FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia · 2020-01-08 · resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (2024)

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (1)

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (2)

Resolution Number: BDG-2020 GCID Number: 2020-0038














At the regular meeting of the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners held in

the Gwinnett Justice and Administration Center, Auditorium, 75 Langley Drive,

Lawrenceville, Georgia.

Name Present Vote

Charlotte J. Nash, Chairman

Jace Brooks, District 1

Ben Ku, District 2

Tommy Hunter, District 3

Marlene Fosque, District 4

On motion of Commissioner ( ), which carried ( ), the Resolution of the

Gwinnett County Commissioners set forth below is hereby adopted:

WHEREAS, the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners (“Board”) is the governing

authority of said County; and

WHEREAS, the Board has presented a Proposed Budget which outlines the County’s

financial plan for said fiscal year which includes all projected revenues and allowable

expenditures; and

WHEREAS, an advertised public hearing has been held on the 2020 Proposed Budget,

as required by State and Local Laws and regulations; and

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (3)

Resolution Number: BDG-2020 GCID Number: 2020-0038

WHEREAS, the Board decrees that the Proposed 2020 Budget shall in all cases apply

to and control the financial affairs of County departments and all other agencies subject

to the budgetary and fiscal control of the governing authority; and

WHEREAS, the Board may authorize and enact adjustments and amendments to

appropriations as to balance revenues and expenditures; and

WHEREAS, each of the funds has a balanced budget, such that Anticipated Funding

Sources equal Proposed Expenditures; and

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that this Budget is hereby adopted

specifying the Anticipated Funding Sources for each Fund and making Appropriations for

Proposed Expenditures to the Departments or Agencies named in each Fund; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Expenditures of any Operating Budget Fund or

Capital Budget Fund shall not exceed the Appropriations authorized by this Budget Resolution and any Amendments thereto or Actual Funding Sources, whichever is less;


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that all Expenditures of any Operating Budget Fund

or Capital Budget Fund are subject to the policies as established by the Board of

Commissioners and the County Administrator; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, consistent with the Official Code of Georgia

Annotated Section 33-8-8.3, the proceeds from the tax on insurance premiums in the

amount of $35,494,448 are recorded within the Police Services Special District Fund for

the primary purpose of funding police protection to inhabitants of unincorporated

Gwinnett in its entirety, budgeted at $144,220,153 and remaining funding of

$108,725,705 anticipated from direct revenues and taxes; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certain Capital Project Budgets are adopted, as

specified herein, as multiple-year project budgets as provided for in Official Code of

Georgia Annotated Section § 36-81-3(b)(2); and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Indirect Cost Allocations and Contributions as

appropriated in any Fund within the various accounts of a Department or Agency are

restricted for the express purpose as designated; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a vacancy period for a minimum of ninety days

shall ensue immediately upon the separation of employment by an employee from a

County department or Agency; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that transfers of appropriations in any Fund among

the various categories within a Department or Agency shall require only the approval of

the Director of Financial Services so long as the total budget for each Department or

Agency is not increased; and

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (4)

Resolution Number: BDG-2020 GCID Number: 2020-0038

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the 2020 Budget shall be amended so as to adapt

to changing governmental needs during the fiscal year as follows: Any increase in

Appropriations in any Fund for a Department or Agency, whether through a change in

Anticipated Revenues in any Fund or through a transfer of Appropriations among

Departments or Agencies, shall require the approval of the Board of Commissioners,

except in the following cases where authority is granted to:

1. The Department Director to:

(a) set fee structures provided that they are not restricted by rate setting policies and agreements; and

(b) allocate funds previously approved between existing capital projects within the SPLOST Programs or Enterprise Funds, within Department or Agency, within the same category of projects.

