The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

JDOUBLE SHEET. ThR Wiuit Picatc. Tke Weekly Ticm wubo of yesterday will be foaad of fullyavrefe excellence, both in reaped 01 quantity ana cnw acter of content. A vernal, it eomprtoee toe latest and most importmnt new furnished by mail few Mlivnnh ilnM tM CIU Ulfc. v.k.

ami iAM. n. i m.i la of the lntelli re brought from EurorxJ by tiro steamslilpi Nashville and Afi ica, lata aecounU from Tampico, Califarnia, Texav Cuba. Key Weit, Central America, the Isthmus, Australia and China; or editorial correapondence trom iu uu 5orreapondence from Pari, Havana, New ork, Mnbila. the interior of the ju official reoortt of the City Conn ii A pliee Board: monetary and commer ,1.1 vwr river leading and literary Irdcfea, critiques, intelligence, local report, tc, Sec, wilt be found in it, together wkb the highly interesting telegraphic news by the Atlantic, and aU that appeared in our daily Copto done up in strong wrapper, for the mails cjl bad at tne omcs cuuwu vamp Morgans.

Exchange Alley, next to the Post Office. Postage, prepaid, one cent Divine service will be performed in St Luxe'. Church, Hercules street, near Euterpe Street, at 11 M. and 4P.iL, to day. rST Elder J.

D. Ferguson preaches to day in the chapel, corner of Melpomene and Camp Streets, at 11 A. M. and 7 P. For Ta xas The steamship Perseverance, Capt Dace; leaves for Galveston and Matagorda Bay at 8 o'clock thia morning.

Agents, Harris Sc. Mor gan, foot of Julia street. fy We have received the first number of the Dental Obturator, a new publication, edited Dy Dr. J. S.

Clark, of this city. It is calculated to serve the interests of the profession of dentistry in the South, aud ought to meet with favor. Deiiivid TaiBurx. Mr. and Mrs.

Charles Hill are to be complimented with a benefit at an early day at the St Charles theatre, and Mr. Jamea 8. Browne aud other actors, now in town, and aereral amateurs, will tske parts In it. This is fit and proper. We shall allude to the project again in good time.

Wkkly Phifwkg List. Our weekly shipping list will be found in another column. It is com' piled with the nul care from the best and latest authorities, and has been carefully revised. Fob Eaazos Samtiaso. The steamship Nautilus, Capt.

Thompson, will leave as above on Thursday, tbe lTtb inst Agents, Harris efc Mor gan, foot of Julia atreet. Pelican Thbatbx Koa, Ksmt. From an vertisernent which appears in another column, fg Mount Moriah Lode, No. meet this morning at 10 o'clock, A 50. M.

F. A. ad it will be seen that tbe Pelican theatre ia for lease or reiX It was originally built for an ampul theatre and is admirably adapted for it Indeed, for any similar purpose, it is an exceedingly snug and natty place. All the scenery, furniture, Sec, may be had with it Application to be made to aiestrs. Daniels Si BidwelL, Pbpntx House.

Obfha.xs' Hoxk I'le ladies comprising the Committee of Arrangement for the entertainment to be iven for the benefit ot the Orphans' Home, on the 10th and 11th' will please accept our thanks for their courtesy iu sending us tickets of admission. Fox Kr West, via Poxts of Florida. The steamship St Dawrence will leave for Key West ria Tenescaila and other ports in Florida, on Thursday next, the 10th iuil Agent, W. C. Tein pleton.

75 Camp street. SrixiTS, Wiais, Sec. F. W. Coeler, 110 Common street, has for sale very choice brandies.

wines and cordials, which he offers wholesale and retail, at moderate prices and on reasonable terms. See advertisem*nt. Fox Vxxa Cxcz The ateamsbip Orizaba, Capt Forbes, will leave as above on Monday, the 14th inst Agents, Harris Sc. Morgan, foot cf Juli street Fox California, via Nicakacca The steamship Daniel Web.ter, Capt Lucas, leavea for Point Arenas on Monday, the 14 th but Agent, Templeton, 75 Camp street Fox Nxw Yoxk, via. Havana.

The steamship Cahawba, Capt Shufeldt, will leave a above on Wednesday next the 9th in.t Agents, Jennings, Laughland Sc. Co 73 Msgazlne street Evans. We bave already more than once called attention to the case of London Evans, who Is endeavoring to raise funds sufficient to purchase the freedom of his family, whom he is dr sirous of taking to Liberia with him. We have full assurance that his appeal is worthy of all con sideration aud we therefore again remind our readers of it A box for contributions msy be Jvund on our counter. Chzaf Dar Goods.

Giquel Sc. Jamison, IS Chartres street, desirous of clearing out a portion of their stock, are offering their fine assortment of spring1 dry goods at a great reduction of prices, many of them at less than cost of importation. See advertisem*nt PxjsAjHir and Book Keeping Merchants, clerks and parents who wish to be good penmen or book keepers, or have their children do so, are referred to Dolbear's, 106 Canal street. Private classes for ladies. He guarantees success to all, whether old or young Thxutxe d'Oxlxans.

This evening, for the benefit of the machinists of the theatre and opera, there will be a very attractive programme offered A comedy In four acts, called La Crise," The will be first given then the farce called Pauvre Jacques and in addition, some of the most pleasing and wonderful perform an cea of the Abdala family, whose feats at the Pelican were ao greatly admired. Give the macbiniat a good turn for they have been giving us good turns all the season and for many aeaaons. Vakccchi's Muskcm Among the place, of amusem*nt that still remain open in our city, none seems to be more attractive than that at No. 53 Charles street where a choice collection of wx work is still on exhibition. ros ths Oxfhans' Hoxr Another of those beautiful May feasts, ia chari ty's sweet name," is in preparation, we see, to come off on Thursday and Friday evening.

this wfeek, at the Odd Fellows' Hall We would, for the present, simply call the reader's attention the announcement in another column. St. Theatxk This Evening. A com plimentary benefit to Mr. Died rich, the manager of the late German theatre, will be given this eve ning, when a variety of pleating performances will be given An opera eomlqne, in one act called Tb ej roj ected declaration of war agalnat Austria." a comedy in four acts, called Travel ing at Joint Expense," and a variety of dancing, will form the attraction of the evening.

Mr. Diedrich, as manager of the German perfor mances at tbe American theatre, gave great satis faction, aupplying tbe lovers of the drama with a good and rational entertainment and now that he and bis company are deprived of the means of doing so it ia a worthy thought to give the suffer ers a liit We hope to see a crowded house. CtAlioxNE Stxxbt. Few of our up town res idents we suspect are fully aware of the present beautiful appearance of Claiborne street The public ground in the centre is in many respects the handsomest in the city. As far as the eye can reach this beautiful ground stretches with its deep clean green sward and four symetrical rows of handsome trees in the full bloom and freshness of their summer foil ago.

It is made one of the pleasantest most refreshing, and beautiful sights in our city. Tbe trees have attained a considerable size, are thickly set, look remarkably symetrical and their foliage ia at present very luxuriant This public ground give to this street a most ia wpcci ior residence. Boots, Shoes, Walter A. Peck, 80, Canal street, is now offering for sale at cost, the whole of hU stock of boot, anoea. trunks, carpet bags, and valUe.

The fixture are offered for sale, and theolr for "of, and all accounts are to be settled. See aAvertiaement. FoxCakdes. We are requested to atate that the steamboat C. Hays, which was unavoidably detained on Saturday, will positively leave a above, 5 o'clock to morrow evening.

AgeLta, Lewis snapPf 37 Front street. Rouiica Picx Baptist Chvxch Religious cervices have been held In the basem*nt story of tbis building regularly every Lora umj since jo rember last. The lecture room, which will seat abont four hundred persons, has been usually filled, and tbe pastor, Rev. Win. C.

Duncan, has greatly endeared himself to his congregation. He is pecu Iiarly eloquent, while a rich vein of piety pervades each discourse, and his sermons abound with cems of thought, most beautifully expressed, yet delivered with animation and evident feeling. The main audience chamber of the edifice will be occupied for the first time at 11 A.M. to day The castor will himself preach on the occasion A large attendance is confidently expected, and we feel quite certain that all who are present will be highly gratified with the services None need entertain a doubt In regard to tnere being room all will be provided with seats, for the number of pews Is ample, the dimensions of the room being ti2 by 98 feet in the clear. Immediately after the sermon, the ordinance of baptism will be administered.

At Vi P. M. there will also be preaching. CP" The Rr Rev. Dr.

Van de Welde, Bishop of Natchez, will lecture at Armory Hall, at 3 P. AL to day, on Genuine Liberty CAXPKTiifO, See. Housekeepers and others de siring to purchase good carpeting, matting, cur tiin materials, Ate, at cheap prices, should call at A. Broussesu Sc. Co.

No. 22 Chartres street advertisem*nt Piano Fobtes. Ate P. P. Werleln.

5 Csmp street, baa for aale a choice assortment of pianos, organs, melodeons, harpa and every kiud of musi cal instrument, from the beat manufacturer ana which he offers wholesale and retail at reasonable rate. He also has new music and homeopathic books aud medicine, for sale and attends to the tuning of Instruments. See advertisem*nt Chkaf CtoTHiMO Alfred Munroe Sc. 2 Magazine street have jut received turtuer aadi tian of their stock of clothing of all kinds and are offering them at their usual favora ble terms. See advertisem*nt Gottschalk a Faxkwbll Cohcext.

This sure to be an event in tbe musical anual of our city. Look at the bill he has provided in another column. He will play several of his most approved compositions and some new ones upon the occa. 1 1 i.e. sion.

William i en. on lour pianua, wuo iweive hands: a great curiosity thi. "Jeru.alcm," on three pianos "American Mcetcnea. dec, i.c. Then he will have the assistance of our favorite prima donna, Laget Planterre.

and Cambier, and the popular tenore and baritone, JJuluc and a erolx, who will sing morceaux from the operas, by way if greatly enhancing tue attractions ot the evening. It will be a festal affair for tbe lovers of eood music, and tke theatre must be crowded to overflowing with taste, beauty, and fashion. CoBTlMTAt Uuaxds We would call alten tion to the notice in another column, of an ad journed meeting of the Continental Guards, to be held at their Armory on Tuesday evening next at half past 8 o'clock. Every member Is expected to be present a. business of the greatest importance will be laid before tbe meeting.

