Will You Be My Valentine? by The Savages (2024)

Will You Be My Valentine? by The Savages (1)

Will You Be My Valentine?

The Savages»USA Garage Greats 1965-1967: Vol. 154: Tell It To The Preacher

Garage Rock60sRock60s psychedelic and garageGarage

There is more than one band named The Savages:

1) Little is known ab…

Read Full Bio ↴There is more than one band named The Savages:

1) Little is known about this mid-'60s group, which has variously been reported to be from Bermuda or to be a group of Americans who were based in Bermuda when their sole LP, Live 'n Wild, was recorded. That album, recorded live at the Princess Hotel in Bermuda (according to the liner notes), stands as one of the best '60s full-length garage platters. Composed almost wholly of original material, the group played top-notch tunes with heavy echoes of the Beatles, Searchers, and Byrds, with a much greater melodic sense than the typical American garage combo, though a pleasing rawness is evident throughout.

Guitarist/singer Paul Muggleton was part of a short-lived group called Omaha Sherriff (produced by Tony Visconti), who recorded one album in England (Come Hell or High Water, 1977), and also sang on four late-'70s/early-'80s albums by Judy Tzuke on Rocket and Chrysalis (the fact that they were all English releases leading one to believe that they were from Bermuda). And drummer Howie Rego may have been part of a mid-'70s progressive band called Stardrive, who recorded for Elektra and Columbia. Nothing has ever turned up concerning the group's two other members, Jimmy O'Conner and Bobby Zuill.

2) The Savages is a Rock N Roll band from Bombay (now Mumbai), formed in 1960 and the starting point in tracing the history of rock music in India was of course the musicians that they have played with and watched concerts of. Strangely enough, they kept ending up at Rock Machine/Indus Creed. Everyone story led back to, "It all began with Rock Machine..." There were passing statements along the lines of, "Of course, there were bands before that but they did covers. They played club gigs but no one remembers." Founded in 1967 by Bashir Sheikh, the Savages went beyond playing cover versions, and started writing their own material. Back in the days, there were earlier variants of the rock competitions that we see today. One of these was the Simla Beat contest, sponsored by Simla cigarettes, an ITC brand. The Savages won the 1967 edition of the Simla Beat contest. Another prestigious Bombay festival was the Sound Trophy. The Savages won the Sound Trophy for Best Composition and Best Band in 1968, and in the process snagged a recording deal with Polydor India Ltd. The most consistent and well-remembered line up of the band was stabilizing at this point of time with Bashir Sheikh (drums and vocals), Ralph Pais (bass guitar), Hemant Rao (lead guitar), and Prabhakar Mundkur (keyboards and vocals). Various line up changes happened in the years after this with Hemant Rao leaving for Dubai and replaced by Russell Perreira. However, one of the crucial line-up changes featured the inclusion of a young architecture student, originally from Goa, named Remo Fernandes. Remo played with The Savages for a year and a half during his architecture course in Bombay. Featuring some of the first few original compositions by Remo, the album sounds like a delicate blend of retro rock, folk rock, and early acid rock. After Remo left the Savages, another line-up shuffle found Joe Alvares singing for the band. Notable for his booming tenor voice, Joe sang on the next Savages album, titled Black Scorpio. Though the album itself was mostly populated by cover versions, Prabhakar Mundkur had also taken to songwriting and the Savages frequently performed 7-8 instrumental originals, and 3-4 originals with vocals in the many shows that they played during these years. Joe Alvares left the band in 1974 for personal reasons and the band briefly tried to recruit another vocalist. At about the same time, Nandu Bhende's band, The Brief Encounter, was also faced by the prospect of some members leaving. Sensing an opportunity, the two combined to form The Savage Encounter.

Band Members :
Bashir Sheik – Drums / Vocals
Ralph Pais - Bass
Hemanth Rao – Lead Guitars
Prabhakar Mundkur – Keyboards / Vocals
Remo Fernandes – Vocals / Guitars
Russel Periera – Guitars
Joe Alvares – Lead Vocals

3) The Savages are electrosoul, first generation rock and roll band from Vallejo, CA, United States. They are a 21st century sound for heathens, future see-ers and the civilized alike. Their music draws equally from the seductiveness of R 'n' B, the honesty of Soul, the explosiveness of Rock and the root of it all that ties them all together.

While growing up in their formative teenage years, each of the savages were playing in different bands with different sounds. Through mutual connections and mutual dissolution of each of their bands they decided to get together and make a new type of music and continue on as musicians and artists.

