID, 30 Relby Place, DW1227.
declared prices DOBELL maximum declared Ased Ltd. prices. 43 Spot Hunter St. B6158. Sydney CURCRETE MIXER Engineer, essential Lever work, Brothers Sutmit Pty.
Limited Elleet. Salmein. TIMBER suitable for wanted, mill loga, standing anywhere Hardwood within 30 miles cf Epping. A. EPPING, males purchased for cel at Government nixed prices.
CHARTRES, Remington House. pool Street. RITERS. Sydney. WE 'Phone BUY FOR GOVT, We Every 'Phone.
mate, any 84964 order. (night at Rode 13061. Quad prices TYPEWRITER are EFFICIENCY. 310 George but St. under Commonweelth Govt.
control, We cell. Best Govt. We are registelen buyers raid. Office Equipment 71 York: Prices St. BW2274 (5 lines).
Bet. over 30 years. Buy for CASH makes of Writine Machines at Immediate Govt. maximum ment. declared Bring them nxed in prices.
CT ring us 1 to inspect. Pty 53 LAMFS. Clarence IRONS, St. 97703 BLOW benz.ne. Prompt wick or cash.
preasure Brandts. type. 371 Pitt USER OIL STOVES. of Street. M4651.
SEWING MACHINES wanted. Best SED market prices. Immed, 'Phone. MA4222. BRCS.
FTY. Liverpool EtI 501 George St (en: door frem CLEANERS. old store. any make. old.
CLEANER, 385 George St. FuSS. 700 BaysVACUUM M3477. water Road, Blinds wanted. also Kaerk BedKing's dines, any sine or quantity.
FU6293. VACUUM condition. CLEANERS Dally Bought. Top MA2233. ADV to Buy.
small Emery Wheel. ANTED Andy Andy FM2180. MACHINE F00621. FLECTRIC, Cash Esse Stove or sim. HeatGas urgent.
Coppit, 3nth. Bath-htr. LA3319 W. RINGER. Machine.
Clothes Basket, Tues. alter 2. carpet. Sweeper, MACHINE, -electric. demestic PANTED.
model. cash, Enclish ESSE STOVE. No. WA1559. 101 Roremont 8t, Punchbowl.
Chairs, suitable for quantity church hall, XM4C54. ef smell Combustion Stove: Darlington Ocry WANT Stove. 43 Rd. Machine, 113 order, Ring PJ2978. Urgent.
Electric Enelish PErm, good STOP Ring WATCH. Ring FW4640, WA UW9029, and Bridesmaid's Dress. ParWANTED, WEDDING and price. Electric 3145. Weshing Herald.
chine for fence work. Ut ANTED urgently, ANTED. 2nd-hend 248 ct Elizabeth Techs. St. MA3479.
MachinANTED. Frack's, Cleaner good cadet. Greenbank Servicenbie St. 12- volt Baby Merrickville. Pathe Wentweeth Et.
Parramatta Child's Dinky Cer. Trievelt, Scooter Will call. and pay cash. FL1933 to Purchase. Potato Boller, Reply 47A Can Road.
Camusie. Kost or Case Steve, urgent. WA MACHINES, 60 rach. may MA1517 con Dewing Machine. circtria cash 53 Alfred St.
Ramseate to Pits- Tatie. UMB050, 2 Ecruters. large and medium. Orr gen Flagpole. 90 feet.
RA 2205al. 0.7.0.. Sydney. for Air Force Porter's and Tables, ANTED. Portable RADIO.
Price, make. to Refrigerat and Warhine Machno 4750. A a after 1 c'eleck Saturday, RIM to take 75 20 Truck No. 3104 Herald. WA to Phrnc.
Buy, 550 by Silver Ba'ero. Plata WANTED. Machine ter 8A26. 19423 suit Esrald. Past Find.
cond Top price. Erne Tin Danes. Er size, quantity. Frice, to No. WA Particulars to WANED by similar to Nestler a Model Ring 262 Inter INFANTED.
Modern cash Furniture, home or Street. Arb arid: or PA2314. Vacuum barrel Ed. type Can- preferred. 117 Ct.
ley 3-ply wood. shout 20 sheets. Vale Prop brand or other waterurest mate. TO PURCHASE, che only Muter June Russell 94 Stirst, LLECTRIC WELDER, 179 F111 200 Have 135. amp.
set part No. 3105. Hirald. wented. wriatlet Elgin equal, 1n good order.
Price, No. WE BUY FURNITURE, Ornaments, Silver, Kerr homes er surplus, Tocha. anything. Glase. Cutlery, each, 8:.
autek MA3369. ItZIONS. 262 Cartierench ANTED. CUTLERY titensils Knives, suitable Forks, Spoons. and other particulars in any quantity.
Price And instance TANTEL. FURNITURE. Modern nos, fashioned. acmes Bu Mayer, Carpets. Ornaments, F00293 Sewing Machines, time.
ANTED. on PAY CASH. for Household Cloada. anywhere. any Dining.
and Lounge Euites, Tinnon. China. Sewing All types of Machines. Furniture, Wineeny quinsits S. Wentwerth Av.