Attention, uuaras I The steamship SL Louis, at New York from Ilavre, brought home the body of Mar tin Van Boren, son of the ex President. The father ia in France and is not expected to return until June. Liberia. One of the acta of the Liberia Legislature at its last session was the adoption of a stringent prohibitory liquor law. Laws were also enacted for the encouragement of agriculture, for the employment and relief of the poor and for establishing a uniform currency The Boston publisher who gave to the reading world Uncle Tom's Cabin" and tbe "Lamplighter, announces another "sensa tion" book.

It is Margaret Fuller's Woman in the Nineteenth (T The Bury (England) Post, announcing the death, in her 92d year, of the widow of Admiral Sir Charles Cotton, Bart, remarks The deceased lady 'a health had been breaking for a long period but she had lately been worn down, as it were, by the shocks of tbe news of the deaths of her own nephew, and the husband of her niece, in the Crimea, with the departure of two her grandsons sons of Lady King for tbe seat of war. Her ladyship was the wife, daughter, granddaughter, sister, and mother in law of Admirals. The Failure of Mr. Oliver, the Liverpool Shipoicner. The London correspondent of the Philadelphia North American, in his letter of April 13th, cays There has beeu much conversation among commercial men respecting Mr.

Oliver's af fairs, whose failure as a shipowner, at Liver pool, is not likely soon to be torgotton. it appears that the value of shipping has in creased enougn ot late to onng Air. unver assets to nearly twenty shillings in the pound. Creditors are, therefore, anxious to realize; so a meeting among them took place during the past week, and a general wish was ex Dressed that he ehonld come forward with a proposition of some kindj so that the creditors should realize what tlie estate would pay with the least possible delay, and the trustees be relieved from tne labor ot winding it up. Terrible Tragedy in Belott, Wit.

The St. Louis Evening News says that a private letter from Beloit gives the following parti culars of a dreadful tragedy which occurred in that place on tbe morning of the 23d ult The wife of a citizen, ot tnat town was awakened from her sleep about 3 o'clock on tbe morning of the 23d, by a noise which she heard in an adjoining apartment. Iu a moment more she saw a gleam from a dark lan tern, held bv a man in that room, and scream ine with afnebt awoke her nusoana, wno was sleeping at ber aide. As ne sprang irom tlie bea tbe intruder tired at mm witn a pistol, the ball just missing his head and burying itself in tbe pillow, bnatcbing a double bar reled gun from the wall he discharged both barrels at the intruder. The contents of one barrel entered tbe man head, and the other his body, killing him instantly.

Leaving the body where it fell, tbe gentleman and his wife proceeded to tbe nearest neighbor's, told him what had happened, and induced him to return with them to his house. But imagine the feelings of the neighbor, himself a man universally esteemed ana respected, to time before, in a mysterious manner, and now attributes their theft to this person. fjjT Col. amea M. Adams is announced as a candidate for Congress in the sixth district of Alabama, in opposition to the lion.

V. W. Cobb. A memoir of the Rev. Sydney Smith, by his daughter, Lady Holland, is promised by LrODgrnarja.

the London publishers, very soon, it cannot dui do an interesting door. Stceunboat Pepartsres Thla Day. For Mobile Ths Oregon, Capt. Po. oa the arrival at tbs Lake of tbe 4f.lL on leusu train car.

Agent, K. uefldes, 10 itanA riace For Ba rou Sara Tbe Can'tol. Cspt. J. H.

Ure. at 9 A. At. Agent, John i. rearce, IV Couti street.

For Mobile Tbe Florida. Cant. Bate, on be arrival at the Lake of tbe If. H. Footcuartraio cars.

Agent, R. Ueddes, 10 Bank Place, For Lobdell' Store The New Capt. Gross, at r. wl sppuca'tou to oe mate oa oosra. For Camden Tbe Hava.

Cant. P. M. Agr nt, lyewis Bnapp, ST Front street. For Sbrevenort Tbe 8 Hnwna flarh at a Agent.

Lewis 8 nap p. st Prrnt street. For Monroe Tbe W. W. Farmer, Capt Cannon, at sn.

sgen wuitam. Phillips Union street For Maude Ville Tie Leoaara. llnnir a on th mr rrvai at toe isie at tue 10 A. foaichartr Jn cars Ap plication to made on board rorsi ijona iue iidddiv, apt. ruiton.

at 6 r. M. B1 CITY INTELLIGENCE. Chaxitt The following are the returns from this institution for tbe week ending on Saturday, the 5th Inst, at 5 P. M.

aemltt! I I Tld 'T Discharges 144 Kxraaminf ....4 First District. False Pxetekcxs. John La ighlln was arrest yesterday on the charge of having gone to the stable of James L. Powers, on Nayadea atreet while the proprietor was absent and by false representation obtained poa.ea.ion of ahorse valued at 4100. The accused was ordered to give $300 for bis appearance on the 12th in.t, for examination, rowers ia also to unaergo rxmum tion on a charge of having assaulted and beaten Laughlin.

Labciny and Swindling. Christian raupe fti MM MMM MM WM ..11 MTt advance. ni.hi nf ih 26th ult. which render the purpose of purchasinit a draft on tft Louis, and with bavin got hia (Faupel .) mother a name inserted In tue a ran iui' 'i uimui mother residing in St Louis. lie then gave Schmidt tbe second of exchanpe and forwarded the first to his mother in ft Louis.

The drueging and larceny was not autficieutly proven, aud the accused was acquitted ot that On the swindling charge, however, he was rent before tbe First Dis trict Court for trial. Bonds 1,000. Skst Down. Daniel Dieck was examined yes terday on the charge of assaulted bis wife on the SUth ult, caught her by the neck, and at tempted to strike her with au ase. Honda fcjuu.

Bbutal Assault. David Ramalee waa ar raigned yesterdny on tbe charge of having assaulted aud beateu a man named Michael Feeny, in so brutal a manner, on Friday night that for a time bis lite was despaired ol. e.u raay, now ever, the Dbveicians certified that bis life waa out of danger, and the accused waa remanded until Monday for examination. charged her with stealing some silver spoons, ic, was discharged yesterday, the prosecutor not ap ilizsueta rent caareea witu navin? rouoeu Thos. J.

Kvan. of a gold watch and chain, and a Docket book containing :10, was also aischarzed. as tbe prosecutor cannot be found. tllzabetn uuncan, I nomas ,11011 anil Mrs. nioss, charged with stralics a watch from the house ot Richard Caae, were examined yesterday and dis charged.

Sinkiho a Schooner. Two men named Thomas Miller, and Cbas Robinson, were arrested yesterday near the New Basin, at tbe request of T. If. Rldueway, who charcea them with having aunk the schooner Uelpuiue in tbe Lake, and abandoning a boy who was on board ot ber. 1 bey were remanded to prison to await the acliou of the U.

S. Commissioner. rSecond OUtrlct. Comxittxo. Wenderlin Folk waa examined yesterday ou tbe charge of having committed a breach of trust by appropriatiti; to his own use and benefit a silver watch worth $1 which bad been left with liim to be repaired by Nicolas Swan Tbe Recorder sent the accused before tbe First District Court for trial.

Similar. Joseph was arrested by the Second District police yesterday on a similar charge to tbe above, beinz accused of bavins made away with a cold watch worth 0, wbicb bad been lett with bim by Francois Cbicarlo. lie was bound over to appear and and auswer. Discharged. Ros in a Kilcoran waa examined yesterday on the charge of having stolen $ii 50 trom a lellow servant narreu aiiy farreii, tut as the pruol was not sufficient, she waa discharged.

Bcckd Ovkr Adolph Lauze, Commissary of the Vegetable1 Market, yesterday charced that one Juan Vlca. had disturbed the peace of said market, and further, that be waa a vagrant and stxongly auspected that be bad stolen a basket ot potatoes. There wa. no evidence on the last two charge, but on the first he was bound over to keep tbe peace. Larcxnv Victor Claude and Char Irs Charbln were examined yesterday on the charge of having tolen the sum ot 64(J Irom the room ot r.rnest Rivet, on the corner of Conti and Tr6m6 street.

on tbe Slat ult they being engaged in painting the house at the time. They were acquitted on this charge for want of proof, but were immediately alter arreted on tbe accusation ol Antonio boisa, who charges them with having at the same time and place stolen two gallons of claret wiue, valued at They have not been examined on this narge. First District Cocrt. Judgt Robertson enteuces Yesterday. Augustine Alitle, f.

w. harboring a runaway slave knowingly, aix month, in the Parish Prison aud two hundred dollars iiue, and cost of prosecution. Ken tmpty, alia impy, assault and battery, aix months in the Parish Prison ril'AYUNB JOB PRINTING ESTBLISHMEXT, tHS Canrp and 17 Bank Place. BOOK. AMD OU fKl'Tl'G.

Those of ourcltisen. who ate la want ot any kind of JOB PRINTING, respectfully invited to call and leave their orders attns ABOVE ESTABLISHMENT, (No. 66 Camp Street au 17 Bank Place.) where they can have their work executed in a superior manner, and upon tbe most reasonable terms. aaTTbe materia! used in this depart meat of the Pirayuns Office waa aelected with tbe greatest care.and is especially adapted to the execution of PLAIN AND ORNAMENTAL JOB PRINTINS, with tbe utmost despatch. Hor's Steam Cylinder Job Press is used In tbis establishment, by mean, of which tbe largest order, can be furnished at short notice and at low rate.

So that every character of Priutlug ran be done by thb office, from a Poster of any dimensions down to a Visiting Card, and in such a workmanlike manner a will ive tb most perfect satisfaction. Lumsdek, Kendall Co. Important to the Indlesj. FRENCH EMBROIDERIES. BELOW COST.

TBE nnderslgned la now orlrring for sale, po iftvely below cost, his whole assortment of French Embrotd eries, comprising the following and many other articteSj viz: Collars ana Sleevra. of muslin and Jaconet, for ball moarnlng; Collars and sleevra. ol muslin and Jaconet, embroidered Collars and Sleeves, nf English embroidery and Valenciennes lace; Oimps and Sleeves, of embroidered mos.ln Muslin Mantillas and Chemisettes, for lailes and cMldten 1 Embioideret Handkerchiefs, Ac 1 be abuve goods will positively be sold bet cos, and lailes win nun lttotneir aavauuge to uue tnelr our chases at my store. tKETIlri OtllHlS. Al KLUUkMI rrUUtS.

The undersigned ntlrrs for sole, at retail, an invoice of I and Cotton at 11r.penat.ou price, to reduce ta setocK. ivuuut. a.n aoyai strret. AP4 Im nrar Hlenvllle street.