2. The Director of Financial Services to:

(a) allocate funds to appropriate Department or Agency from insurance proceeds for

the replacement or repair of damaged equipment items;

(b) allocate funds from Operating or Capital Non-Departmental contingencies and

reserves to cover existing obligations/expense in accordance with the intent and actions of the Board of Commissioners; however, in no case shall appropriations exceed actual available funding sources; allocate funds from established reserves for leave balances at retirement, salary adjustments and reclassification to Department and Agency as necessary to provide funding for compensation actions, reductions in force and retirement incentives; transfer funds resulting from salary savings or transfer balances resulting from under expenditures in operating accounts into Non-Departmental reserves to fund accrued liabilities and expend funds within Non-Departmental reserve to reduce said accrued liabilities;

(c) authorize preparation and submission of applications for grant funding; however,

acceptance of all grant awards is subject to the approval of the Board of Commissioners;

(d) adjust revenue and appropriation budgets between capital projects as necessary to

incorporate grant awards previously approved by the Board of Commissioners; close grant awards upon receipt of final payment and completion of the grant; adjust revenue and appropriations budgets at the time of grant closure to match collections and expenses, respectively;

(e) approve adjustment of revenues and appropriations within Department or Agency

for capital categories/projects and revise allocated funding previously approved, or, as appropriate, transfer appropriations among fiscal years for projects as necessary to allow completion of each project and cover existing obligations/expenses in accordance with the intent and actions of the Board of Commissioners; however, in no case shall appropriations exceed actual available funding sources;

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (5)

Resolution Number: BDG-2020 GCID Number: 2020-0038

(f) calculate savings associated with the future vacancy of any position and shall further

have the authority to amend the budget of such Department or Agency at the time a vacancy arises unless an exception has been granted;

(g) adjust revenue and appropriation budgets to incorporate collected revenue for

confiscated assets in Special Use Funds, all revenue in Authority Imaging Fund, bond

forfeitures, and capital projects to be allocated in contingencies or project specific

levels; and

(h) allocate $250,000 from the Other Miscellaneous budget in General Fund towards

efforts to address the opioid crisis in Gwinnett County.

3. The County Administrator to:

(a) transfer funds from Department or Agency budgets to Contribution to Capital

Projects for amounts up to $50,000;

(b) transfer funds within a capital fund from fund or program contingencies and/or

savings in existing projects to establish new projects for amounts up to $100,000;

(c) grant exceptions to the ninety day vacancy period upon petition by a County

department or Agency so as to permit the vacant position to be filled through hire

and appointment without a corresponding budgetary impact;

(d) reallocate funding among projects approved by the Board of Commissioners;

(e) allocate funds from the established Compensation Reserve to Department or

Agency budgets to provide funding for approved compensation actions; and (f) transfer funds to establish new projects related to economic development, Special

Purpose Local Option Sales Tax Programs or Enterprise Funds within a capital fund from fund or program contingencies and/or savings in existing projects.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that such amendments shall be recognized as

approved changes to this resolution in accordance with O.C.G.A. 36-81-3. These

authorities for transfers of appropriations shall not be used as an alternative to the

normal budget process and are intended to be used only when necessary to facilitate

the orderly management of projects and/or programs; transfers approved under these

authorities may not be used to change the approved scope or the objective of any

capital project; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the compensation for county appointments by

the Board of Commissioners to the various Boards and Authorities have been set (see-

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (6)

Resolution Number: BDG-2020 GCID Number: 2020-0038

attached schedule). This does not preclude any department from reimbursing those

members for actual expenses incurred in the performance of duty; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Board of Commissioners shall approve

increases in authorized positions. Vacant positions and associated budget may be

reallocated within the same Department or Agency or reassigned to another

Department or Agency and filled authorized positions and associated budget may be

reassigned at the same grade level between a Department or Agency with the

authorization of the County Administrator. 25 unallocated positions shall be available to

allocate to Department or Agency with the authorization of the County Administrator

as necessary; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that eligible County employees may receive a pay

increase as specified in the 2020 Compensation Plan. Pay increases shall be administered

in accordance with current procedures as established by the County Administrator.

Employee pay increases for any and all years beyond 2020 will depend upon availability of funds and appropriations by the Board of Commissioners; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the County Administrator is granted authority to

authorize benefits pursuant to O.C.G.A. §47-23-106 for retired Superior Court Judges.