Ring MA2974. A UME 30. Sunday, n.p. loud 182 Dunmore TcHay St. ride Wentvillo Ay A RILL, tyres, o.h.v..
perfect h.p., 1933 Ryde 619. good o.h.v., good, Exch. Campbelltown 2-streke. A sell 18. Austen.
Warby St, A CME. worker, 120. 2 40. 23 Scarborough snap St, for Kogarsh chift A CME. 1939, 2 Del Rio, Edgbaston Rd, Beverly Hills.
A 35. 1939, 10 god Windsor condition, Read, tyres Northmead. good, res. 1940. tyres new.
gocd order, 277 A la. BAY Pour Rd, Outnt. Lane Cove, cocd order, A 75. offer. 22 Fifth Ave.
Campale A RIEL Alfred 1934 St, o.h.v., Mascot, perfect. near King After 10. St. No. 2 A MOTOR CYCLE, 95 1928 Harrow model, Rd, Bexley good A RIEL 6.V..
year. good conditicn, Apply rear 3 Street, Earlwood. A RIEL perfect Red Hunter condition. 500c.0.1 or terms. new Collins St.
Botany, M01910, RIEL. foct change. TEE-. wall chod. slight disorder.
best offer. Le-Roy, Dickenson 6t, Reveshy. 1939 Bilver Streak and Sidecar. A condition and appearance AS new, Bay cramination. 31 Renwick Marrickville.
500 c.c.. Sicper, 4-valve, o.h. OutA At. mechanically faulticss. sperdo.
Sat after 42. Accept trade-in Cr Exchang Enby Austin. 7 Railway Pde. be, LLPARTS LTD. MOTOR CYCLES, end ACCESalso Good Used Spares.
REBORES. ALLPARTS, 116 Surest. MA2023 RESLEEVES, Gearbox. Overhauls, etc. cash, 1930, or oder.
engine 43 Gerard 2 gd. St. tyres, Cremerne. 30 Speedwell Superlite Recer, vIc. G.P.O., early Wed, Rew, PW5245.
3-speed, 2 brekes. Endrick rims, Cocper St, city. B' 28 Chatham gent. Rd, rood West order: also Ryde. tyres, £7.
tapered frame, nOW tyres. £6 Apply 25 Lavender St. Fivedock. BICY Roberta perfect Ave. crd-r.
Randwick, cheap. FX5193. tapered frame. 27 tyres. neW.
7 Mariborough St. L'hardi O.H.V.. good Lyres, 65, Sunday, 41 Arlington 8t. Fivedock. B' 100 New new Canterbury conditien: Rd.
261n. ICYCLE. Malvern Star, racer, new. 23 Meirose Pde. Clevelly.
B' Geed Lyres. XM6220. In excellent condition. B' Esplanade, South good, Kurstville. best offer, 6 The Speedwell, brand new tires, perfect order.
A gift. £6. UJ4459. B- OUTFIT, Parade, Hurstville, tyres good. reg.
24 near new. racer, cheap. 17 Bur. nett St, Redfern. near Town Hall.
and W. WHUP, T.S., taxed 11 tyres, 2 22. 10 Vernon St. Woollahre ticn, tyres. 4 Hornet, 12 1938, Alfred excellent St.
Campsie 55. Del 1938. Rio, 2.50. o.h.v.. Rd.
Empire Beverly Star, Hills 6. 90 excellent Glenmore tyres, Rd. twin Paddington. brakes. etc.
12 Bellevue Rend. Bellevue HIll. tyres, ASKET Food condition, new offer. After 1935. 1.30 p.m..
O.H.V. 15 Park good, Av. Bexley or Irrae stocks to choose from. Secend-hand or Rebuilt. as new.
teed. WALCOTT. 90 Wentworth Aventte. '29 OutSt, taxed. exc, 22.10 B.S.A..
mech. like new. 45 Caledonian St. Bexley, order and and condition. 1930.
17 10-12 h.p.. or offer. 700d Mitchell 15 Grey St. Auburn chrome. 1933 S.
order. V. Outfit. 47 original or separ- disco REC. 11 Arlingten St.
Dulwich one AND tyre W. worn Wasp 1938, (non-military registered, size). 20 46 Frat wood Ave. Eastwond, before 2 30 p.m. Empire Star, duco Inte pertect.
37. 80 o.h.v... cash Telet. 16 Byron St. WYNALL.
WYNALL. Cycle end seve the fare. Complete of models frem 9 16 6, easy terms. HAZELL ANC MOORE. 36 Camphell Strect.
MA6091 BENNE for USED MOTOR AND CYCLES. WOOD end 1935 Twin 57 10 Er elev Davidron. 1938. 10-12 Solo 097 101 B.S,A. and S.
1939, 600 8.V. 104 10 Harley Davidson and 31in Chassis, 1978 PENNETT WOOD Wentworth Erdney. 'Phone. M4405. MOORE ofers the following late model Meter Cretes, All in condition and reedy ARTEL J.8.
1914 1930 500c.c. H.v. 10 ARIEL 1037 500c.c. O.H.V. Red Hunt FRANCIS BARNETT 1936 250c.c.
