When to Enroll in Medicare (2025)

ONSCREEN TEXT: How to choose the right Medicare plan for you.

A folder and a document labeled "Medicare" appear to the right of the text.

NARRATOR: How to choose the right Medicare plan for you. Medicare coverage should fit your unique health and lifestyle needs. The answers to a few important questions can help you determine which Medicare coverage option is right for you.

Let's get started.

Do you take prescription drugs?

If you answered yes, you'll want to consider a Part D prescription drug plan or Medicare Advantage plan with built-in prescription drug coverage.

If you answered no, just be aware that you could face a Part D late enrollment penalty if you choose to enroll later on and don't have creditable drug coverage.

Do you want coverage for dental, vision, or hearing care?

If you answered yes, a Medicare Advantage plan may be a good fit.

If you answered no, you don't need to consider these when choosing your coverage.

Do you visit the doctor often?

Frequent doctor visits can get costly. Your costs may include planned deductibles, co-pays, coinsurance, and other out-of-pocket costs. It's a good idea to estimate what your total cost for the year may be if you see a doctor or other specialist frequently.

Is paying for Medicare a concern?

If yes, there are a variety of financial assistance programs available that could help. Consider seeing if you qualify for Medicaid, a Medicare Savings Program, Extra Help, or Programs of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly, known as PACE programs. Your state may also have specific financial aid programs available that you can try as well.

Upbeat music plays.

Text appears beside an illustrated document and folder labeled “Medicare”.

ONSCREEN TEXT: How to Choose the Right Medicare Plan

NARRATOR: How to choose the right Medicare plan for you.

Four illustrated hands raise in the air.

ONSCREEN TEXT: Medicare coverage should fit your unique health and lifestyle needs

NARRATOR: Medicare coverage should fit your unique health and lifestyle needs. The answers to a few important questions can help you determine which Medicare coverage option is right for you. Let’s get started.

A bottle of pills appears.

ONSCREEN TEXT: Do you take prescription drugs?

NARRATOR: Do you take prescription drugs?

The word “Yes” appears beside an icon of a pill bottle labeled “Part D” and an icon of a bed and stethoscope labeled “Medicare Advantage”.

NARRATOR: If you answered yes, you will want to consider a Part D prescription drug plan, or Medicare Advantage plan with built in prescription drug coverage.

Text appears beside a graphic of a coin rising out of a wallet.

ONSCREEN TEXT: No Watch out for Part D late enrollment penalty

NARRATOR: If you answered no, just be aware that you could face a Part D late enrollment penalty if you choose to enroll later on and don’t have creditable drug coverage.

Text appears above a toothbrush, a person’s ear, an eye chart, and a shelf holding a plant.

ONSCREEN TEXT: Do you want coverage for dental, vision, or hearing care?

NARRATOR: Do you want coverage for dental, vision, or hearing care?

The word “Yes” appears above the Medicare Advantage icon.

NARRATOR: If you answered yes, a Medicare Advantage plan may be a good fit.

The word “No” replaces “Yes”.

NARRATOR: If you answered no, you don’t need to consider these when choosing your coverage.

A stethoscope appears.

ONSCREEN TEXT: Do you visit the doctor often?

NARRATOR: Do you visit the doctor often? Frequent doctor visits can get costly. Your cost may include plan deductibles, co-pays, co-insurance, and other out of pocket costs.

Three progressively larger dollar signs appear. Text appears, followed by three progressively taller vertical bars. The tallest bar is composed of horizontal bars, and is topped by a dollar sign.

ONSCREEN TEXT: Tip: Estimate your healthcare costs

20% You

80% Medicare

NARRATOR: It’s a good idea to estimate what your total cost for the year may be if you see a doctor, or other specialist, frequently.

An icon of a credit card appears.

ONSCREEN TEXT: Is paying for Medicare a concern?

NARRATOR: Is paying for Medicare a concern? If yes, there are a variety of financial assistance programs available that could help.

Text appears.

ONSCREEN TEXT: Medicare financial assistance programs

- Medicaid

- Medicare Savings Programs

- Extra Help


- State-specific financial aid programs

NARRATOR: Consider seeing if you qualify for Medicaid, a Medicare savings program, extra help, or programs of all-inclusive car for the elderly known as PACE programs. Your state may also have specific financial aid programs available, that you can try as well.

Blue text appears against a white background.

ONSCREEN TEXT: Medicare Made Clear brought to you by UnitedHealthcare

©2024 United HealthCare Services, Inc. All rights reserved. Medicare Made Clear® by UnitedHealthcare®


The stacked blue U’s of the UnitedHealthcare logo appear.

ONSCREEN TEXT: UnitedHealthcare

When to Enroll in Medicare (2025)


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Author: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

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Author information

Name: Sen. Ignacio Ratke

Birthday: 1999-05-27

Address: Apt. 171 8116 Bailey Via, Roberthaven, GA 58289

Phone: +2585395768220

Job: Lead Liaison

Hobby: Lockpicking, LARPing, Lego building, Lapidary, Macrame, Book restoration, Bodybuilding

Introduction: My name is Sen. Ignacio Ratke, I am a adventurous, zealous, outstanding, agreeable, precious, excited, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.