Auction ratable. many solicitations, the undersigned have concluded to open an Auction otaDie in jrnerson city lor the beneht of owners and purchasers of Horeea, Mules, Bug. gies, Ac. All stock warranted with a bill of sale. Persons wishing to sell unsound stock, must bsve tbem sold a no sound, so a the porchas' cannot be swindled.

Terms sit percent, ior selling, no cents ior advertising and onerlof. aale days, Tuesdays and Saturdays, at 10 o'clock. J.S4 iy HO FORD A BARWIIK. Aorllsnwis Far rSalet A LARGE SAW MI LL In perfect order, on tbe North rV deoftbe Back Bay of Bkloxl. Two Gangs ot Saws one to square the

tbe other to cut tbem into boards; a vertical asw. circoisr Saws, a Lath Macbinr, two Planing Macninea. a Ane amllw llwfliinw.linn Inn, recoenize in the maneled body of the dead I sood Dwelling booses, and about fourteen bouses for tMMWM MM MM. MMMMMM, I 1 wwok i 10 nr uk wooie 01 tne aoove I nnn rfrtrirninrr rn his fintmA. fhA father I time.

a I roc isrtner particulars ana term, apply to tbrconson lumiu uu ouu iwui luiuvc upim, mu aisuuv dated Association Bank. No. Touiouse street. Par open, ana rope isaaer eiienaicg irom me chaser a mvi ei to visit tne piece. apii im window to tbe ground.

Tbe Kentucky Military The eentleman who shot the robber bad I "TYIREctad by Board of Visitor nythe ffrPrl thfl loa of two Lrold wath anm ii.Z: suffered the loss of two gold watches some nvsusn, ninioBSDra graiaate 01 wtsx roint, ana a practical engineer, aided by ao able Faculty. Tbs course of stodv is that usually taught In tbe best colleges, with the addition sf a more exteuited course of mathematics, Bleeuanlcs, sod Practical Engineering; also ia English Studies, Book Keeping and gtusiness Forms, and In Modern Languages. Entire charge S10 per hsif vearlv session, navable In Address the Bupernteudeot. at "Military Institute, xiauaiiu tuuuLj. say.

or sue uuocrsigucn. DUDLEY, apio Im Tf President of the Board. fmr Sale. A family Horae. Invaluable for hia nnalIHe Price i26.

Also Four beautiful Ponies, very small, and henka tnw MI dren's rse. Apply to Mr. MILLER, at King'. Stable. Barorme atreet aptl 3t ml' 13 lalalllbleft Hemeri DR ABERNETHY'S GONORRHOEA AND GLEET DETERGENT.

Tbe only infallible remedy ever dis covered, la too well known la all parts of the country to ru uiic but wuncDL jui universal snacesa. ah in na invance has ever failed, is warranted to care Id foetv eight boors the mast desperate sod inflammatory cases of uuuuiiiiitk, uirci ana nuitea, lnau lobe a nil nniy IS wiagBZine Btreec. augwres ly tf raamrntetl lroa Worsts. Tb undersigned beg leave to Inform tbelr friend an4 Uie public, and partlcu lany toe patrons of the 1st firm of Home at Bennett, that they bsve re sumed boslness at No. sad ST Circus street, lu the manuiacrur of every esc rip tion of Architectural Iron Work.

Ornamental Ve raudaha. Railings, Doer, abutter. Vaults. Bridges. Straight and Circular Btaua.

aad au other kinds of work used lor building purposes. lne practical experience, or in anaersignesi esaoie Smmm a Shaw A Ca an i.h. 1. tuem so oner anususi mciuucs is? uic puouc. wuicn, wics Aeots, w.

ODsw A. snd John Hyde A 4 I i. th. of nlm Pnvdra street. Cincinnati Tbe Torktiwn Na Capt Scott, at 5 wi aci, cornraistreet.

For Cincinnati The Uue not tus Wat. Cant Wade. a all m. Bt ni. afcDa, n.

0. wai rvjarsi ecreet. For Louisville Tbe Empress. Cspt. Bbeerer.

stsp. as Agents Bell, Bachsnao A Ca, i Msgaiine street. TJENRY WINTER DaViS sna VV ARTH URTA LOR. Attorneys snl Counsellor st Law. bays aaso isted lhemelve with a view of practicing their prole isa before the Court sf Claims, at Waahing raa ay me recent act nr congress, jail sssiness connded to them wl i receive the united and prompt attention of Letrers msy be a'rtrrssed to Mr.

JJyU, St Boltlmnre, orto Mr. Taylor, st Alexandria, Va a2 lm thev trust will sees re tbem a liberal nf patrtmage. IV aasnan m. c.c Practical Watchmalr.erw' KatsLblishmcat. Tbe unders gned would reapecttully Inform bla frienl.

and tbe pob.ic that bs bas opentd a arcuMAKiNt cstsoiianment at no. vs Saassssssawauy work in bla line. The undersigned being an experienced, watchmaker, he natter himself tnat ne can give perfect and entire satisfaction to all who msy favor him with their patronage pi in, WSS. Fj a. MILLINERY, tM L41m Ta the tulle.

I.ADIMT GMMXBSL AND fASHlOHABLK fCM, tHISHlMG STOMA. mm I 14A LADltT BE" WEST PARI" CLOAJL A.ND MAHTU.LA TBE proprietor of thta eatabliahment rcamctMtv ln ht nmm to call aud hla dtfrerentarrlM ot Pucy itooiM for thta season i they are tbe Nitest styles of Fart lasaiona. lmus waonna any amcie, er wisuin to make a bill la fancy foods, will find it to their advantage to call at 144 Canal street, as thev will find evrrjr artt cle in fancy good, worn by a lady. For sale at thia establishment, soxio embroidered and plain Velert, Cloth, Si'k, Satin and Merino Cloaks for ladies and entases, of ths very latest styles. New style Motr AniVqae.

trimmed with plant), in all shades, and In all shapes and stees. at price to suit all cnttomnra; lorn yard, of Cloaktns Velvet, in all shades: SOUOyardeof Silas for dresses, the mot fashion ble and latest sty lea, of superb oasilty, serrcted eapressly lor kcw urleana. Aa esar stock or silks tais season is eatenslve, ladles cannot Tall to besnltedln hny style tney was examined yesterdsy on tbe charge ol naviog wish i lor. and at tan named Felix Schtmai arugeeu an examination sf the best Machine in use, for tbe pur pose intended. It i portable, simple lu construct inn.

easily worked, and will make :0.noo per'ect shingles ner day. Appl.catlona fur Parish Bigus, Murhiues, iu Lou isiana or ratsouri, msy l.e made aa above, or at "to. 6 ot. Louis sue t. New Orleans apl.

im J. rAIKBAriflS. esalaiiiander Sfe Jtlch's improvement. Wildrr'a Patent. THE subfcrlner.

bave been appointed agenta of these unrivaled SAFE, msnufactured by Stearns A Mar vin. New York, and who are the only makers of Ssfr. which combine tbe two patents. A fall assortment will be loand at our store. wibi p.

at i Ynrk prices. adding freight kOUTHMAYD HARRISON. MCuniiSrM VnlBuole Krai iioiale for tie. 1 DESIRABLE and valuable BUlLDlNti LOTS la 600 ton Hollow Ware and Casting, assorted onsas AUU Algiers, adlscent tbe New Orleans and Opeloa Railroad Depot and machine are odered for velope. by remitting post pat.1 two postage stamps to Dr.

B. DE LAHEY, IT Llspenard street, JylW tf New York. J. Hm nnpp. i.

X). IS. DENT1S 10,000 pound Brazier's Copper, assorted, all site WA dozen Axe. Collin's, Hunt's and other maker) JJS00 dozen Carolina Grub and Cane Hoe, assorted suo dozen Shovel, and Spades, assorted i 800 dozen best Cotton and Wool Card Ifvo casks beat Ox, Log and Trace Chains, BeXO Ploughs, assorted. King's Carey, Hall's Peaco*ck, and May her1.

Cast. Colongs Mill Stones, Grind I tones. Mill Irons, Bolting ttotu, sic Together with a full assortment of direct Importation ware, all of which will oreign sod Domestic BoelfJJsrdWi sain on the moat fsvorsole terms hoelf Hard osi omdaw JKs ii. rvoapsj dc W. H.

sjhaadlOF DENIAL lOHSIOlll, 104) Common tret, opposite th Private Eitraaes of ths at caariea tiotei. FH. FLNArr, having had mora tusa twenty yean practice in hi professtsa, sad being assoclatsil with Dr. Csl ANDLCR, a geutismaa of skill aad axpenaacs, vaSdent they caa aisass sil who may boaor tbem wit Vi lal I S4kA i A A MbtCLH RiGHT Cosumlsaloa imsj I az 11 is sr mmm cuwiu, i.w. 1 ai wee 4.

1. awia. References KeuryJ. as kid. New Yerk i William Whitney, Rnatoai A.

U. Jicik 10 Orleans, rasl dkWtf THS Troa' cu Brokerage ousiness wUl oe csnunued on Ij1, ES'iBAY A CO Msrcbaata, Hew Tor hit wa iadivi iuai account by rH Reference IiBSssdta, Ik.rdaU fl.w frlsaas I mj3 3t Csxocdelet gtreet. aovzs 1Arf tf os accommuoating terms. Claims against the late firm of R. P.

Nichols Co. will received la payment of the above property. aatT tf R. P. ICHOI.R.

us Cams av Cirntis. JCST F0BL1SHED A NEW DISCOVER! IN MED IC1NE. FEW WORDS ON THE RATIONAL TREATMENT, ix nieaicite.oi opeimstorrnea, or Local nrsi aess, Nervous Debility, Low Sptr.ts. Lassitude, Weakness of the Limbandtbe Back, lnlisnositlon and Incaiactty for Study and Labor, Du.lnesa of Apprehension, Loss of Memory. Aversion to S' ciet.

Love of Solitude. Timid ity, Self Distrust, Dizslueas, Headache, Involuntary DIs chargra, Palna In ths Side, Allection of tbe Er. Uia Face, Sexual and other Inri. ts in Msu. From tbe French of Dr.

B. DeLaney. Tbs Important tact that these alarming eon.platuts may easily be removed, without medicine, is, in this small tract, clearly demonstrated, and tbe entirely new and blghly soccessfal treatment, aa adopted by the antbor, hilly explained, by means of which every one is enabled to cure nimaeir perfectly, ana at tne least possible cost, avoiding, thereby, all tbe advertised nostra nr. of tbe day sent to any aonreaa, gratis ana post rree, in a seated ito IS Baronns streee. near Canal street.