T.S 52 10 HARLEY 1936 10 12 h.p PANTHER 1979 6000.0. V. 107 10 NORTON 1938 44 8.V. 95 ROYAL ENFIELD 225: c. T.3.
40 10. ROYAL Enfeld 3-wheele: Delivery £73 Many Others, kea, A11 Type. TERMS Metropniltan Area ONLY. Trade-Ina accepted. MOORS 62 worth Avrnue.
MA6318 FOR dition. Sale. Boy's 'Phone. Blevele. FU9103.
size 24. Gocd conTOR Sale. cent new condition. 10. 1 Metrose Clovelly.
FOR Motor motes and Celts. mode's, Spares, try new PADDY and used. RYAN of and Hunt St. Eydney. GIRL'S 8.
BICYCLE. 1196 Endle Canterbury Coaster Rd. Hub. near Cyele order. Sunrnly.
25 Elizabeth St. Artormon. 10. Malvern Star. needs little repair 35 St.
West 'S Encedwell Bleurle merfect order. 105 Allan St. Leichhardt. rhad. suit Inte model Cycle, bike.
186 Brighten Ave. Campsle electric light nearly Eadie Crester. end centrator. FT 2447. ENT 'S Bike.
cocd condition. 6. Not Bike. 10 Malvern National Star. St.
belchhardt, like new. mudelec. lamp Arthur St. Fivedk Curls, cord erde: wat! shed. "Phone Lucas.
J81762. ARLEY Deutdeen and Side inte model rant 1 must be med 0776. Herald. ARLEY. 1920.
and Sid: bex. 24 Park St. ENDERSON Twin. good. well-bas: Fiderer.
LU2346 Outfit. late model Snorts, perfect. Austenhem Pd. Davidson, used Parts. st and Kennys, 43 King 8t, Newtown, LA1713 APLEY and Cow, taxed.
tyres gord. snap Them son. Statton St. ARLEY Chassis and Body of 1996 model will trade chaste and hox. 2263.
Out 4t. 1029, 7.0, tubes exsound order. Ere. Trial. 25.
Boyd, 13 Smith's Avenue. Hurstville. Inte 50Cc.c. Ins. 39 Albert sinale St, Hornsby, new JU1430, tyron.
net Ins. 1044. exc. Sports Outft. sell for pert gd.
T.S. or Light Solo. Harold St. HI fer AND late MOORE, model Used HAZELL Motor Cycles AND Deposit. C.
EAGLE 1937 T.S. VR PANTHER TRIUMPH OCETTE 1950 1037 1934 S.V O.H.V. O.H.V. 4404 20 Meny mora to frem HAZELS and MOORE 36 C- Street. MA6091 INDIAN and Sid- box.
10 h.p., secd order any trial. 32. 26 Ross St. Pa. ramatta.
INDIAN OUTFIT, mech. ride Aft. Sat. 492 Military Re. Mcman 1040.
perfect order and Lyres. 35. 23 Nancy St. North Bendi. TAMES.
1938. cond order. tie 120 mtira After 1 Saturday or Sundry. 20 Stubbs St, Auburn. ADY'S CYCLE, new tvrez.
renovated 9. 20 Darter Street. Newtown. ADY'8 CYCLE. RE now, perfect tyres.
etc. 0. 22 UJ2379 IGHTWEIGHT Sidetar and Chatsts piste, 113 Bank la Roed. Bank town. ATE Model Meter Cycle, o.h perfect.
100 Cheep. 14 Wieram St, Grenville ADY'S Cycle, As new, very little use. Cash 17 Albert Parade. Ashheld. ADY'S Speedater Cycle, now.
complete. 12 Riverside Dulwich HIll. nr. stn. ADY'S BICYCLE almost new.
Eadle fretwheel. banuty. 6.10. Urment sale. LA2403 ADY'S Fadie Coaster Cycle, 4 mths.
perfect condition, £10. Ring UF1016. ALVERN Ster new. what eN 8375. Herald, TALVERN STAR Read ET nearly need tyrra, Ring XA1174.
MOTOR Cyele, remstered. Royal cord EnGeld. condition. 1936. Apply 62 John St, Cycle.
B.S A. Model. 1936. h. 45 In condition.
Frice Court, Marine Pde, Marcubra. ON 11 Regatta Rd. laxed. Fivedock Ins Malvern Sis: Bicycle, owner into the Army. 23 Susan Annandale.
Inter, 500, cam. new tyres. very ed UX6494. EW Imperial. 23 0.11.V., twin port, 8.T upswept.
gocd eider, 35. After 13 Holland Avenue, Rockdain. CRTO2. 1955. 31 3.
medel 10. good condition. Apply 31 Mazowe; Pend. Pendle If 1. Sunday.
Imperte1 35c.c.. coce condition. recileted. new. 10 Mic Dennid Gercet, Lachhardt 41.
50. Sunday ent, Tower and Condon Sts. Panania. DAN HER, 1033, 44. tyres, mech.
rd. 500. Fiat 14 Knox St. Acid ANTHER and detar, 1037. c.h.v tr excellent critinal conditicn.
C5 43 Simmons at. Enmore. 1937, perfect cenChen. Suncay. 32 Bhie St.
