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Join more than 70 million players in this fast-paced, third-person action shooter and choose where your journey begins. Will you carve a path through the sprawling Origin System, or enter the mind-bending unreality of The Duviri Paradox?

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With a vast array of fully customizable Warframes -- each with their own unique abilities like Invisibility, Teleport or Mind Control -- the power is yours to create the perfect assassin, tank, support or stealth Warframe.

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Behold the patron saint of the Orokin school of political assassination. Ash specializes in stealth. The edge of his blade is sooner felt than seen.

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Enemies tremble before the brawler with fists as hard as stone. Atlas deals high damage. Command terrestrial elements that form the foundation of any battlefield.

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Banshee’s call heralds death. She maintains crowd control and identifies enemy weak points with sonic attacks. Few can hold their position when struck by her force.

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Beware the fury of the truly patient. Baruuk boasts survivability and crowd control. Pushed beyond his restraint, he unleashes the storm within.

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The heir of twin kingdoms ascends. Biological and Sentient life meet in Caliban. An adept monarch, he offers crowd control and survivability. His creator had more than one world in mind.

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Unleash the draconic. Chroma employs Heat, Electricity, Toxin, and Cold to deal high damage while maintaining survivability. Soar with winged fury.

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Gaze upon the Crystal Bastion. Citrine's crystalline might supports allies on the battlefield. Combat only enhances her fractal beauty.

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Never underestimate the power and wrath of sullen sadness. Dagath's malice deals high damage.

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Seeker of knowledge. Keeper of history. Daring researcher of Leverian lore. Dante composes arcane tales to support allies and devastate enemies.

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Harness the power of fire. Ember’s heat deals high damage. She keeps a cool head when the battle is hot.

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Equinox rises from the edge of day and night. Her Day form offers offensive support while her Night form offers defensive support. She thrives between realms.

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Excalibur epitomizes the warrior spirit. His master swordsmanship deals high damage. He is the embodiment of martial excellence.

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When Frost steps onto the battlefield, enemies experience a chill. Frost’s attacks control crowds, protect objectives, and increase survivability. Wield the biting cold.

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Enemies are made fragile by Gara’s deadly touch. Gara’s vitric abilities provide her and her allies with survivability and deal high damage. Shatter the foe.

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Death’s crimson maiden sharpens her talons. Garuda weaponizes the blood of her foes to deal high damage. Sanguine beauty complements her deadly power.

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Take charge with the Saint of Altra. Gauss is fast, deals high damage, and has strong survivability. Movement charges his powerful battery, so never stop moving.

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Grendel sees every battlefield as a smorgasbord. His insatiable appetite rewards him with high survivability. Enemies will be eaten. And regurgitated.

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Annihilate enemies with the conductivity of coils and transmitters. Gyre’s electric attacks provide crowd control. She is the embodiment of elegant theory.

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Achieve redemption through vengeance. The monastic Harrow increases damage to support allies. Defy enemies and ascend.

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Strength is Hildryn’s virtue. Her unique high-damage abilities are powered by her Shields, which can be recharged with Energy. Hildryn proves that a strong offense is a good defense.

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Hydroid summons the power of the ocean depths. He provides crowd control with aqueous attacks. His enemies will meet a watery demise.

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Inaros commands the fearsome desert. He survives like the ever-shifting sands that empower him. Legend recalls Inaros as the Fear-Eater.

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The huntress draws her bow. Ivara is stealth itself. Her enemies live in fear of her sudden attacks.

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Khora is red in whip and claw. She works together with her Kavat companion, Venari, to deal high damage and provide crowd control. Two bodies, one will.

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Kullervo answers for his sins and the sins of others. His daggers and melee prowess deal high damage. Seize the power of treachery to slake his thirst for revenge.

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The serpents of Lavos encourage him as he transmutes the battlefield. He uses Toxin, Cold, Electricity, and Heat to deal elemental damage. Harness the power of the dark alchemist.

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Master the rift between shadow and substance. Limbo disrupts time-space to provide crowd control. He is at home where others struggle with what is real.

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Loki knows the art of deception. The trickster employs stealth to sabotage enemies. Sow confusion.

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Take down your enemies with magnetic force. Mag alters magnetic fields to provide crowd control and strip enemy defenses. Few can resist her attraction or her repulsion.