Charlotte J. Nash, Chairman





County Clerk/Deputy County Clerk


Approved as to form:


Gwinnett County Staff Attorney

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (7)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia

General Fund - 001

Revenues: Taxes 288,883,228 Licenses and Permits 400,000 Intergovernmental 3,807,049 Charges for Services 26,605,078 Fines and Forfeitures 3,633,616 Investment Income 1,535,206 Contributions and Donations 154,514 Miscellaneous 1,708,748 Other Financing Sources 165,000 Revenues without Use of Fund Balance $ 326,892,439 Use of Fund Balance 41,968,485TOTAL REVENUES $ 368,860,924

Appropriations: Board of Commissioners 1,530,301 County Administration 1,559,463 Financial Services 10,007,377 Tax Commissioner 15,162,195 Transportation 25,616,315 Planning and Development 759,534 Police Services 2,965,733 Corrections 19,535,463 Community Services 14,705,354 Community Services Subsidies: Atlanta Regional Commission 1,204,895 Board of Health 1,574,641 Coalition for Health & Human Services 235,088 Dept of Family & Children's Services 660,638 Forestry 8,698 Indigent Medical 225,000 Library In-House Services 1,136,007 Library Subsidy 19,412,926 Mental Health 793,341 Total Community Services Subsidies 25,251,234 Community Services - Elections 11,013,658 Juvenile Court 8,702,916 Sheriff 106,922,315 Clerk of Court 12,123,106


FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (8)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia

Judiciary 27,447,287 Probate Court 3,177,490 District Attorney 18,647,243 Solicitor General 6,428,565 Support Services 165,842 Non-Departmental: Contingency 2,434,635 Contribution to Airport 40,000 Contribution to Capital 22,951,335 Contribution to Local Transit 11,750,000 Grant Match 100,000 Gwinnett Hospital Authority 1,000,000 Homelessness Initiative 1,000,000 Food Insecurity 150,000 Medical Examiner 1,321,997 Partnership Gwinnett 500,000 Pauper Burial 150,000 Reserves - Compensation 3,078,484 Reserves - Court Interpreters 775,550 Reserves - Court Reporters 300,000 Reserves - Fuel/Parts 44,000 Reserves - Indigent Defense 6,000,000 Reserves - Inmate Housing 25,000 Reserves - Judicial 50,000 Reserves - Pension 200,000 Reserves - Prisoner Medical 1,670,881 800 MHZ Maintenance 2,802,391 Other Governmental Agencies 515,000 Other Miscellaneous 280,260 Total Non-Departmental 57,139,533TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 368,860,924


FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (9)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia

Development & Enforcement District Fund - 104

Revenues: Taxes 7,761,647 Licenses and Permits 4,273,325 Intergovernmental 40,000 Charges for Services 573,700 Investment Income 165,000 Revenues without Use of Fund Balance $ 12,813,672 Use of Fund Balance 3,595,686TOTAL REVENUES $ 16,409,358

Appropriations: Planning and Development 13,527,529

2,881,829TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 16,409,358

Fire and EMS District Fund - 102

Revenues: Taxes 103,868,630 Licenses and Permits 915,350 Intergovernmental 680,000 Charges for Services 15,618,060 Investment Income 590,000 Miscellaneous 3,000 Revenues without Use of Fund Balance $ 121,675,040

25,190,453TOTAL REVENUES $ 146,865,493

Appropriations: Planning and Development 1,006,747 Fire and Emergency Services 133,938,946

11,919,800TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 146,865,493


Use of Fund Balance



FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (10)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia

Loganville EMS District Fund - 103

Revenues: Investment Income 11,500 Revenues without Use of Fund Balance $ 11,500 Use of Fund Balance 42,669TOTAL REVENUES $ 54,169

Appropriations: Loganville EMS 54,169TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 54,169