Jal4 tdodAWbm Texaa V. Mall Line. rbe most direct, expeditions and cheapest route from New Orleans to Austin, capital of Texas, sn.i tbe cen tral or western portion of tbe State, vis Galveston, Hons ton, wasnington, independence, cnanei mil. nrennam. Round Top, Rutersviile, La Grange, Bastrop, Webberville to Austin.

Stage, leave Houston on the above route dally to Washington, and three times a week for all of the other places, connecting at Washington with stages for Spring held. Hnntsvil ie and Anderson, and at Austi with stagrs for San Antonio, New Brsunfels, Waco, tjeorgetewn, Bel ton and Dallas. Stage also leave Houston three time a week fer Mont gomery, sisntsvilfe, Cincinnati, Crcckett, Alto, Douglas ana itacngnornr O. Mall Boat leave Oalveston for Houston on the arrival of tbs New Orleans steamera, and stage leave Houston on the arrival of the Galveston boats Extra stages will be furnished, when necessary, at regular stage tare, by application to tbe agent at Houston. Stage orbce.

Houston House, opposite post office. P14 6S dAWly F. P. SAWYER, Proprietor. Say Louisville Journal will please copy and scad billtt tbe office nf rh Houston Telegraph.

EMoVaL The sunacnoers have thia day removed IL tbelrstock of 8ADDLERY and SADDLERY HARDWARE from their old aand In Common street to the new store. No. TV Canal street, fourth door from Camp atreet, woere toey iniena to nave always on nana tne nest assorx bTKAMSJUl Pli. a s. ere Ty pfire, irom nu mu ten i i Ilk 4k C7.S.

KJU M.AA I MM.V r.l.... Hm, SS.ll Erening Dresses with Hourrces, Bridal Infant Capes, I IStsCuasBaLlne Tbe new and magnlncent steamship Bilk Moods and long Lioaaa, iwuea' Robec aaa cmaroia i AU T11.US, John B. Xbompson, aiumiun, will lease ed blm oeriectly lneniDie, ana wuuo I ered Underskirts, new style mhhmA Cim s7g franca and a dralt on frt Louis I Five bnndred sets new styles VIctorlneTfc uret Cheml I aWM snrf PA In UaltetS for 300. Faupel ia alao cn.rgea en 8wi.s Jcet daT at .11 m.n hn is unable to SDeak tne tnj 1 Di.iJ ii liah laniruase.

a banking bouse iu this city tor I Dtw ttyle Head Dresses i hmio yard, of new style Cioak MMMM I All IUUI Up, IILU, IUSIC 1 rstabllshment. A aplemlid stock of new style 8 be' I Combs, Portmonnaiea. Kam Box sand Silver Card Cases' fxt new style Crape suyr ro aaality 60 yards of Fringes, all shades S0O ncu embroidered Handkerchiefs fancy articles for Christmas Presents. Bat oar stock I. quite too a morons to mentian every article, if ladles will call here before they purchase at any other place, they will find our silks the most elegant and best assorted styles in tbe city.

Oar stock of Cloaks cannot be surpassed In style or number, as we receive new style, every month, ana are constantly making at our cloak rooms We have also a great many goods on commission. We will sell at the marrafactarers' prices) a liberal discount given to merchants buyingcloakany tbednsen. Strangers visiting the city, would do well to call here before purchasing at any other place. Please remember the Mo. 144 Canal atrret.

sT Ladles purchasing their Bilks at this house can hava tbrir Trtonwlues to match, and their Dresses made at ths same establishment Cloaks made to order. oi9 rim D. E. Snrinsr Hnd etumiiier liaoam. The LATEST PARIS PRODUUl'lONS.

imported direct. and personally selected from tue brat sources. ISO Canal street. P5: Tne friends and customer, of Mrs. BRYAN.

140 Canal street, and likewise the public at large. r. I arc nsnectfullv informed that she baa Just re PANCT GOODS, comorisine tbe most distineuisbed nnvelt.ea iu Hair and Straw Bonnets. Flowers. Ribbons.

Veils, Ac also, a lull assortment of the most faablouame and rrcoen oe description, ail 01 wuicn she I. now prepared to exhibit for sale at price, extremely moderate, her maxim being small prohts and quick re t'RESSMARINa done as heretofore in the latest style. and rxrft ct tils guaranteed. Country order, promptly and I rilled. ifilf Our Opening liny, 5 1 id 3g OF RICH FASCY (tOO US.

rTlHE ladles are most respectfully informed that Mrs W. ROPER. No. 1M Poydrak street, will ooen on mutiiuav, iovemner ner new styles or SIlR. SATIN AND VELVET BONNETS AND RIBBONS, all of the latest Parisian style Also A large, choice and wll selected stock of PINE PANC1 OOODS AND MII.LI.NEHf.

which Mrs. R. reapnctfuily Inv.tes tbe to call aa.l n3 em 'rtrrlne 9 The subscribers bave i.u hand an extensive riXLAl ZL rssortment nf Coaches. Carriases. Baroucl.ra, ViTiT Phaetooa aud Buggits.

of the latest style. Also, all kinds or Harness, which will ne disposed ol low, fur ash, city acceptance, or approved paper. J. A. L0M A PiTsnv IU Orsvlrrend 'S Union streets J.

Bauiulllrr. ri. H. tiooaviyn. Banmlller fc floadvvvn.

Dianurariurers or iron verannana, sjai conies. Other Railings, Vaults, Door, nod kv 1 ouutwri, oLrvigiit ana circular iroa jjJ ana nulldera' iron worxa lo gea Also. Hoist Wheels and Derrick Mchlnes. Carroll street, between Poydrna and Perdido, east of the Pnvrtrm Msrfcet. Orleans.

os ly Fj'OR SALE At a redeced price, abont acres of to most valaabte LAND ia Louisiana, ne to Bayau Ds Blaise. Thla land aatend.aome two mile, oa the Bayou, with some coo acres cleared, upon whlth ars rsro Cables, la Hoaae, Dwelling, Ac, and might bs dtvldsd tsro torss plsatstloas. Pncs aad terms reanossj hi Srr ties a poster. 1 4 Firhnnr Plar fur WRUe und Hrown ivlezicaui s'etlt 6CLP COTTON SEED. THE suhscribrra are uow rrrriving large shipments all tbe brands of the above favorite Seed.

Tbe.r long rrsioe.tce in noiiuey, miss. (on tue mils in tne vicinuy of which place these Seeds are having rendered them familiar witn tne most approved branda. euals tbem to otlrr to purchasers ths certain of oelng supplied with a genuine article. tt. AL BAYLY A.CO..M Common street 14 9m and Caaal srrss Trinity Hchool, Trinity Church.

Jackson street, urth District. Prof. M. B. MCCARTHY.

Principal. THIS institution la now open for the reception of The object atmed at by Ita friends Is to estab lish a select school, where youth may be well prepared either for collrge or mercantile pursuits. It i. designed to rn.brace a thorough course nf instruction lu Matne in a tics, the Greek. Latin and Frmcb Lauguages.

and the dinerent brancnea 01 an cugiian and comiiierciel education. Highly competent teacher are engaged in each de part menu Tsrins Per month, for the usual branch's of English education. Mathematics, with Latin, trrtek, or Prrnch, S10. Sr References Rt. Rev.

L. Poik, V. D. Bev. Dr.

Lea co*ck. Rrv Dr. Colton. apft Im Shlnxle itlncbioe. T0RRISON'S Parent Riviug.

Shaving and Jointing 'X Hninsle Macblue is in onerntion verv mitfuinc Jin to IS o'clnrk, at F. W. C. Couk'a Beilrville Iron rks, Algiers. The attention of the public is invited to ola.

Analachii Svyceired so nnnsuallv I arse and snlendid stock of twnlv days. Plarfda. MAI FLORIDA The sew I and elegant steamship ST. LAWRESCE, irryins the u. 8 Mail, will leave tor renaa cnla.

6. arks. Cedar Key. Tampa and Hey West, an THORSDAT, May 10th, at 9 e'doc A. M.

Vor freight or passage aps'T to rry TEMPLETON. Camp street. FOR OALVESTOTf. AND MATAQOBDA Bur v. a.

Mail iBEvr.HiAUE. nenry riu leare aa above on SUNUAT. the eth inst. at 8 o'clock A. M.

HARRIS MORGAN', font of Jnlia street. Tny4 oppnaite the Steamship Landing. sT A steamship of this line wi'l leareerery SUNDAY aa1 THURSDAY. UW Sbippei. will please provide themselves with the te 's nllls nf lading.

aosali oa XHuRSua Alay 17. ot 8 jiw A. M. fOH BRAZOS SAHTIAeO. 1JIKCC rwo, oiuuub axisov, mj i ivil.i, a as abfirc.

panctoally. For freight or passage, having very scperior mom accommodations, apply to UAJasua of ana atresr, opposite the SDeamsblp Landing. sar All freight shipped by the Naatiius will bs delivered to Capt. Kennedy, of the ateamer ttraiBpaa, unless otherwise directed. Shipper must provide themselves with rhesteans hills of Is Hnr.

ISO' other form will besigned. my4 Verm trni. FOR VERA CRUZ O. 8. Mall Line Tt.

new and magnlhcect steamship ORlZAnA. Forb s. commander, will lesve for era Cruz on MONDAY. May 14ta. at 8 o'clock A.

M. panctoally, carrying the D. Malls. For freight or passage, hrving elegant accommodations for cabin and steerage passengers, apply to HARRIS A MORGAN, foot of Julia street, opposite the Btearusbtp Landing. aW Passengers must provide themselves with passports from the Meaican Consul.

bar No freight will be received without an order from arte agents. roy Cnllfornlau NEW OBLfcAr8 AND CALIFORNIA Steamship Line, via Nicaragua Only twelve mile, land travel For Esn FranciscoThe new and elegant steamship DANIEL WEBSTER. Lucas, enn.msndinc. will leave Point Arenas on MONDAY. May Hto, at o'clock A.

connecting at San Juan del Snr with the sp'eodid steamship Cones. For tickets apply to n.v W. C. TEMPLETON. 7.1 Camo street feaT Passenger, by this line go through regularly in reatea at tne request oi renx in.

aioia. woo i NEW RCNcH MILLINKHV AND asT pss rngprs will observe that this is tbe only direct line from New Orleana to Sat. Fraor.itco. Tbe steamera da not tuuch at Havana, and the trip ia invariably made In from eight to ten days lest time than by any other route. Passenger, are guaranteed to arrive In San Frsn clsco Insi 'e twenty days NEW OKK AND NbW ORLEANS STEAMSHIP COMPANY For New York.