Creating and playing together for the past two years at various venues around the bay, they hope to expand their range and sound and use music as a powerful force that it is.

Band Members:Minnie-Vocals Joshua-Guitars/Vox Robie Regan-Bass Jaycedaface-Drums

Will You Be My Valentine? by The Savages (2024)


How to respond to "Will you be my Valentine?"? ›

If You're Interested in Them Romantically: Direct Acceptance: A straightforward “Yes, I'd love to be your Valentine” clearly communicates your mutual interest. With Enthusiasm: If you're excited about it, don't hesitate to express that. Saying something like, “Absolutely!

What does the question will you be my Valentine mean? ›

Asking "Will you be my valentine?" is like asking "Will you go out with me?" and saying "I like you." Sending a card is a common way to let someone know you want to be their valentine. Definitions of valentine. a sweetheart chosen to receive a greeting on Saint Valentine's Day. “will you be my valentine?”

How do I say no to Will You Be My Valentine? ›

I'm so sorry but I'm just not ready for this right now! A progressive response for the time when you know that you are not in the right headspace and need more time to be ready for a new relationship. You know its not the same AS IT WAS. "Sorry, but I'm no more into guys/girls!!"

Will you be my Valentine proposal ideas? ›

Propose at home.

For example, you could create a trail of candles and rose petals from the front door leading to you waiting with the ring. Set up a living room picnic. Or cook their favorite meal and propose over dessert. (Bonus: you won't have to brave the Valentine's restaurant crowds!)

How to reject a Valentine nicely? ›

Also, don't do it through text or social media, talk to them in person and be very honest. Don't be mean or attack them, just say things like 'I don't feel we are compatible anymore' or 'things aren't working out' so they know,” sophom*ore Gaby Martinez said. No one likes being rejected.

How to answer "will you be mine?"? ›

How you choose to respond will depend on your own feelings and intentions. If you share the same feelings, you can respond positively and express your own interest. For example, you could say something like 'I would love to be yours too' or 'I've had feelings for you for a while too'.

Does asking someone to be your Valentine mean your dating? ›

Although it's not a requirement, asking someone to be your valentine, whether you're in a relationship or not, is a great idea. It would truly make someone's day and is just a little something extra to show just how much you care.

Does being your Valentine mean your dating? ›

When someone says that you are their "valentine," they are simply choosing you as the person that they would like to show fondness to on that special day. When people are married or dating, it is assumed that they are automatically the other person's valentine due to the romantic relationship that they hold.

Can a girl ask a boy to be her Valentine? ›

If you've been crushing on someone hard and Valentine's Day is coming up, this might be the perfect opportunity to let them know how you feel. Ask them to be your valentine! You can make a card, leave a note, bake heart-shaped cookies or just come right out and say it—there are lots of different ways!

How to reject a Valentine nicely over text? ›

Being truthful about your feelings clears the air quickly.

Instead of just replying with “No” or “No thanks,” try texting “It was so nice meeting you, but I'm just not really feeling a connection” or “I'm sorry, but tbh I just don't think we're compatible.”

How to ask someone to be your Valentine without being weird? ›

Keep it simple.

Asking a girl to be your valentine should be fun and chill! Just tell her you'd love to spend Valentine's Day with her. To sweeten the deal, compliment her. If you want to chat about how compatible you are, bring up what you have in common or enjoy doing together.

How to reject a girl on Valentine's Day? ›

Try smiling and saying, "That sounds fun, but no thank you. I'm not interested in dating you." Don't beat around the bush. If you do not want to accept the date, there is no need to say, "Let me think about it."

Is it cheesy to propose on Valentine's Day? ›

Absolutely. Haters may say it's cheesy and cliche, but we say, lean in, baby! There's some serious romance in the rom-com energy of a Vday engagement, and we are absolutely living for it. Here are 7 reasons Valentine's day proposals absolutely slay.

Can I propose my crush on Valentine's Day? ›

Valentine's Day is an ideal time to make a move and propose to your crush. There are several approaches you can take to make them fall in love with you. Similarly, there are several other unique ways to propose to your crush.

Will you be my Valentine message for him? ›

Valentine Messages for Lover

I'm so glad you're mine! Every time I'm with you, the room gets a whole lot hotter. You are my lover, my partner, my inspiration, my best friend, my one and only, my life. You are my everything.


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