Police Services District Fund - 106

Revenues: Taxes 104,822,295 Licenses and Permits 4,289,700 Intergovernmental 287,875 Charges for Services 1,023,500 Fines and Forfeitures 7,688,555 Investment Income 1,000,000 Miscellaneous 305,000 Revenues without Use of Fund Balance $ 119,416,925 Use of Fund Balance 24,803,228TOTAL REVENUES $ 144,220,153

Appropriations: Planning and Development 1,552,958 Police Services 131,307,314 Recorder's Court 2,139,896 Solicitor General 749,768 Clerk of Recorders Court 1,872,197 Non-Departmental 6,598,020TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 144,220,153


FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (11)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia

Recreation Fund - 105

Revenues: Taxes 31,585,995 Intergovernmental 202,637 Charges for Services 5,005,173 Investment Income 227,000 Contributions and Donations 12,900 Miscellaneous 2,649,039 Other Financing Sources 21,930 Revenues without Use of Fund Balance $ 39,704,674 Use of Fund Balance 6,694,817TOTAL REVENUES $ 46,399,491

Appropriations: Community Services 44,399,215 Support Services 282,916

1,717,360TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 46,399,491

Speed Hump Fund - 003

Revenues: Charges for Services 126,408 Investment Income 19,500 Revenues without Use of Fund Balance $ 145,908 Use of Fund Balance 289,789TOTAL REVENUES $ 435,697

Appropriations: Transportation 435,697TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 435,697



FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (12)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia

Street Lighting Fund - 002

Revenues: Charges for Services 7,568,042 Investment Income 13,000TOTAL REVENUES $ 7,581,042

Appropriations: Transportation 7,580,514

Appropriations without Contribution to Fund Balance $ 7,580,949 Contribution to Fund Balance 93


Authority Imaging Fund - 020Revenues: Charges for Services 637,382 Investment Income 2,490TOTAL REVENUES $ 639,872

Appropriations: Contribution to Fund Balance 639,872TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 639,872

Corrections Inmate Welfare Fund - 085

Revenues: Charges for Services 118,500 Miscellaneous 11,700TOTAL REVENUES $ 130,200

Appropriations: Corrections 73,755 Appropriations without Contribution to Fund Balance $ 73,755 Contribution to Fund Balance 56,445TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 130,200


Non-Departmental 435

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (13)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia

Crime Victims Assistance Fund - 075

Revenues: Fines and Forfeitures 733,979 Investment Income 2,500 Revenues without Use of Fund Balance $ 736,479 Use of Fund Balance 201,408TOTAL REVENUES $ 937,887


District Attorney Solicitor General


DA Federal Justice Asset Sharing Fund - 080

Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 175,000TOTAL REVENUES $ 175,000

Appropriations: District Attorney 175,000TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 175,000

E-911 Fund - 095

Revenues: Charges for Services 18,114,000 Investment Income 415,000 Revenues without Use of Fund Balance $ 18,529,000 Use of Fund Balance 8,769,718TOTAL REVENUES $ 27,298,718

Appropriations: Police Services 22,706,465 Non-Departmental 4,592,253TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 27,298,718





FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (14)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia

Juvenile Court Supervision Fund - 030

Revenues: Charges for Services 55,883TOTAL REVENUES $ 55,883

Appropriations: Juvenile Court 39,450 Appropriations without Contribution to Fund Balance $ 39,450 Contribution to Fund Balance 16,433TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 55,883

Police Special Justice Fund - 070

Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 111,000TOTAL REVENUES $ 111,000

Appropriations: Police Services 111,000TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 111,000

Police Special State Fund - 072

Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 951,334TOTAL REVENUES $ 951,334

Appropriations: Police Services 951,334TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 951,334

Sheriff Inmate Fund - 090

Revenues: Charges for Services 715,330TOTAL REVENUES $ 715,330

Appropriations: Sheriff 652,500 Appropriations without Contribution to Fund Balance $ 652,500 Contribution to Fund Balance 62,830TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 715,330


FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (15)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia

Sheriff Special Justice Fund - 065

Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 200,000TOTAL REVENUES $ 200,000

Appropriations: Sheriff 200,000TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 200,000