North Sydney, X53523. 1910. Ins 1244 11 St. Cart on. End: 1240.
about 130 10 antien. hardly used Urgent Salt 31 Holm Ave. Ennild. ROYAL Ent id. Archer 1630.
gearbox, 10 h. re. tax. G.M. 17 No.
Hienwar, L'V3560. CYAL Enfield 1730, 31 and -mall 73 or arranted. 32 Eat, 1539, ins Ear. nice. 3314 313 Aberremble St.
Redin Gen dine. ered condition. 6. Fivedenk, 0A1292. 1957.
Kintere St. Dulwich 8111. SIDECARS Wanted, Waterton, Retire. Murphy, turre and conBramirh St, Campale, DWELL. tram: -4 FAT: d'ormo mud rood tyres end condition.
25 Arthur St. Crogdon. PARIUMPH 1938 throughout, Must gond sell. tyret. is, ensettent PA2707 Meter Cycle, needs repair.
5. Labomba. Ovele. 1939 motel. cheer.
Riot after m. Bet. Morn 33 model. Praint 1766 crier 134 Ind rend PL Pedd naten. with Delivery tyres.
Karli nt Ring PA1167. condition. good, 16. not Cantertury, 1931. -cod.
best rE mornings. 32 Orcavener Pouth Hurstville, for Sole. mater 3.50 10. 325 19. 21 2.15.
75 Parramatta p*rn 1937, 63. Recen4. Ave. Engine. WAS 5 teren.
Tyrell St, 20. Gesd villa med. 21 ADY'S Cyele wented. up to Rowe, 17 Colic? St. Drummoyne, Meter Cycle wanted.
Ring 75 after 6.30 p.m.. or week-endn. ANTED, Triumph, pair 3.50 tep 19 price 01 300 riven. 20 RINg 033239. WANTED, MOION LX2130.
1027 A.J.S. O.8.V.. Sat. till Bund. 871 Anunc Matoubra Jct.
Bridge Rest Belmore. UL2714. 1936 to 1940. Cash. 82 cash ANTED.
price. good 12 Motor Main Cycle. St. Eariwood. pay top Meter Cycle, or larger, good.
159 Gladstone St. Cabramatta WANTED. Acme machine. T.S.. Ring about UJ3232.
1940. spot WANTED. late model. Cycle, cash. 250 to 6392, 500, Herald.
2-str WANTED Motor Sunday Cycle, only, up to FUD871. b.p., ANTED. cr later 350-600 c.c. P.O. WANTED for Dismantline, LA1049, day old time, Models.
Cash about 24in Bicycle. 4030 tyre1 with and contrator pref. Epp. 1050 WA 64 ANT. Lander St.
Cycle. Redfern, to 20 off cash. Shepherd. Tangye WANTED Ellis. MOTOR 105-7 CYCLE.
William St. Spat M3023. Cash. Motor Cycles, for wrecking. cash Allparts.
116 Goulbutn St. MA2023. WANT Hallorans, Old 50 Harleys, P'matta Indians, Rd. A J.S. Peterzham.
Ring ANTED. MOTOR CYCLES, for wrecking. Highst prices PADDY I RYAN and Hunt St. Sydney. MA3267.
1.25 afternoon V.ilert and Motor Sunday. Cycle, LA4091 cash Home Set. 14 Hillcrer Et. 81. Peters.
1.p. 1932 model, 2001 order, towed, must be sold. 28 Atthur St. Croyden, 12 noon Sat. only.
WANTED Model. Several Pay cash. Motor Conditicn Cyeles, unim- about cortant. Price must be right. Letter, 13 Willam Street.
Marrickville. WANTED. Tunes, damared Macnetne. or Genern- incompiete. or diamantled.
Write 44 Main Street. Or call any night. Cash. WANTED PURCHASE. MOTOR CYCLES.
Highest Prices. ERIC MOORE. 82 Wen worth Ave. MA6348. WANTED.
model Used Mctor Cycles, WANTED highest prices. HAZELL and MOORE. 36 Campbell Street. Sydney. MA6031.
WANTED Meter on Cycles me for before cash. It sacrificing may your machine. WALLY UNDERWOOD. 109 Street. MA1306.
WANTED mate. TO BUY. Call inte or Model 'Phone to Motor Cycles. BENNETT and WOOD Wentworth Avenue, Sydney. 'Phons, M4005.
PRIVATE Purchase Buyers and Financed, easy -Your repayments. Motor 12 Main St. Ear wood. MOTOR CARS, LORRIES, ETC. A 22 USTIN Ocdfrey ARLe St.
Banksia. SLug A USTIN Insured, 242 Enmore 45. Rd. best LA1612 offer. USTIN 1934 reR.
and insured. 16 A St. USTIN Baby '27, 501 Fint, Ford Lorry. A suit spares. 30 lot.
12 Velda St, Bealey A USTIN 045 7. down, 37 take Roadster, over terms. exc. tax. LASS23.
insured. A USTIN 45 down, take ever terms. LA3023. 10 34 Sedan, good car. 45 08TIN 1936 Roadster.
original duco, A well shed, LA1425, USTIN 1.37 h.p.. good order, any trial. A A USTIN OF Tourer, private car, '38-39 XB2651, model. perUSTIN 7 1934 Sports Coupe. splendid.