Havana The new. snlenditl. side wheel sirsuiship CAHAWBA, W. Ehufrlrtt. commauder, "IU leave her wharf, First District, on WEDNESDAY, May th, at 8 o'clock A.

M. For freight or paasage, apply to JAMES CONNOLY Agents, apis 44 Poydias stieet. JKare Reduced. Cabin Fssease to New York. Twenty Dollar.

L'NiTED STATES MAIL UN Semi ljlC? Week'y New York and SavanDah aaaCasVaaBasaihipa The new aal splendid aids wheel steamships FLO I DA, lfJ tonsCapc. M. S. Woodhuu, ALABAMA, 1J (4. R.

Sccenck, AUGUSTA, Iftwi tons. Lyon, RNOX VILLJE, IVKi tons Cpt. C. D. Ln.llow, will leave Ssyaaash every WEDNESDAY and SATDR DAY.

These ships are among the largest on the coast, ansnr paserd In sneed. sale.y or comfort, making their pases yes In fi 't'lo to faocra, and are commanded by skillful, cnrelnl and polite orheera. Having elegant state room acrommo at loos, they oiler a most deuraai conveyance to Nw York. Cab Pusvc Steerage Agents In Charleston, ly fAUtbrUKU, rtl u. SAMUEL L.

aaveraah, NoTeinher IT, ISM. A gnta In Bavanaal ELL. MITCH I I 11 Broadway, New York. Fare KsMlucert. Cabin Passsge from Charleston to New York, SSO.


Kerry, commander. MARION, 'v) W. Foster, commander. JAMES APOr.K, If B. C.

Turner, commander. SODTHERNER, icxntnns. D. Ewao, commander. Leave Adger'a Wharves every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY afternoon, after the arrival of ths car from the South and Wert.

These steamsbtpa were built expressly for this line, aad for safety, comfort and speed are unrivaled on the Tables supplied with every luaury. Attentive aud cour teoes commanders will euanre traveler, by this Hue every poe1 ble comfort and accoin aiodArlona. or freight or passage, haviuf elegant stnte room acco mrdatirms, apply to HXURI MISSROON,; Charleston, 8. Cab! Passage as Breerage. Is fhltaileiphiav.

Threngb In 4ft to hours Fare i. infills Included. AMKKICAS STEAMSHIP COMPANY'S LINK. Steamship (ROARER CITY, H. Hodgson, commander liu0 tons bortben.

The above new an.i buiit expressly for tnls ronte, is one of tbe largest on the American ecast. an Isonser passed if equaled for strength, comfort or accommodation. Sailing Days From Charleston loth. and 30th day of each month. From Philadelphia Ath, 16th an lAtb day of each month.

Agents la Philadelphia, nKun at maktiis. 371s North Wbarvea HOLMES A STONKY, Boyre A Co Wharf. Yazoo River. FOR GREEN WOOD. SIDON.TCHDLA.

Yazoo Citv. Satartia. Vieksb and all intermediate landings Regular Yazoo Riv er packet CORA no. the and running pa sen grr steamer COR A No. 2.

D. B. Mushy, mrser. will leave as above on TUESDAY, tbe Ktb inst at So clock P. M.

For freight or passage apply on board, foot of Com Dion street, or to HiV JOHN E. HYDE A CO 4 Povdras IJT Tb stesmr Cot No. will tske freight for Tcbula, with privilege of resliippiug. having made arrangemn.ts wirh aenmers sli and Eachange. in ca nf low water IUH Wool.

LCtLUKt, 91 don, Yaroo City, Sntartia and all intermediate landings Reiralsr Yar to packet steamer ISABELLA, Elward Phelps, master, will leve as above on TUESDAY, tbe 8th lest, at ft clocks: M. For freight or passage apply ou hoard, or to my3 T. B. SMITH, 16 Canal stree. Ouachita Klver.

FOR OUACHITA RIVER The splendid ag fryfast running passenger pa set steamer C. BaBsaw HAYS. John C. Graetf. master, having becu uuav.dably detained, will leave as above on MONDAY.

the 7th at 5 o'clock P. positively. for Cam ten. Pienchport, Beech Hills. Milier'a Blnlls, ciiampagnoile, wilmipgtnn.

Pigeon Hills, mane saline, Alabama Landing, Ouachita City, Mouth of Bsvou Bar th ilotnew. Port Unlrn, juth of Darbounr, Trenton. Monroe, Pine Biutf, Colomo'a, Harrisonburg, Trinity, and all intermediate landings on Ouachita and Black River. For frelgut or passage apply on board or to my, L.r.vv ia parr, 37 rront srreet. FOR OUACHITA RIVER For Monroe 'Trenton.

Pine Binds. Columbia. Harrison i burg. 1 rinity. and al! Iin iug on Onacbt'a aud ark R' vers Tne hoe pasterjg packet W.

W. FARMER. W.Cannon, master, will 1 ave In pace of I I straiiier w. mcnae nn mi.ilsi,iu" 7ta st 9 clock I. For particulars apply to WILLIAMS.

PHILLIPS Onion mts WM. COOPER, 31 Front street, tat" The W. W. Farmer will freight no higher than Monroe and Trenton, and will be sure to go through. sr FOR OUACHITA RIVER Tne splendid fast running passenger packet ateamer J.

assssxsssssiJJ triinuwKi ri, Ltvingiton. mas ter. will leave aa above on TL ESDA tbe Mb at clock P. for Camden, Frenchput, Beech Hills Mil lers mons. tiampeanone.

nmiogtnn. nseon Hills Marie Saline, Alabama Landing, Ouachita City, Mouth of Bartholomew, Port Unloo, Month nf Darbonne, Trenton, i Sloure, rme Blur), Columbia. HarrisonoDrg.Tmuty, and all intermediate landings on Ouach'ta and Black Kiveis For freight or passage apply nn board, or to llvi is asr 3r rront street, orto ALLEN A SHANNON, my 1 S7 Tchooptrnolas FOR OUACHITA RIVER. BAYOD Bartholomew and I.owerTensaa Tbe light drangbt steamer W. C.

YOUNG. Cord. masier.wiu leave for Bayou Bartholomew. Ouachita City. Trenton, Monroe, Colombia, Harrifonburg, Trinity, and will also take freight for all landings on wer Tensas and Black River, with despatch.

For freight or passage appiy on ooara, or to arws LEWIS SNAPP, Front street. Home Horses. DR JOSEPH ELLIOTT would respectfully Inform his friends, snd tbe public in general, that he haa on band a large number of very tins Horses, eing'e and matched, which can be bought on reasonable term, 6 and IK month credit, lor good city acceptances Purcbaera would hud it to their advantage to examine the Doctor's stock before purchasing elsewhere. Apply at Tattcrsai's Stables. St.

Cbarie street apl lt JOSEPH ELLIOTT. Tri. Weekly Line af Sluiea Frra Clinton, East Feliciana, pasiDg tbiough Green borough to Amite City, on the Nets Orleans and Jack oo Railroad. There I now established on thl i route a Tri weekly Line of 'Stages, eavipg Amite Citv everv Monday. We taesday and Friday, on the arrival of the passenger train from New Orleana.

and reaching Clinton tue same I evening at o'c'ock. Returning will leave Clinton at o'co*ck In tbe morning, and arriving at Amite City in time foribe evening train for New Orleans Br this route passengers willpsas from New Orleans to Clinton tbe same day. This route is 6H miles by railroad, aad 35 miles by stage, tee stage road is over a beautiful undelet ing country, affording a goof natural road. As tbere is a yet no mall established on Ibis route, a bag for the trans merit of gnod in their line, both in quantity and Quality. I mission of letter snd paper baa been placed at tbe office to be found lo the South, and at prices which wilt not fall I or the New Orleans aad Jackson stailroad.

No. 45 to suit pnrcuaaezs i Tvnm SMITH Jk RROTft RR. fiarsjwiare. cVc. RICHARDS, LOCO MB A No.

11 Chartres street, New Orleanr, Importers and wholesale deal; era in foreign and Domestic 'Hardware, Snedea and Amert 1. Ii I MMMMM OUWl WUU 0.IIU I to which thev lnvit the attea on of country dealer. Among other are tbe following good. 7iu ton aneae ana American Bar iron Caron Hiet atreet, and will be sent to the railroad every Monday, WeoDetdiV and Kridar at 7 o'clock in ths mnrnlna ano every atten'ion wilt be paid to the proper delivery of let Iters iuu pafKrra. Tbe fare for through passenger from New Orlean to i Clinton will be five dollars, it will thus keseen 'bat this is tne cncapeii, quickest, and talrat route from Clinton to New Orleans.

F. HE8LER, spw lm AmiieCiry. The i.em FANCY AND FAMILY GROCERY STOKE, No. S3 Baron ne street. New Orleana, K.

1 Rr.CriFB A.anr Good delivered to families free of nrsvsee. niliw no To iiailtlen, UBderssxkera and Cabinet" Makers CH. RAYMOND, On Royal street. No. 340 and corner of Taylor aad Levee streets, Jefferson City, (The omnibuses stop near the Yard,) Haa for aale a aplendid assortment of POPLAR LCM BER, OAR, CEDAR, ate Please give htm a calL Orders can be left at tbe corner of Exctsnge Alley aud St.

Louis street, at tne Cigar I tore. mhll II Dead 1 attic. One dollar will be paid for every freak DEAD HORSE or COW delivered at tb New Orleans Bone Black Works, nn Wash "plank road leads to the yard. When Inconvenient to send tbem to tbe above place. If nocare at sent at, 31 royoras screex.

uiey win oe taken fret nreDBse. ntm ly It. CHEASE Tft boxes E. D. Cheese, iaodiug ea nark Kbone, for sale bv spii J.

luARb.8 To gtreet. i. iruir iruiruri i UT LJU iujui i i i i ririjui, asijs. IvleMlw staat LdUiav Faettwr. a.

FOB MO ILB piiUSCT DAILT Te "si wft saaXL tine Winter Arraagwranaa "he salsndld lew press packet ssi.aa C0BA. R. 4. Hlera. master, and OREaOB.