Sheriff Special Treasury Fund - 066

Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 200,000TOTAL REVENUES $ 200,000

Appropriations: Sheriff 200,000TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 200,000

Sheriff Special State Fund - 067

Revenues: Use of Fund Balance 200,000TOTAL REVENUES $ 200,000

Appropriations: Sheriff 200,000TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 200,000


FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (16)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia

Stadium Fund - 055

Revenues: Taxes 880,425 Intergovernmental 400,000 Charges for Services 1,117,188TOTAL REVENUES $ 2,397,613

Appropriations: Stadium Operations 2,127,790 Appropriations without Contribution to Fund Balance $ Contribution to Fund BalanceTOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 2,397,613

Tree Bank Fund - 040

Revenues: Licenses and Permits 15,000 Revenues without Use of Fund Balance $ 15,000 Use of Fund Balance 5,000TOTAL REVENUES $ 20,000

Appropriations: Planning and Development 20,000TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 20,000

Tourism Fund - 050

Revenues: Taxes 11,806,390 Charges for Services 150 Revenues without Use of Fund Balance $ 11,806,540 Use of Fund Balance 997,594TOTAL REVENUES $ 12,804,134

Appropriations: Tourism 12,804,134TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 12,804,134


2,127,790 269,823

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (17)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia

Airport Operating Fund - 520

Revenues: Charges for Services 160,000 Miscellaneous 1,140,000 Other Financing Sources 40,000 Revenues without Use of Net Position $ 1,340,000 Use of Net Position 164,424TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,504,424

Appropriations: Transportation 1,496,768 Non-Departmental 7,656TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 1,504,424

Economic Development Operating Fund - 530

Revenues: Miscellaneous 3,958,869 Revenues without Use of Fund Balance $ 3,958,869 Use of Fund Balance 1,467,753TOTAL REVENUES $ 5,426,622

Appropriations: Non-Departmental 5,426,622TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 5,426,622

Local Transit Operating Fund - 515

Revenues: Charges for Services 3,957,534 Investment Income 190,000 Miscellaneous 20,000 Other Financing Sources 11,750,000 Revenues without Use of Net Position $ 15,917,534 Use of Net Position 791,340TOTAL REVENUES $ 16,708,874

Appropriations: Transportation 16,700,039



Non-Departmental 8,835

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (18)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia

Solid Waste Operating Fund - 595

Revenues: Taxes 775,000 Charges for Services 41,351,452 Investment Income 850,000 Miscellaneous 100TOTAL REVENUES $ 42,976,552

Appropriations: Support Services 40,797,294 Non-Departmental 18,253 Appropriations without Working Capital Reserve $ 40,815,547 Working Capital Reserve 2,161,005TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 42,976,552

Stormwater Operating Fund - 590

Revenues: Charges for Services 30,186,728 Investment Income 330,000 Miscellaneous 20,000 Revenues without Use of Net Position $ 30,536,728 Use of Net Position 75,297TOTAL REVENUES $ 30,612,025

Appropriations: Planning and Development 979,087 Water Resources 29,478,244 Non-Departmental 154,694TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 30,612,025


FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (19)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia

Water and Sewer Operating Fund - 501

Revenues: Charges for Services 347,175,348 Investment Income 1,000,000 Contributions and Donations 17,802,232 Miscellaneous 50,000 Revenues without Use of Net Position $ 366,027,580 Use of Net Position 20,533,081TOTAL REVENUES $ 386,560,661

Appropriations: Planning and Development 1,021,277 Water Resources 384,747,081 Non-Departmental 792,303TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 386,560,661

Administrative Support Fund - 665

Revenues: Charges for Services 86,330,120 Investment Income 160,000 Miscellaneous 243,438 Revenues without Use of Net Position $ 86,733,558 Use of Net Position 458,131TOTAL REVENUES $ 87,191,689

Appropriations: County Administration 5,746,408 Financial Services 11,531,257 Human Resources 4,571,076 Information Technology Services 44,316,813 Law 2,766,292 Support Services 16,627,565 Non-Departmental 1,632,278TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 87,191,689


FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (20)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia

Auto Liability Fund - 606

Revenues: Charges for Services 2,250,000 Investment Income 44,000 Revenues without Use of Net Position $ 2,294,000 Use of Net Position 54,934TOTAL REVENUES $ 2,348,934

Appropriations: Financial Services 2,348,934TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 2,348,934

Fleet Management Fund - 610

Revenues: Charges for Services 8,750,693 Miscellaneous 367,865TOTAL REVENUES $ 9,118,558

Appropriations: Support Services 8,148,517 Non-Departmental 720,590 Appropriations without Working Capital Reserve $ 8,869,107 Working Capital Reserve 249,451TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 9,118,558

Group Self-Insurance Fund - 605

Revenues: Charges for Services 66,348,258 Investment Income 540,000 Revenues without Use of Net Position $ 66,888,258 Use of Net Position 609,305TOTAL REVENUES $ 67,497,563

Appropriations: Human Resources 67,473,604 Non-Departmental 23,959TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 67,497,563


FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (21)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia

Risk Management Fund - 602

Revenues: Charges for Services 6,850,000 Investment Income 148,000 Revenues without Use of Net Position $ 6,998,000 Use of Net Position 2,499,755TOTAL REVENUES $ 9,497,755

Appropriations: Financial Services 9,482,112 Non-Departmental 15,643TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 9,497,755

Workers' Compensation Fund - 604

Revenues: Charges for Services 3,500,000 Investment Income 202,500 Revenues without Use of Net Position $ 3,702,500 Use of Net Position 1,882,980TOTAL REVENUES $ 5,585,480

Appropriations: Human Resources 5,574,753 Non-Departmental 10,727TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 5,585,480


Total Operating Funds $ 1,442,692,435

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (22)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia



Capital Projects

Revenues: Investment Income 3,673,000 - Contributions and Donations 128,890 364,385 Other Financing Sources 42,314,658 103,452,666 Revenues without Use of Fund Balance $ 46,116,548 $ 103,817,051 Use of Fund Balance 13,254,498 22,373,818TOTAL REVENUES $ 59,371,046 $ 126,190,869

Appropriations: Community Services 1,171,400 6,650,000 County Administration 70,000 350,000 District Attorney 90,000 - Financial Services 3,673,000 - Fire and Emergency Services 2,839,426 14,244,178 Information Technology 17,359,624 15,557,096 Planning and Development 710,000 - Police Services 1,625,500 518,679 Sheriff 532,135 1,394,481 Solicitor General 135,000 - Support Services 28,680,456 65,712,050 Tax Commissioner - 2,600,000 Transportation 1,212,500 19,150,000 Non-Departmental 1,272,005 14,385TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 59,371,046 $ 126,190,869

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (23)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia



Capital Vehicle Replacements

Revenues: Investment Income 900,000 - Other Financing Sources 14,126,017 78,754,340 Revenues without Use of Fund Balance $ 15,026,017 $ 78,754,340 Use of Fund Balance (3,933,017) 57,296,482TOTAL REVENUES $ 11,093,000 $ 136,050,822

Appropriations: Community Services 387,000 10,321,822 Corrections 222,500 4,182,489 County Administration - 138,935 District Attorney 260,000 2,143,752 Financial Services 25,500 619,534 Fire and Emergency Services - 5,012,629 Information Technology - 180,752 Juvenile Court 50,000 425,380 Planning and Development 35,000 2,234,164 Police Services 2,092,500 76,223,440 Sheriff 1,752,000 15,791,062 Solicitor General - 365,649 Support Services 356,500 2,628,258 Tax Commissioner - 104,208 Transportation 5,012,000 15,678,747 Non-Departmental 900,000 -TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 11,093,000 $ 136,050,822

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (24)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia



2009 Special Local Option Sales Tax

Revenues: Investment Income 792,000 -TOTAL REVENUES $ 792,000 $ -

Appropriations: Community Services 175,000 - Fire and Emergency Services 54,000 - Libraries 14,000 - Police Services 19,000 - Support Services 105,000 - Transportation 425,000 -TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 792,000 $ -

2014 Special Local Option Sales Tax

Revenues: Investment Income 2,000,000 - Revenues without Use of Fund Balance $ 2,000,000 $ - Use of Fund Balance 7,941,000 9,259,835TOTAL REVENUES $ 9,941,000 $ 9,259,835

Appropriations: Community Services 151,000 - Fire and Emergency Services 148,900 - Libraries 60,000 - Police Services 182,100 - Sheriff 28,000 - Support Services 30,000 - Transportation 9,341,000 9,259,835TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 9,941,000 $ 9,259,835

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (25)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia



2017 Special Local Option Sales Tax

Revenues: Taxes 146,120,771 333,140,421 Intergovernmental - 125,710 Investment Income 4,000,000 - Revenues without Use of Fund Balance $ 150,120,771 $ 333,266,131 Use of Fund Balance (6,592,375) 9,374,400TOTAL REVENUES $ 143,528,396 $ 342,640,531

Appropriations: Community Services 15,665,645 38,547,570 Financial Services 33,689,431 77,449,880 Fire and Emergency Services 6,810,861 15,014,037 Libraries 9,328,690 3,863,790 Support Services 60,000 3,450,700 Transportation 77,613,769 204,314,554 Non-Departmental 360,000 -TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 143,528,396 $ 342,640,531

Airport Renewal & Extension

Revenues: Other Financing Sources - 800,096 Revenues without Use of Net Position $ - $ 800,096 Use of Net Position 226,000 175,761TOTAL REVENUES $ 226,000 $ 975,857

Appropriations: Support Services - 490,057 Transportation 226,000 485,800TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 226,000 $ 975,857

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (26)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia



Stormwater Renewal & Extension

Revenues: Investment Income 260,000 - Other Financing Sources 19,391,330 104,033,293 Revenues without Use of Net Position $ 19,651,330 $ 104,033,293 Use of Net Position (6,443) 6,443TOTAL REVENUES $ 19,644,887 $ 104,039,736

Appropriations: Information Technology 40,595 44,194 Planning and Development - 38,643 Water Resources 19,604,292 103,956,899TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 19,644,887 $ 104,039,736

Transit Renewal & Extension

Revenues: Other Financing Sources 1,501,661 5,270,310 Revenues without Use of Net Position $ 1,501,661 $ 5,270,310 Use of Net Position (39,161) 2,320,835TOTAL REVENUES $ 1,462,500 $ 7,591,145

Appropriations: Transportation 1,462,500 7,591,145TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 1,462,500 $ 7,591,145

Water & Sewer Renewal & Extension

Revenues: Investment Income 1,000,000 - Other Financing Sources 154,380,832 746,413,295 Revenues without Use of Net Position $ 155,380,832 $ 746,413,295 Use of Net Position (5,615) 5,615TOTAL REVENUES $ 155,375,217 $ 746,418,910

Appropriations: Information Technology 446,555 486,171 Planning and Development - 33,847 Water Resources 154,928,662 745,898,892TOTAL APPROPRIATIONS $ 155,375,217 $ 746,418,910

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (27)

FY 2020 BudgetResolution Summary

Gwinnett County, Georgia



Total Capital Funds $ 401,434,046 $ 1,473,167,705

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (28)


Intergovernmental FundsFederal 12,569,011 State 2,030,368 Local 364,042


Appropriations: Local 364,042 Misc. Grants 14,599,380



Intergovernmental FundsFederal 18,733,356 Local 564,186


Appropriations: Local 564,186 Community Development Block Grant 11,290,475 HOME Investment Partnerships Program 6,027,132 Emergency Solutions Grant 945,411 Neighborhood Stabilization Program 470,339



Intergovernmental FundsFederal 14,716,419


Appropriations: Federal Transit Administration 14,716,419


2020 Budget

FY 2020 Adopted Budget

Gwinnett County, GeorgiaResolution Summary

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia· 2020-01-08· resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (29)