A terme. 494 Crown St. FA2036. A tered, 1931 inspection Sedan, Sunday. ready tor 45.
road. 143 Erecroft Road, Beecrett. A USTIN 7 excellent. 1929, enaine. cash.
tyres, 32 Blu: St, Nth. Sydney. XB3529. A USTIN 38. Model Rcad.
8 1st-class Granville. condition, p.m. Eaturday. A USTIN insured 12 rood order, Standard registered. Garage.
Denison USTIN 7 1937 Tourer, scund and reliable. and Oxford Bondi Junction. A regd. now. 135.
Sunday morning. 201263. 35 Fairlight Mani. 1030 Big Tourer, taxed. gond A tyr's.
original, excep. pe. formance, 165 Trade Car, terms, 266 P'matta Nd, Ashield '30 Sports, engine overhanied, exA callent tyros and appearance, registered '44. 65. 6 View Street.
Concord. A tyres. 7 H.P. mechanically Sports and Roadster, taxed, new excellent, tams. Parramatta Rd.
McConnell Ashield. Motors 164 A lent USTIN 7 Tourer, for good snle, or running exchente order, excel- late model Motor Cycle. Sal, afternocn or Sunday UM7251 A USTIN mileage, 12 well 1933-34 shed. De registered Luxe and Sedan. Insured small 1944.
Instruction bock. tools. Accept ancther ca: and cash or terms. 2 Rosemount Avenue. Summer Hill.
1027 Sedan, Light 6. very good car. XE4066. S.A.. 45.
341 Victoria Drummoyne, US, for Sale. RogEr, 'Phen: Rocty H111 UICK 6.A. Tourer, well shod. best price. Springside St.
Rezelle. UICK 8.40 Sedan, 1.33. Inspect BurUICK wood 1935, ex. cab, price wanted. Meters Lid.
UJ2763. 101 Ramegate Ave. Beulah 20. 28 Sharpe Bondl BUCK 6, Belmore. 33 5 6 Tourer, well shod, offer.
Cam asle Sunday morn. Sm.th. 43 Anglo Rd. RESIN effer cash. Easex 65 6 William Tourer.
except. Street. erder. Thomas, engine perfect. teed.
15. 134 Underwood St. Paddington. 6 Tourer, well 30. 265 Parramatta Rd.
210. 1935 8 FL1743. perfect erder, any trial, UICK 1930 Soden, any trini. urgent rale, 230, FL1621. for Sale, Dodge, good order.
'Phone. 13 ty 1933 gives except. Seden. taxed. 255, Trad: gocd car, terms.
266 P'matta offer Rd. very smart BASIN ME Sedan, permed price. Pontine ntranged. 65 William Street. MOTORS offer 1940 Chevrelet BA perfect order ra new.
pegsed price. Terms 40 arranged. 4-senter 65 Town William St. perfect Special erdrt. complete with 5 excellent 8 tyres.
radio. te-se covert. order. R. 350.
and LA2418 BUSS Sedan, Saturday 1028. wood Menday. 146 Morebred St. Redfern, Sedan. 1934.
upholstery 6 wheels. and smart good, in ired, terms. 2 Notle St. leather ASSIN A 1931 Rulet 8 50 cord, after 2 p.m. Saturday.
luxe Sedan, very smart. 6 wheels, Atted good eire, fan. Reg. Peazeu price Terms, 8:40 1937 Sedan. Radio, In truly 65 Street.
beautiful order, original owner, Principals well only worth Inspection. Fine arranged. after 1 p.m.. UM7186. 1934.
tyres BUCK, duce original. reg. Trade Car Sedan. original Terma. Open new.
all week -end. R. W. LEANEY. Parramatta Rd.
Pivedock. single-senter: Also 2 5 23 CHEV. 21 Tyres. 1929. Sunday.
16 Ivy Lane. CHEV. 1928 £38. 58 Tourer, Shadtorth reg-. insured.
St. Funch good bow, apwell taxed And per, drive 18. 0L1335 CHEVROLET 1935 Stan. Coupe. perfect.
£45 down. Barelars. 05 William 81 Capitol. 1927, Naremburn. good order, well shed.
26 Rd. 1029 Sedan, nocd order, mileage. is Flora St. 1929 Coupe, good 16.. Ins.
55, 533 Canterbury Rd, Campsir, CHEVROLET 1933. good 29 Bunneron: Rd. CHRYSLER 1927-8. cond cond sured. 30.
33 Garland Rd, CHEV. 1026 tunn.ng MO 10. 1323 Canterbury Rd Pun CO Tourer. mech cd. 25.
1323 Canterbury Rd. Pun CHEV. Sedan. 145. 32 Calill Street.
Beverly Hills, Sunday '29 Tourer, geed enzine, tyres, body rough. 25. 40 Elis. St, Reselle De TOURER. 100, Rotiate sound job 43 Wellingten Site: CARAVANS.
see classification Immediately following this 34. teF. pert. net tea. ed.
tyr, XW0276. CHEy, Tourer, 1227. for Phill.p Sale, gord city. crder. NITROIN 1027 Teurer, well shed good mechenically, reg.