Capt mesrer, ad Deck tHis adt? tbrougliont rbe year. gk52 FLORIDA. Rates, 1 ffn I perior ameaonKloa. AH, of the above iVu i 2DI'5 aUllroad DAJIT, on ant of the 4 o'clock P. M.

tti m. mM The PER T'LfZ'r Tbnr P. Chrla Place. commander, LooU er a 'ay. Monday aal Cshin nsini gj, Passage of sailors.

Deck passage Negroes In lns of five and upwards. Nrgroea in lota ol tfoor or Cabin Paasage from Pascasonla 4 OS sT Free list entirely suspended. MM ii. ST Tbe mall bag wlu leave ths sines of ths agent dally at o'clock promptly. oSl R.

CDDEI. Agsat, lo Baak Place. COVINGTON O. MAIL LINE For 'Mandeville. Lewi.nnrs.

Madisonvllle and tCovinrton The new. solendid and sab. tsnusl Lakesteamtr LENORA. (bai't expressly for tbe use i. rr.

uunnica, master, win leave as ioi iows. viz: Pontchartraln Ral'road. I Covington. Mondays, 10 A M. cars.

I Tuerdays, A. M. Wrdnesdays, 10 A. M. cars.

Tbarsdsys, 6 A. M. Fridays, 10 A. M. cars.

Saturdays, A. M. Saturdays, 4 P. cars. Leavea Madlaanvilleon Monday, at SO ft o'clock A and sends her passenger, to the city by tbe 8 o'clock A.

M. cats Passage, Meals, 60 cents, for farther information, apply on board. freight mrst be sent to the boat by the 9 A. M. cars, or it will be left till the neat trip.

my IT FOR MANDEVILLE AND MaDI mvi'le The low Drewure iron ship UNITED STATES. Geo. W. Ardill. master, leaves tbe Jetfersou and Lake Pontchartrain Railroad for the above every TUESDAY and THURSDAY, oo the arrival of the express train, wbicb leavea Tivoit circle at vj tnuarrs pat a Clock A on 8ATDRDAY8, on the arrival of the express train, which leavea tbe Circle, at 20 minutes past o'clock M.

returning, will leave Ha liaonville every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 7 o'clock A. M. fare one dollar cnifren, Dair price. gsT Tbe U. 8 hat a neat and airy cabin, and being a steamship can make her trips in all kinds of weather with peifect aa'ety and regularity.

She will positively remain in i arme REGULAR MEMPHIS PACKET Tl 'new and splendid 1KGOMAR, 1. lO. Greenlaw, master, will continne as a regular preset in the New Orleana and Memphis trade the balance of the season, and will leave for Memphis. Helena. Friar.

Point, Delta, Napoleon, Gresnville.Vichs burg, Natchez, an.l all 'h Bend, on SATURDAY. tbe utb at ft o'clock P. M. For freight or passage, a on board, or to mya LEWIS SNAPP, ST Front street. KTk.

V. mMMm u. iua rri moiicilli llll.llgtuicu Mrmphl. to reship Nashville freight and psssengers, will take tbe same at regular rates, and forward wit hoot delay. REULLAtt MEMPHIS PACKET For 'Memphis, Helena.

Napoleou, Greenville, Lake rrovldence. Vlcksborg. and all luter mediats landings Tbe fine regular and fast running tin No. Church, master, will be ready to receive freieht on Monday morning, and will leave for tbe above on WEDNESDAY, wth at o'clock P. N.

Forfretght or passage, having very superior accommodations, apply on board, or to mH JOHN F. HYDE A 4 Povdraasr SaVTlie Bella Donna will attend to all tb business of I the Bulletin No. and take freight and paatengera or Nashville, to reshipred by packet from Memphis U. H. MAIL BALIZE PACKET The fine aud auhslantial steamer OPHELIA.

uonn uimiur, master, wut continue. run in tne parish of Plsquemines during the summet. once a leaving new urieans every 1 o'clock A. M. and returning, leave the Balize ever Mauday morning, arriving In the city on Tuesday even log.

or freight nr passage apply on board, or to CflAS. DE BtiANC, 14 Customhouse at. Bay Person, wishing to visit the Balixeon an excursion, will bn tne privilege of remaining on board during bet stay there withent extra charge FS tf rOrt BaYOU LAFO0RCHE, LOCH. rport, Dona'dsonvi'le, and all landing, on loavou Lafou che The regular packet CKII I.S. J.

J. Labartbe. mas'er, will leave as above every SATURDAY, at A M. For freight or passage apply oa board, or to J4 rt r. nijflc, 14 nsrnm nonse w.

THE LAFOURCHE PACKET CAR 1 Ri If. R. J. J. Brown, master.

H. Streck iclerk. will commence her trio, ou SAT0R tiAi.tne 7tu and will leave New Orleans even SATURDAY, at o'c ock arriving at Lock port on Sunday nigh'. Returning, will leave Lockport Mooc'ay mornings, at 6 o'clock, and Thibodaux Tuesday more gJ at 6, arriviLg in New Orleans Tuesday night. A.

r.AFOBF.ST. New Orleans. V. RICHARD. Ibibo'aux.

Carrier having been purchased by Brown and Streck, expressly for tbe Lafourche trade, merchant and planters can rely on her remaining in the trade the year ronni. ap FOR MILLIREN'S BEND. burg, Warrenton, New Carthage, Grant Gulf Rodney. Natchez. Fort Adams.

Bavo Sara aud Bawn Rouge Regnlar Saturday Weekly Vick burg packet steamer SOUTHERN BELLE Tbs new magnirirent. swift running, passenger packet steamer SOUTHERN KELl.E, J. M. White, mnster. will leave u.

above every SATURDAY, at 6 o'clock P. M. Forfreigj or passage apply ou board, or to mh T. B. SMITH.

I Canal atreet. Saf Tbe Belle will take Yazoo freight and reship a Vlckshurg. giving through bills lading at regular rates, she connecting; with several Yaroo iats at Virkshorr. THE CAPITOL Twice a Week ic Bayon Sara For Bayou Sara, Waterloo. Port Hudson.

Lnhdeil's Store. Bston Ronse. laoueeuinc, Donalc eonvills and all intermediate land lngs Tbe new ar.4 splendid steamer CAP ITO T. M. Ore.

master, will llcsve for the above porta on SUNDAY at o'clock A. and on WEDNESDAY, at 5 o'clock P. M. Returning, will leave Bayon Sara after 'he srrtvai if the cars. For freigbt or passage apply on board, or to rfunn j.

Attcr. 13 onn street, HOLMES A CLAUSS, 14 New Levee, Jali. A ly or BDENARD VIGNAOD. 1(5 BienvlUs st BaF" A clerk will be on the Levee, near the foot of Conti rret. to receive freight during the absence of the boat.

Tbe owner of tbe BELLA DONNA bave purchased the ateamer take ber place in the Bayou Sara trade. She win couuoue to run regaiariy aunng tne summer, leev ing New Orleans as usual every SATURDAY at 6 o'clo P. 51., and Bays Sara on Wednesday, after tbe arrival of tbe car from Woodvilie. For freight or passage, apply onboard, orto HOLM ES A CLAUSS, mm 7 3m 14 Tchonpitoolas street UNITED STATES MAIL PACKET T. Jr.

For Vlcksborg, Warrenton, New Cattbage. Ashwond. Grand Gulf. St. Josenh ilney, aterproof.

Natchez. Fort Adams Bavon Sara Port Hudson. Baton Rouge, Plaqnemlne. Donaidsonyiile. Tbe magnificent fast miming passenger packet C.

I'. j. c. iinuca, rihict, win leave as aoove every suz.3 DAY, at o'clock V. For freight oe pasaige apply oo hoard, or to CARROLL, PR1TCCARD A Jmlv tf Onion Row, 63 Carondelrt atreet, SaV The C.

I), will go through to Vlcksborg without tentinn. and will connect there with the Jack ou cars CNITED STATES MAIL fACKET NATCHEZ For Vicksburg, Warrenton New Carthage. Ash wood. Grand Gulf. St Josepu, iotiny.

Waterproof. Natchez, Fort Adama, Bayo Sara, Port Hudson. Baton Rooge, Plaquemine, Donaldson ville The Diajn.icei.t new regular passenger packet NATCHF.l, T. P. Leathers, master, will leave aa above every SATURDAY, at o'clock P.

M. For freight or passsge spply on hns to CARROLL, PRITCHARD Ja'P tf Union Row, Csruudelet street MT The Nstcbez will go through to Vicksburg withe detention, and will connect there with he Jackson ca on Monday. sr ja, U. MAIL PACKET New Orleans. Iseirff Port udson, Bayon Sara and Coast Packet.

fTirrr 'r'' passenger steamer NEW LATONA. uilie uross, master, win leave as loiiows for Bayou Sara every FRIDAY, at 9 o'clock A. M. for Port Hudson every MONDAY, at 6 o'clock P. M.

Returning, leave Bayou Sara every Sainrday, afi the railroad car; Port Hudson every Tuesday, a' o'clock P. M. nlT 64 ly SaV A clerk will be always on the Levee, foot nienviiie street, to receive iretgnu There Is a lgn on tbe wharf. REUOLAR MEMPHIS Leil Ing EVERY ALTERNATC WEDNEv DA For Memnbl. Helena Nulsa reenvuie.

Lake Providence. Viekahnra.anri all lnrtmi dtate landings Tbe splen.lid rearuiar pasoecser itnnc GEORGE COLLIER. master, will leavest above every alternate WEDNESDAY, thrmgbout to season. For freight or passage, having superior acenmsne nations, apply on board, or to pa tf Gr.O. W.

SHAW A 14 Paydrasstreet, ffT MfcV UULbSAs AMD LsrOUHCei Lr tFf steamer FANNY Terrebonne, master, having been that saaawawasaSEawl i. xerrera onguiy pa ren, win resume ner regular trips the abov trade on TO USD AY, November Tth, leaving New OrK EVERYTOESDAY.rt o'clock A. and FRli.AY at o'clock P. AL Rr urnlruj. will leave Lockport evert Wednesday, at o'clock A.

and every Saturday, at li o'clock TbibodauA every ednesday, at IS o'clock and every Saturday, at o'rlork P. M. For trelihi or paeange. having superior accommodations, an iy tt Kesara. CONERY A WILSON, No.

Front Levee Ns Orleans, or to tbe captain on board. OSTThe F. gparbawk will ran to Danaldsonvlll aatt the river rises, leaving New Orleans as above, and Do aid sonville every Thursday, at o'clock A. ML.anA srn Sunday, at o'clock A. M.