Board Title Department Member Compensation

Construction Adjustments and Appeals Board

Licensing and Revenue Board of Appeals

Merit Board

Municipal-Gwinnett County Planning Commission

Registration & Elections Board

Tax Assessors

Zoning Board of Appeals

Planning & Development Planning & Development Human Resources

Planning & Development Community Services

Financial Services Planning & Development

$150/meeting attended $75/meeting or appeal hearing for Non-county employees only $150/meeting or hearing or less than four hours; $250/meeting or hearing four hours or longer $150 per meeting Chair - $200 per month Members - $150 month $50 per special called meeting attended $300 per meeting $150 per meeting

FY 2020 Adopted Budget Gwinnett County, Georgia · 2020-01-08 · resolution number: bdg-2020 gcid number: 2020-0038 gwinnett county . board of commissioners. lawrenceville, georgia. - [PDF Document] (2024)


What is the proposed budget for Gwinnett County 2024? ›

The proposed budget for 2024 totals $2.5 billion. It consists of a $1.96 billion operating budget and a $542 million capital improvements budget, which includes funds from the County's Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax program.

What is the budget for Gwinnett County? ›

2024 Gwinnett County Budget Latest News

The Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners has approved a $2.53 billion budget to fund County operations and projects for the year.

What is the Gwinnett County Capital Improvement Plan? ›

The Capital Improvement Plan for the Department of Community Services is comprised of projects that help provide a comprehensive and coordinated system of facilities for the provision of high-quality recreational, educational, health and human services, and other services to Gwinnett County residents.

What is the budget request for DHS 2024? ›

The Homeland Security bill includes $91.515 billion in total discretionary appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security, including $62.793 billion within the bill's allocation, $5.837 billion in discretionary appropriations offset by fee collections, and $20.261 billion as an allocation adjustment for major ...

What is the Georgia budget surplus? ›

PRESS RELEASE: Georgia Budget & Policy Institute Publishes New Report on Georgia's $16 Billion Surplus. ATLANTA, GEORGIA – Danny Kanso, Senior Fiscal Analyst at the Georgia Budget & Policy Institute, has recently published a report on Georgia's staggering surplus of $16 billion, as of the close of Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 ...

What is a capital improvement to a home? ›

A capital improvement is a permanent alteration to addition to a property that increases its value or useability. Residential capital improvements are granted special tax treatment: the money spent to improve a home can be deducted from the capital gains when the home is sold.

What are the four primary components of a capital improvement plan? ›

Key Parts of a Capital Plan

Estimated overall cost of each capital project. Estimated operational and maintenance cost for each project. Estimated project timelines. Total revenues from each project.

What is the capital improvement program or plan? ›

A capital improvement plan (CIP) is a community planning and fiscal management tool used to coordinate the location, timing and financing of capital improvements over a multi-year period — usually 4-6 years.

What is the proposed budget for 2024? ›

BB2024-01: DIMENSIONS OF THE 2024 NATIONAL GOVERNMENT BUDGET (AS ENACTED UNDER RA NO. 11975) The 2024 GAA authorizes an expenditure program amounting to P5,767.6 billion which is 9.5% higher than last year's spending level, and is equivalent to 21.8% of the projected GDP this year.

Will there be a budget in 2024? ›

The Finance (No. 2) Act 2024 was introduced on 12 March 2024 as the Finance (No. 2) Bill 2023-24. It follows the 2024 Budget, which took place on 6 March.

What is the budget for the State Department in 2024? ›

The President's Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Budget Request for the State Department and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is $63.1 billion for foreign assistance and diplomatic engagement, which includes $32 billion in foreign assistance for USAID fully- and partially-managed accounts, $3 billion ...

What is the budget for the NIH FY 2024? ›

Congress has given the National Institutes of Health (NIH) an essentially flat budget of $47.1 billion, in a final 2024 spending bill that lawmakers are expected to approve in time to avert a partial government shutdown this weekend.


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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.