23. UM7501. Sunday. CHRYSLER 1933 Offer 8 33 Sedan, Fesil 7 St. reed Neto tyres.
A pertect cut 1038 Sedan, price. Perry's Parking, 201 C'reagh st. Syd 192) mornitis. 198 Catherine St. Leichherdt.
FIREVROLET 1030 Roadster, tyres new 267, 153 St. 'Stanmore, HEV. 6 Rondater, taxed. go.d ordet. 53.
Car. Short. High Sty. THRYSLER fitted 700 18 excellent motor pert. Tased.
UW2440. splendid condition. 801. 01 3 81. 1926 prac ins well 24 Pemberton 8t.
Flamingion. Tourer, camp body. feller curtains. rood Jet. private.
FL1944. Sedan, owned by doctor since new 1937 model, god tyres, can teams. PW2302. 1984. '29 Touzer, 65, after.
32,000. Trade new tyres. Cycle. Centirbury Rd. Likemba, 1020-00 Sedan, two new tyres, engine coed.
DE tatte over terms. St. Arnelife. 4. sell in good order.
37 tubes. or wul near new tyres and for 25 or cier. XJ1661. CHEY. rune 1920.
perfect. new tyres. Garage. and Sutherland. Sunday torning.
1929 mech. O.K., ed. appear 50. terms, tradeExtra Lyre, 20 Day CHINa 0 Sports Roadster, 1934 40 Et. Albana St.
Abhoteford. Sunday only. 1030 2 175. Mrch terms sound 260 dep. 31 Prince's 1020.
Me. Natten-1. LX1517 runs REVROLFT cred 39 and c1 Read. Rhodet. UP1942.
CRIES Seden. 1930-31, with caccint, £115 cr offer. OHRYSLER 6 1034 de luxe Sedan, 6 wheels, just rebated. Aar appearance. 135.
Tams. 494 Crown Street. FA2038 (EEV. trial. 1034 2 dan, good tICS, will stend anY week-end.
601 Parramatta Rd. Le chhardt. In 100d order. not then 1936. Particuier to Malvie Theatre, Belmont.
CHEST Capital Prideter, same good model, ernditten. 25. Barred Motora. 072768. CHEESE excelient Tourer cars.
(2 terma. to choose trade, 0W9164. CHEVROLET 4-door very gord taxed. terms. 331 1030 well shed.
ten terms. 47 The Avenue, Hurstville. Plymouth 40 luxe Sedan. run In CAr cond all extras. 30 Pacdington.
CHEVACLET for 11 in montha. toed 100 or. Ree. Road, AREVPOLST 1930 Standard Sedan, ent condition. private Anance arranged, 2 80 Down.
After 1 p.m. Saturday. CHALLENGER 28. wheel 30 Wank Ends onlv Prestons, Liverpool, Tourer The Art to 892 Luy. 33 10 Pereival Reed.
CHEVROLET 39 producer. De Luxe, Sedan. down. cite Ge mE nt cash afres CHRYSLER 1027-20 Light fest erdr. good appearance.
Ina. 38 Cheviot Et. Ashbury. CHEVROLET 1040 model 10,000 miles. original 10 months dard real Bodan.
Cach exchange for 19:0 either WAS. 'Phone, Cronulta 76. 1938 Coupe Sedan, 5-pase. with radio. Registered.
Insured. 265. Terms. Owner's FM3630, MA3685. CHEVROLET well ROADSTER, 1933 Master, rumble shod.
in good condition. 167 West Street, Crow's Nest. SEDAN, 5 1929, good order, reg. and insurance, good tyres. 50, cash.
20 Marlow Street, Campsie, 39 to Fallon. extra good tyres and condition, Reg. 35. Home all hours, 70 Great North Rd. Fivedock.
LEA new 50 Imported splendid Royal Sedan. 26 New reg. Excellent opportunity. PM6723 Tourer. 1927, 36.
ins. Rings, 39 St. Lidcembe UX7011. 6 Tou.er, 5 gocd tyres, taxed. sound cider.
50. Trade Cat. 206 P'mauta Rd. Ashnaid. Week-end.
CHEER shed, excel. Standard cond 4 Sedan, 250. year's Trade car, terma. 265 P'matta Ed. Ashdeld 1938 De Luxe Sedan, well shod, orig.
crad. 268. tends cit. terms. 266 P'matta Rd, Asha id.
All Light A Sports Bredster, in exceptional order throughout brand new tyres sil round. 35 cr near. BASSIN'S MOTORS. 65 William Street. Royal 5, 31-5.
De Luxe, in splendid order throughout. Tyres pert. Small mileage Cash. terns. WIll cona.der trade-In.
LM4324. STAN. SEDAN. 1939. eric nal low mileage, cord.
100ls. tee. Trade Car Terms. Open all week-end W. LEANEY, Parramatta Rd.
Fivedeck. 0A2709. 1937 all enclosed Coupe Ecdan, owner in Army, 109. needs duco, engine. perfect.
Gillies, Service Station. 26A Campbell St. city. MA2561, 1026 model, comp. bed.