Agents in Tbibodaax, Messrs VAN LEW BELfO Agent In nona'daonville. MA0RIN of REGDLAR O. MAIL Asbton, Pitcher's Point. SkiDwith Land ng. Lake Providence.

Vlckahnra Wiim ctrthas Grand Gulf, Roduey, Natcnex, Fan Adams, Bayos Sara. Baton Rouge, and ths Intermediate Ian li Dga Regaiar Weekly Packet The magnlncent fast running passenger packet steamer FRANK LYON. J. H. EM, master, will a aoov every THURSDAY, at, punctually, carrying the mall on that ui mipii or passage apply on maen orto T.

B. SMITH is Caaal st, SW Freight taken for all points oa tui asoo, it era signed to a house in Vicksburg. SsT A clerk will be on the Levee every Tc day mora lag to receive freight. To steamboat Uwners. ine undersigned wishes to purchsse a HgLt draught STEAMBOAT, one that would mske a good towbust for the coal i rate ou i he Alabama rver.

She must be in food order, and free of incumbrances. Apply or address GEO. O. BARER, apga EAM Room 41, City Hotel, for three days George Harvey. Edwin H.

uedon. AocrJoa Haasa 1st He l.asaia. Mas. TTARVEY A WHEDON, Aoctiuneer, No. 48 Main MM.

MM. I street. from seasons, trust 1 uuti EuuiT miwwcuuu mj aui woo may wish to favor us with consignment. asT Returns of sales made aad proceed remitted vupi'V in an raaea. Pi Sm To Woatertj ncrrfauiBtn.

CLOCK! AND TIMS FlCl. Bttuwu, no. 3 Couitlsndt atreet. New York. manufceturer and dealer in Clock, and Time Pieces would call the attention at 1 ssaortea stock of all description, wholesale sealer will do wall to call aefors pgrrhsartng elsewhere.

a ft a (v KchSLal fm W. MM. MM MM Mm "ho ha a great celebrity ss 1 brr' rng ladies, ia oesiroos af receiving Pupil, as boarding scholars, at ber Private Academy, in the pleasant village of Maiden, Massachusetts, nearJBos ney would receive maternal care, aa well as a de Voted a'tention to tbelr intellectnal improvement Mr. Richard would refer to Wm. James Dewey, Esq, New Orleans; Dr John C.

Warren, Wm. Minot. Esq, Ha Ben P. Hsllett, sn4 Wm backer, Bon ocj and Hon John Dewey. Guildhall.

Vermont, aiiao tf littiuutKAlUKS, witu rate ni VenUiatora. XL Joe Pitchers, Wsrer Confers. Fishing hemes snd rets. of all sizes Fo saleby J. WATERMAN A BROTHER Jai carter ajagnuce and Couidioi.

i tet. STJKAM BOATS. The fJpixir IrIlMlMlpDt. TIZrf0 T. LODIS, CAIRO.

BICIk. tUndolpo, Mpb, nil' agthe latermedlate iandlna Th aU.T nye r. Eifert. master, will leave kw. i F.

E.fert, master, will leave as er GEM. sAs.uc sta lust, at ft o'clock P. M. got passage apply on board, or to and iacennenieca Land! at 4 o'clock Jr. M.

mye er ALLEN SHANNON. ot icboupitoala. rhM or to LEWIS NAPP.T Front wS LT Wflnrrrrujar passenrrr aUCHlsl? AHheebfe. anaster. will leave 'for thVslti' oi7 i tea tk Um rtoO.

SS. WHITE, as FoitrtrS REGULAR PACRElTR 5 Lssus The new. light draogb. 2 tialng passenger packet ates FAST. Georae Taylor, master, will I PCV aad intermediate landings on THURSDAT inat, at o'clock P.M.

or to r.u iwa ireigut or rwsrc trs.T mv JOHN B. HTDE A 4 i A plan of ber cabin caa se see and titf n.7, gged op application to the agents. (T 7 fc K0ULAR ST. LOUIS PACRET Loai. and all Intermediate Un'dints SATCRDAT St at f.

U. tot ireigut mi oa board, or to mnft apply BITS JOHN r. Pint rk "TA plan of the cabin can be see Md 'sUtTroo! cared hy applying to the asenU RF.GULAR RT lnnii Bt Louis The new. li.t A7Z.Zlr new. I Lent rnnnins U1MA, Chaa.

V., Passenger packet staamer VIR nd all intermediate landing ZJ. THOnSDAY, tbe 17th lust, at o'clock i freight or paasage apply en board, or to JOHN fL Dsns on A olaa af tbe fhi.T. Cl secored on application to thrasta state rooas fCff aa "OR ST. LOUIS, CAIRO.

HICAMsa LjaU jRandolph. andTI, thiSnteri afl illats landings The snlrndis ZZ running pa wenger steamer JUUK IMonng. Tn'7 master, will leave as above oa THCRSDsl thTw5S mys ALLKIf ft SHANNON, gTTcboupitoalMrt. state room, caa be st cured oa sppliclatii to ths sfjs SaiiiswAlntermediate landlnirs Ths spitBdid fi3 running passenger steamer BELFAST. Scsl ter, wi kiiiuoui.

sa. or ircigui or psssage apply oa board. dock P. M. For freight or psssage apply oa boardl myS ALLEN tt SHANNON, BT Tchrmpttoulss st asents.

State room can be secured on application Is tog tCyr a FOR ST. LoUlft, CAIRO, tHCAMAlT IjaiWIs JrNew Madrid, Raor olph, MtipMc asasBsaaawjaussbthe Intermediate landings The Sue hat ruuniug passenger steamer GEM. Elfrrt, roaster ahii leave as above on TUESDAY, the 8th lost, at s'cJock. P.M. For freight or passage apply on board, or to myS ALLEN SHANNON, 6T Tchouprroslsjs).

Saf State roonu can be secured oa applicadua ths agents wsriraLat.O; FOR ST. LOUIS Tne an erd.d renias passenger packet COLtM 1US. Fultoi, master, ia now in pott lejeivlns nr.TI and wul jeave for the above and intrrrr enlate MON DAY. tbe Tth inst at a o'clock. P.

For frti(bt or passag', hsvlug suprr.or accommodations, apaiv an board, or to m5 G. W. SHAW It Agw FOR ST. LOUIS. CAIRO, UEMFRIL "nil Ml InlarmMlf.t.

i a tae new, elegant. SW'ft monies nssseaser MlcJUlU AN. Sbenle. mas'er. ia now in sort freigbt.

and will leave as above on TUESDAY, tb tti at 4 o' lock, pisitively. For freight er passage having splendid acrommodatlons, apply or board. or to ft C. T. BL'DDCCRE A CO cured on application to the agents 100 Tchonpitoolas street I (TTP REGULAR 8T LOUIS fACAET Ta Lgt Wivsi ljThne regnlar passenger stessnrr FALLS dEfikaisraaVUTY.

H. W. Smith, master, (lateaf gsrT uak no. it,) ill leave for the abov. and intetaeaiats landing nu TUESDAY, the 8th at 4 o'clock For freight or passage anply on hosed orto my O.

M. WHITE, as Front street. LC.UULAR SI. LOUIS PACK RfZTFh. 'fine regnlar passenger steamer MAY FLOWER.

Josenh Broaa. tnaatar win leave for tbe above and all intermediate unHinn TUESDAY, tbe ttd lost, at 6 o'clock P. M. This host i furnished in tbe most approved style in every parties lar, for comfort, safety snd speed, and passenger caa sc. pend on her leaving punctually at the time auvrrtisnt, A plan of tbe csbin can be seen and state rooms secure! by applying tn my BELL, BUCHANAN A CO.

PA'inert REUCLAR ST. LOUIS PACKET The 11 she draught passenger stesraer CM BUS. W. H. Fulton, master, leaves for St Louis and all intermediate landings nn M09DAY.

the Tth inst at 6 o'clock P. M. For freight or pssatts app'y on board, or to nr 4 Tl JOHN HYDE st 4 PoydragsL ItmT A plan of her catrlns csn be seen and state rooms se FOR ST. LOUIS. CAIRO.

H1CAMAM. New Madrid. Randolph. Mtmshisand all I intermediate landing The new. smsadiA stesiuer JOHN SIMON DS.

Townsend, msst'i, will lesvt as above oo THURSDAY. 6 o'clock t. M. For freight only, apply no board, orto ap 10 GEO. W.

SHAW A CO 4 Psvotss tt. FOR tT. LOU IS The resuiar Dsssenser packet MAGKOLfA, at. C. Tfaomssssa, master, will leave for St Loots oa or abesft MU.NDaY.

tbe 14th Mae. at o'clock P. M. rooms can be secured by applying at the of 9 THFO. SHliTE.

Common street Ubto Kiver FOR LOUISVILLE The passenger ateamer A. L. SHOTWELUI. L. Elliott, master, will leave for the saws ani intermediate landing ou or aboat SATURDAI.tss 19 at 6 o'clock P.

M. For freight or oasssresB pv on bosrd orto ntS BELL, BUCHANAN A 05 Magazine al sat A plan of tbe cabiu cau be seen au 1 stats rooas secured hy applying to the agents LOOISVlLLKsXD av FOR CINCINNATI. LOO i jsaWQl tef Maitison The steamer HE aJtaaaauasaaaA. Emerson, master, w.ll FOR CINCINNATI. fine regent NRY LEWIS, leave fir tbs above and all Intermediate landing on HON DAY, the Tth at o'clock P.

M. For freight or passage spply on board, or to mvi ROOCRS. McGUIRK A ts foy IVS UlAUAftAil Tlit Hue regaiar passeuger ateamer HENRY LEWIS. arson, master. If ares for Cincinnati and ail ntermrdiate landings on TUESDAY, tbe 8th atf o'clock P.

M. For freight oaseage apply on basts, er ts my Tf JOHN E. HYDE A 4 Poydras st FOR CLN C1N AT I AND LOOISVILLR 'The steamer YORRTOWN No Scott, master, is now receiving freight, and will leave for tbe al ove and all intermediate landing OB MONDAY, the Tth Inst at o'clock P. AL For freigbr or psssage apply ou hoaerl, o' to mjft R. Br.LL a CO 18 Poydras street FOR CINCINNATI AND lOHIKVILLR The steamer UUEEN OF THE WbsT.

Wade, master, la now receiving freight, so wul leave ior tbe above and all intermediate landings a MONDAY, the inst at o'clock P. M. For freight or passage apply no board, or to rnys R. B. BELL Ax 19 Poydras street.