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The gunslinger has a steady deadly hand. Each shot deals high damage. Mesa is the fastest draw in the realm.

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Mirage’s sleight of hand complements her might. Her dazzled foes take heavy damage. Doppelgangers, lasers, and traps are elements of her stagecraft.

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There is a reaper whose name is Nekros. He provides deathly crowd control. Erstwhile enemies become allies when Nekros calls up recruits from the dead.

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The mercurial firemonger protects the innocent. Nezha’s multifaceted tactics give him high survivability as he inflicts damage and provides crowd control. His fire is the clarion of hope.

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Nidus draws strength from the Infestation. It bolsters him with survivability as he deals high damage and provides crowd control. Plague your enemies.

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Harness antimatter. Nova uses antiparticles to provide crowd control and amplify damage output. She obliterates enemies by destabilizing matter itself.

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Psychic attacks make Nyx a dangerous foe. She reaches into enemy consciousness to provide crowd control and turn their attacks back on them. Such manipulation can turn the tide of battle.

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Healing and suffering do Oberon’s bidding. His command of the natural world supports allies. Boon to his friends, bane of his foes.

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Octavia turns bass, beat, and melody into a symphony of devastation. The music of her Mandachord gives her high survivability and supports allies. Her composition means the enemy’s destruction.

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Protea knows all about protection. Her vast arsenal inflicts damage and provides ally support. She can even manipulate time itself.

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Albrecht Entrati designed Qorvex to protect a Chosen Operator from the unique hazards of his lab. A Crucible Core gives Qorvex high survivability as he provides crowd control.

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Macabre spectral power has risen. Infused with the essence of the Eidolon, Revenant has strong survivability and deals high damage. Enemies become his thralls.

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Rhino packs a punch. He boasts high survivability and crowd control. The wise would do well to stand clear when he charges.

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Toxicity is Saryn’s strength. Her serpentine powers deal heavy damage. For Saryn, venom is a virtue.

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No longer adrift in the Void, Sevagoth has returned. He and his Shadow deal heavy damage and have high survivability. They are sustained by the reaping of wayward souls.

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Styanax never wonders how many enemies he will face, only where he can find them. The hoplite deals high damage. Enemies tremble before his spear and shield.

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Titania’s fairy-like appearance belies her formidable regal power. The enchantress deals high damage and provides crowd control. She forces opponents to pay homage or perish.

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Trinity embodies redemption and health. Her extraordinary healing powers support allies. Where others destroy, she restores.

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Valkyr was modified into a highly motivated and fearsome killer. She is adept at dealing damage and surviving. Her battle cry strikes terror into all who hear it.

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Vauban is the model of innovative technology. He deploys clever inventions to provide crowd control. His tenacity and focus make him formidable.

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Electricity flows through Volt. His attacks deal high damage. Enemies will be shocked.

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Four beasts, one heart. Voruna's loyal wolf pack makes for a deadly combination of strength and stealth. Beware the monstrous howl that heralds fangs of vengeance.

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Wisp floats between the material and the ethereal. She accesses multiple dimensions to support her allies. Her countenance is mysterious and enigmatic.

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The simian warrior is a mountain of strength. Wukong deals heavy damage and has high survivability. His quick trickster tactics are unforgettable.

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Broken Warframes adrift in the Void converged to create Xaku. Together, they deal high damage. Xaku proves that the sum of the whole is greater than its parts.

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The waverider can unleash a flood of destruction on the battlefield. Yareli’s aqueous attacks deal high damage. Surf’s up. Enemies down.

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Command the power of the wind. Zephyr’s cyclonic abilities protect her, deal high damage, and provide crowd control. She swoops in from above and leaves a path of destruction.

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Seamlessly leap, slide and glide over legions of grotesque clones and capitalist machines. Unsheathe your blade, stick to the shadows or go in guns blazing — the choice is yours.

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Grab a hoverboard and hit the slopes of the Vallis. Spearfish in the sunlit waters of the Plains. Explore hidden caves and mine for rare minerals. Experience all of this and more in Warframe’s open worlds.

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Nikanas. Pulse rifles. Flamethrowers. Collect and upgrade hundreds of unique Weapons, then modify each one for maximum mayhem and limitless possibilities.

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You don’t have to work alone. Invite three friends and fight alongside 50 million Tenno in the Origin System.

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Warframe: Ninjas Play Free (2024)


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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.