6 rd. tyres, tubes, 2 Jack, self-starter. auto. wiper, gd. engine.
Rez. 3 months. 30 cash. Newlands, CHEVROLET 1934 and 2-ton, Brennan T.T. and Oxford St.
and nited with Gas Unit, extra well shed. dual tyres. and mechanically perfect. Ring Rude 050. 1033 Utility.
with 32S producer and electric blower, no petrol required. 4 275. In 1st-clars condition. well shod rep. terms, 31 Prince's Ameliffe.
LE1517. 1936 Stan. 2-decr Sedan, excelient gord tyres. 13712. can strange terms.
2 Leigh Court. 118 Warners Ave. Beret, opp. Public School. CHEVROLET good Standard conditien.
1937. Well shed. and Insured. accept another car end HIll. cash or 2 Rosemount Ave.
Summer 1930-31. god tyrea, new heed. and upholstery, camp. body, extras. orig milenge, 47.000.
Bishop perfect order, Randwick, 75. Sundey. Snare. 22 4 have Cars for sale. ROLE Sedan.
175, 1935 Chcy. Roadster, 115: Chev. 1936 Standard Tourer. 145: 102 1936 Dudley Cher. St.
Readater, perfect. 8 165. wk-end, 7- Imperial Coogee, Sedon. 1938 CAR well shod. and in perfect Pull order.
One ticulars ct the CAn Anest be obtained from Box 4015VV. curs in the Stale. a.P.O., or BV6915, CHEVROLET 1938 Roadster. priv. cwned, Att.
new new Pred. Lyres, immac. car. ev. respect.
Seat Arteri IC offer. Arrange terms privately. Sunday, 35 Lennox Rock: dale, 30 muel. 1X1475. wood urder.
DO Jean Sedan. Chulicra, Sunday. 1932 4-door Sedan, nimost new tyres. perfect condition. JA7020.
38. mechanical order. Ring ODGE DA Sedan. well shed, 55. D' Sunday only.
28 Gladstene St. ODGE Tourer, mood erder, tyrea, St. reg. Bexley. Cheap ODGE £35.
152 CAR. Queen 30. goed 5 Victoria tyres ed. Harley nd Sidecar. 8 Wocdiends R6 Ash.
Ina. 901 1939 Castlereagh Sedan. 6 St. h.p., Sydney. Perry's St, 1936 Broadway, Tuurer, Coupe.
nice 4 130. condition. 713 Melted, Harris Cecges, PX1177. ODGE Sedan, 1928, set Tyres, 85 new, reg 10 48 128 Denison ad, ODGZ 1929 Light 6 Sedan, very nice OLGE order, Pacific Tourer, 65, Highway. Sedan, carly arrange Crow'S perfect, model, terms good Nest.
running Lyres. LA2610, X51767. cider. 299 19 Hersell Avenue. Arneliffe.
Late 1935 De Luxe Sedan, 1st-cinss. Terms. 494 Crown St. FA2036. 1937 Sedan.
D5, excellent order. tyres, 115 Hay St. UA3639. LODGE COUPE, 1930. reg.
and ins. Mech. perf. Lyres excellent. Apply befere 12 noon, 155 Elizabeth Street, Redtern.
MX1217. D.A. SEDAN. Reg. 5 new lyres.
perfect. sat, afternoon, Sunday, 66 Orpington Street. Ashfeld. 1933 Sedan, gocd order, been on blocks. any trial, 125, terms.
All week-end. 641 Parramatta Ad. Leichhardt. DE tyres. 5010 reed.
1937 Sedan, reduced, CHIC trial, owner. mond PS. dep, Weck-end. 641 P'matta Rd, Leichhard: 1934 sports Roadster, nice nearance. dickey erat.
95. casy terma. The Avenue. Hurstville. LU2932.
DOOR '37 175. Sedan. LA3763. good order Alter and 12. tyret, Jacobsen Ave.
N. Brighton. CDOE Tourer in 1st-class mech. order, well shod. 10 10 week.
31 Prince's H'WAY, Arneliffe. LX1517 ODGE TOURER, 1029, Standard 6. gord order. extra well shed, 'side curtains. taxed, 42, terms, 29 Day St.
Marrickville. TO Gon. taxed. 30 ins. Sedan.
Really extra perfect. well EN: trade- 29 Day St. Marrickville 1037 Sedan. cond order. taxed.
gent 2175. Tek: cheaper car cert payment. Arrange terms, Heme all -end, 35 Reynolds Avenue. Dankstown. Sedan.
1333, 4 most attractive wellcar. condition. very cocd Lyres. neg, Trade cal. arrange hose Bay, FU7323 miter 2 p.m.
Fastest 4 Tourer. very gocd motor. gears, etc. Camp cody. Good heed, roller curtains comstate carrier.
55. FX4270. project. ter. 1134.
and dueo. Cn blocks 13 months. 125, 07 Lake car 13 part 21 Lues Rd. NT OP Chevrcict SUPPLY Sedan. AND 1941 SHIPPING medel.
For damaced condition. Farticulars 6t Beard. 428 Street, Sydney. M0421, Clo.ca 21st May. 1943.