FOR LOUISVILLE Tne fine regnlar 'passenger racket tiPRESS. Sheerer, sss Iter, will leave for Louisville and all inier mediate landing on MONDAY, ti.e Tru May, at fi o'clock P. M. For freight ne passage apply oo board, or to nys BELL, BUCHANAN A CO 06 Magazine it, Sa A plsn of the cabin can seen and stats rooas secured by applying to the agents. FOR LOUISVILLE The nil resasr passenger steamer NIAGARA.

Rsrrv I 1 8 pons, master, will leave for tbe soars ana intermediate lar. dings oo WEDNESDAY, iota taste at 6 o'clock P. M. For trelght or pssaage apply oa sua, orto BELL, BU CHAN AN 4 CO. myl IT ar A plan of the cabin can be seen and stats raoat cured by applying to the agents.

FOR LOUISVILLE The fine. rtgBiSf tiger packet FaNNY luuham. master, will leave for tb sbove auu luieriucuiste lauaings on or aoour, r. Ll uui May 16tb, at A o'clock P. M.

For freight or passage apply oo hoard, or to BELL, BUCHANAN A ap30 esMagsslnest aav A plan of tb cabin cau be seen aad stats rasas secored py applying to the agents. FOR LOU1BVILLK Tb. fine regvlsr roaaaenger steamer BELLE SHCR1DA9. I Devol. master, will leave for Louisville aso 4 all intermediate landings on or about TUESDAY, Ms? 8th, at o'clock P.

For freight or nssssge spply as hoard. or to BELL, BUCHANAN A CO, ap) 1 veMaganoest, SaV A Plan of her cabins can be seen and stats iisi.S seeored hy applying to the agents. ran. LOUISVILLE The Bus ressisr 'passenger ateamer ECLIPSE, E. T.

scsr I aeon, mul.r aril I 1 a SnvVha ahaye lnteruie.lls'e landing oa FRIDAY, tbe lltb May, o'clock P. M. For freight or passage apply en apart BELL, BUCHANAN A MagaziDssi Bsjr A plan of tbe csbin can be aeen and state room sf cured by applying to the aganr irfAv a. STEAMER ROBT. J.

WARD. Silat IsaUoVa, (a liter, mss er Summer Arrangement ajCaMaaaasaasilTbia splendid steamer will leave for vine and a I intermediate ladings thrrmfbaaf Ihsat as follows, to wit Leave New Orleans SATURDAY. April SI, at P. Saturday, Msy SATURDAY, May lit. MONDAY, June 4.

i WEDNESDAY. JunsSO. wTinoanaw Tbis boat ts furnished In tbe most approved style 'a every particular for romfort and peed, and rsaese ran depend on her leaving puactoally at tbe time advertised, a plan of the cabiu can bs seen and Stat rosJ secured b) applying to the agent. apai SAMUEL EWTNg. SS Gravler Jled Klver FOR SHKEvrPiinT BRAIfD ECOsi, Alexandria, and all Intermediate laas'sgf.

The resntaar aeeamer FftriA, .1 fdwsrd Parker, master, will leave aa aoove shb SaTOS 111 K. lo.k i 1 1 x. ci mj Mr. ImiAI SS passage apply on board, or to H. M.

ROBINSON. Commercial FlSCS. SaT Freight taken for above the fall, with prlvuegeSf reahlpping. FOR ALEXANDRIA. GORTONS Is1 rf Lauding, aad all intermed'sta sinrr light draught ateamer SWAMP F0j Wm.

Kimball, master, will leave for the above totx MONDAY, the TtA st o'clock P. M. orfttil iau ma sibbicu amp, soiicr wo bjin r. asaoriment; Ol cnoice oautt.lUI.3, ITiES I peraouany to tne sales ni every aescnptlon I or nssssse annlv on Ivaaerl aeln aneetimu! I XT. and LllflUKl I 01 merrnanoise consigned us to be sold at auction, and I CARROLL PRITCHARD A CO.

lSrvKr 5JSIwa5 cniou itow. our long experience in the auction business, sad hav ing 'ae aa van tare or a good market at all superfine and a variety of fancy articles, of ths very ueai quaii ties always on nana, at low prices. FOR BHKEVKPOstT. GRAND BAYOD, Grand Ecore and Alexandria Tbjia" and swift running naasengenpeckst stesssw w. puvtnj, feeorge H.

Clsrk. master, win Vy the above and all In'srmediate landing on MONfsie the Tth at o'clock P. AL' For might as myg T. B. SMITH.

IS Cnl street rr l. a. RF.GULAR U.KU RiVAR PACr l'v For Shrevepc rt. Grand Ecore, nawoiwTj sE Ase. Maarice.

Alexandria. Gorton's, a Intel mediate landings tb new sad spienoio 1 stesmer for the RAPIDES, Jaha C. Dowry, msster, wi sTf above every TUESDAY, at 'elsck V. returning leiwj viam a cme aecry 1 1 1. dria Sataedsw.

For freight or passage; hating ssjco" accomassstJoBS, apply on beard, set EATON At MEWDERSONi ng leave Grand Ecore very Fridy.ssd sn4 lSTcboupitoslaasnd IS New gsfTb Hsplde bss msde srrsngtments steamer Union to coupect with her at Aiexandrls oil STEAMBOAT FULTON FOR SAi Tbe steamer DLTON, ss now rrs. fores at a eargwla II sppuv lusac aouife Itrrsj Uhcrat, A Py to A. st ni" my4 Ttt Cnwim and 41 Ca' srrseTs JLJ landing yj above or, THURSDAY, the loth 'Z z.ngibb Delicti and aaw lUTMICUf UXilU A cyCFB, lf.TclioopltoAil a' for sale by.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)


Is The Times-Picayune still in business? ›

On May 2, 2019, Advance Publications announced that The Times-Picayune had been sold to Georges Media, owner of The Advocate. The new owners stated that both papers would be folded into a single operation by June 2019 and that the brand would be maintained for the combined newspaper's digital operations.

Where to find Times-Picayune? ›

The Times-Picayune | | The New Orleans Advocate
  • 840 St. Charles Ave. New Orleans LA 70130.
  • (504) 636-7400.

What is the most famous section of New Orleans? ›

The French Quarter is the choice if you only need to see a single neighbourhood during your trip to New Orleans. Called “the Crown Jewel of New Orleans,” this neighbourhood on the banks of the Mississippi River is the heart of all things historic in The Big Easy.

Why is it called Times-Picayune? ›

Nicholson was the owner and publisher of the New Orleans Daily Picayune, named after a Spanish coin called a “picayune.” She chose to name the city after her beloved newspaper. Today the paper is still published but is now called the Times-Picayune.

What is the biggest newspaper in New Orleans? ›

The Advocate is Louisiana's largest daily newspaper. Based in Baton Rouge, it serves the southern portion of the state. Separate editions for New Orleans, The Times-Picayune | The New Orleans Advocate, and for Acadiana, The Acadiana Advocate, are published.

How much is a Picayune worth? ›

Noun. (especially Louisiana, historical) A small coin of the value of six-and-a-quarter cents; a Spanish coin with a value of half a real; a fippenny bit. (by extension, archaic) A coin worth five cents (a nickel) or some other low value.

What does NOLA mean in New Orleans? ›

The first letters of “New Orleans” and the state abbreviation for Louisiana, LA, combine to derive the nickname “NOLA. Put those together and you get N.O. LA or NOLA. Residents and visitors commonly use this shorthand or acronym to refer to the city.

Why is New Orleans called the Crescent City? ›

Origins of New Orleans. New Orleans is called the Crescent City because the original town-the Vieux Carré, also called the French Quarter-was built at a sharp bend in the Mississippi River. The town was founded about 1718 by Jean Baptiste Le Moyne, Sieur de Bienville.

Where is the Times newspaper? ›

The Times is a British daily national newspaper based in London.

What is the nicest street in New Orleans? ›

The Best Streets to Visit in New Orleans
  1. Bourbon Street. Bourbon St. is known worldwide and attracts thousands of tourists every year who visit just so they can walk down the street for themselves. ...
  2. Frenchman Street. ...
  3. Magazine Street. ...
  4. Esplanade Avenue. ...
  5. Poydras Street. ...
  6. Canal Street. ...
  7. St. ...
  8. Royal Street.

Where do the wealthy live in New Orleans? ›

The Garden District, the richest neighborhood in New Orleans, is famous for its grand mansions. The median home price here is $624,170, while the average rent is $2205. Residents enjoy a median household income of $122,458.

What is the #1 attraction in New Orleans? ›

Whether you're a life-long local or you're in town for your first visit to The Big Easy, there are plenty of things to explore for every taste and preference. French Quarter Phantoms has been voted Voted #1 in New Orleans & America's Top Ten for over 8 years in a row, so we know a thing or two about our city!

What was the old name for New Orleans? ›

The name of New Orleans derives from the original French name (La Nouvelle-Orléans), which was given to the city in honor of Philippe II, Duke of Orléans, who served as Louis XV's regent from 1715 to 1723.

What did the French call New Orleans? ›

New Orleans was founded in early 1718 by the French as La Nouvelle-Orléans, under the direction of Louisiana governor Jean-Baptiste Le Moyne de Bienville.

Why did they name New Orleans? ›

The Founding French Fathers

La Nouvelle Orléans was named in honor of the Duke of Orleans, France's ruling regent until the young Louis XV could take the throne, but the French name was also chosen to encourage French settlers who would have balked at coming to a place with an Indian name like Biloxi or Natchitoches.

Did the New York Daily News go out of business? ›

This company was acquired by Alden Global Capital, which operates its media properties through Digital First Media, in May 2021. After the Alden acquisition, alone among the newspapers acquired from Tribune Publishing, the Daily News property was spun off into a separate subsidiary called Daily News Enterprises.

Who owns the New Orleans Advocate? ›

Dathel Coleman Georges

Rose Nursery, St. Rose, Louisiana. In May, 2013 Dathel and John Georges purchased The Advocate and expanded the newspaper's reach by launching The New Orleans Advocate, partly by hiring several Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists from The Times-Picayune. They also publish The Acadiana Advocate.

Who founded Picayune? ›

Picayune was incorporated in 1904, and was named by Eliza Jane Poitevent Nicholson in late 1883 or early 1884. She was the owner and publisher of The Daily Picayune, a newspaper named for the coin.

What is the phone number for The Times-Picayune obituary? ›

How to place an obituary in The Times-Picayune. To place a death notice you may call (225) 388-0289, or email


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Author: Annamae Dooley

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Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.