155EX 192j c*nth. nice Trial. order, 466. Reg 105. R.yd: IRSKINE 1930 Tourer, one owner new, original.
well shod. Trims. SEEX Challenger, 1929. Tourer. Syd.
Elks. Box 215, 1928 30 Imp. 7 Terkie Sedan, St. taxed. Sumimer 175..
Hell. BELS 1029 nice car. 5 extra Fav 45. LX3001. is Electric Car.
Cah LM1708. Sports 63. Freell order, fate 20. 1X2750. 1SSEX 1928 217 10 enter.
reg. 125 good 1928 Tourer, taxed, vett 265 Parramatta Rd. Ashield '20 Sedan, clean. Va 66 trial. 58 Regent St.
SSEX 1927 well shed. tax, er-4 36 Smith St. Marrickr rille, 1927 6 dan, 10 New sound Jersey order. Rd. tax, Pivedock ESSEX Challenger Interstew Tourer, TeE Sunday well only shed.
24 St. Duix-ich dan. 11414. 1926. well shot new £.
35. LX3533. a.m. 6 Reich Buntela. Sunday.
1924 4-dcor all-sterl Seden, well shed. 35 easy terma. The time. Hurst ville. Genuine 1930 Sedan.
attractive nice mar to drive, It bum carrier. wine. 1X4270 V3 Erdan, needs adjustment, RO, otter 142 Forest Ed. Burstville, V8 1936 Sparta Tourer 115 terms. 603 P'matta 1960 Rd Leichhardt rach Call LM4992, Sunday.
82 Catherine Et. Punchhowl. 1940 8 b.p. Anglin, 21.003 miles, 1 225. Geed tyrea.
JA7877 WORD Beauty Sedan, 1932, 65. Underchite, A vEer 12. 103 Riverview Rd. V8 Scorn good tyres, Chi15. 2175 129 Queen Victoria 1929 SI.
THORD A Tourer. genuine 29 Day 8v. RCADSTER 1029. 45. Mend.
ACED A Sedan, very RU Curd FX1171 Farrr. blue dice. terms. V3 1034 Coupe, splendid 27 teams. 49.
Crown St. VA De Luxe. '35, ewnct 77 Pen burst St. THORD 1937 Sedan. 117 Centerbury prod.
Rd. 1:0 Dr Ants, 158 Military Neut. Bay. After 12 1036 Tuxe Sedan. FIAT 1039 Sedan.
excellent ordet. C175, trede-in. 142014. TACAD Bret Ton Truck. with and can.
FU0302 alter p.m tubes. 4 Bunt at. I.nestord. V8 Coupe. 1933.
cord 120. Funday TORD Va Sedan. 1036 De Luxe X62831, model rete fest car, Pezeed price. 7 Airedale Avenue, Sports offer, T. Rows 1927.
Lane, tyres, trees Vernce 3t 17 10 V8 Sedan. est. Lyre, 10 good. comp, recond clutch. completing 012034 otter 2.
V0 Sed wireless, n. 1930, small condition. 260, V. 31 Kimbericy St. Dever 31 New Beauty Walton- 17.
1115.. 65. or 22 down. 84 gone V6 1934 Teurer. 6 Witeels, campint Reid.
bode, good. Saturday and Sunday. St. SALE. Ford 4-door Sedan.
on Knox Clovelly. blocka 18 mantha. 165. Inspedt Bune day, TAORD 10 V3 Glenvi-w 1954 Street, Luxe Sedan, 147.. taxed, De 4 new tyres.
22,000 miles, Must VAT Panel Van for Sale. st Week-end, -OP order. Apply Sunday, 234 in perfect Enlior Bey Nor 1: brides. wanted 13- FORD chenge 1023 for Sedan Dedy. Bedr extra to FORD Parr VO Street, Tourer, partoct, in.
best 1031 in Winder Sud. Balm Oder. Cub or terms. 73 Food. Dit Va wish Coupe De Luxe 1937, Atted with FoRD aced well shed.
Terma, ins. J. Gode 460. eXC. ranting cider.
brand 30. Paling a crier. 05151, tyres, Annel Place. real TOR laid up one year. SALE.
McIFis Coupe, V6 1933, Eep. and car as new. Denis App'y wack-end. 10 Firal to ate vey. Sedan.
110, 1. 1C2D VB 1935 De Prince's wAS. Arne mech. sound. 31 TORD V8 1937 Private Sedan, car, with DEW vendilion.
uned. Good VO 7 rendition, St. wire FORD vate owner, Sun. 3raca, FORD criginal Sports condition. Re good tyre, FW60-46.
'36. efth gAs1 FORD VA prEdueEr. DE LUXE, Mechanic can laspect. 2 105. 'Phone.
509. good tyres, till excellent perm. unt. 30 iteme Dutwich. 85 Canter entitle, intay morning.
3 1032 dat, St, in FORD conditica. Encelient 0 70 Better 3-ton 1038 including 300. 3144; petrol tank. meter. after hours.
Luxe 1923 Sports Tonditer. hood. hem. Afire 130. 215 353 Peter HORD Va 41.
Sedan. 1930, mood mechanicals, 2165, accept duce cheaper CAl. 290 Eted Parade, Kensington. 7X1625..